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Firebase Javascript SDK
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chore(deps): update dependency firebase-tools to v13 [security] #8218

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 weeks ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
firebase-tools 11.30.0 -> 13.6.0 age adoption passing confidence

GitHub Vulnerability Alerts


This vulnerability was a potential CSRF attack. When running the Firebase emulator suite, there is an export endpoint that is used normally to export data from running emulators. If a user was running the emulator and navigated to a malicious website with the exploit on a browser that allowed calls to localhost (ie Chrome before v94), the website could exfiltrate emulator data. We recommend upgrading past version 13.6.0 or commit 068a2b08dc308c7ab4b569617f5fc8821237e3a0.

Release Notes

firebase/firebase-tools (firebase-tools) ### [`v13.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Released Firestore Emulator 1.19.4. This version fixes a minor bug with reserve ids and adds a `reset` endpoint for Datastore Mode. - Released PubSub Emulator 0.8.2. This version includes support for `no_wrapper` options. - Fixes issue where GitHub actions service account cannot add preview URLs to Auth authorized domains. ([#​6895]( - Fixes issue where GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT breaks functions source uploads ([#​6917]( ### [`v13.5.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix hosting rewrite deployment bug for skipped functions ([#​6658]( ### [`v13.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Release Emulator Suite UI v1.11.8 which adds support for Multiple DBs in the Emulator UI Firestore page via editing the URL. ([#​6874]( ### [`v13.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Enable dynamic debugger port for functions + support for inspecting multiple codebases ([#​6854]( - Inject an environment variable in the node functions emulator to tell the google-gax SDK not to look for the metadata service. ([#​6860]( - Release Firestore Emulator 1.19.3 which fixes ancestor and namespace scope queries for Datastore Mode. This release also fixes internal errors seen across REST API and firebase-js-sdk. - v2 scheduled functions with explicit service accounts trigger eventarc to use that service account ([#​6858]( - v2 event functions with explicit service accounts trigger eventarc to use that service account ([#​6859]( ### [`v13.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Released Firestore emulator v1.19.2, which fixes some bugs affecting client SDKs when in Datastore Mode. - Fix demo projects + web frameworks with emulators ([#​6737]( - Fix Next.js static routes with server actions ([#​6664]( - Fixed an issue where `GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT` was not correctly respected. ([#​6801]( - Make VPC egress settings in functions parameterizeable ([#​6843]( ### [`v13.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Added new commands for managing Firestore backups and restoring databases. ([#​6778]( - Fixed quota attribution for Firebase Auth API calls. ([#​6819]( ### [`v13.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.1: - Adds support for Datastore Mode to the Firstore Emulator. Adds `--database-mode` flag to `gcloud emulator firestore start` command. Note that this is a preview feature and if you find any bugs, please file them here: . - Improve FAH onboarding flow to connect backends with SCMs ([#​6764]( - Fixed issue where GitHub actions would fail due to lack of permission. ([#​6791]( ### [`v13.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Improved detection for when login has expired due to Google Cloud Session Control. ([#​1846]( - Added support for Python 3.12. ([#​6679]( - Fixed issues with internal utilities. ([#​6754]( - Fixed an issue where `firestore:delete` wouldn't target the emulator when expected. ([#​6537]( ### [`v13.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed an issue where `appdistribution:distribute` would always attempt to run tests. ([#​6749]( ### [`v13.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Added rudimentary email enumeration protection for auth emulator. ([#​6702]( ### [`v13.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Point v2 function target to entrypoint. ([#​6698]( - Fixed issue where Auth emulator sign in with Google only shows default tenant. ([#​6683]( - Prevent the use of pinTags + minInstances on the same function, as the features are not mutually compatible ([#​6684]( - Added force flag to delete backend ([#​6635]( - Use framework build target in Vite builds ([#​6643]( - Use framework build target in NODE_ENV for production Vite builds ([#​6644]( - Let framework handle public directory with emulator. ([#​6674]( - Dynamically import Vite to fix deprecated CJS build warning. ([#​6660]( - Fixed unsafe array spreads on Hosting deploys. ([#​6712]( ### [`v13.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed typo in Cloud storage bucket metadata location type. ([#​6648]( - Fixed an issue where including `export` in .env files caused parsing errors. ([#​6629]( ### [`v13.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix Next.js dynamic and static OG images. ([#​6592]( - Address a regression introduced in 13.0.1 when emulating Vite applications. ([#​6599]( - Add RSC headers of Next.js app directory pages to Hosting headers. ([#​6608]( ### [`v13.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix bug where deploying Firestore function resulted in redudant API calls to the Firestore API ([#​6583]( - Fix an issue preventing Vite applications from being emulated on Windows. ([#​6411]( - Addressed an issue preventing Astro applications from being deployed from Windows. ([#​5709]( - Fixed an issue preventing Angular apps using ng-deploy from being emulated or deployed. ([#​6584]( - Warn if a Web Framework is outside a well known version range on deploy/emulate. ([#​6562]( - Use Web Framework's well known version range in `firebase init hosting`. ([#​6562]( - Permit use of more SSR regions in Web Frameworks deploys. ([#​6086]( - Limit Web Framework's generated Cloud Function name to 23 characters, fixing deploys for some. ([#​6260]( - Allow Nuxt as an option during `firebase init hosting`. ([#​6309]( ### [`v13.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Breaking: dropped support for running the CLI on Node.js v16. - Breaking: Refactored `functions:shell` to remove dependency on deprecated `request` module. - As part of this change, removed support for some rarely used features of `request`. - Breaking: Removed deprecated `ext:dev:publish` command. Use `ext:dev:upload` instead. - Added support for running the CLI on Node.js v20. - Switched Storage deployment to use GetDefaultBucket endpoint to fetch default Storage bucket. ([#​6467]( - Fixed an issue with emulating blocking functions when using multiple codebases ([#​6504]( - Added force flag call-out for bypassing prompts ([#​6506]( - Added the ability to deploy Angular apps using [the new application-builder]( ([#​6480]( - Fixed an issue where `--non-interactive` flag is not respected in Firestore indexes deploys. ([#​6539]( - Fixed an issue where `login:use` would not work outside of a Firebase project directory. ([#​6526]( - Prevent app router static `not-found` requiring a Cloud Function in Next.js deployments. ([#​6558]( - Use only site id from site name in list versions API. ([#​6565]( ### [`v12.9.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixes issue where initializing Hosting fails when selecting a project. ([#​6527]( ### [`v12.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Revert enabling preferRest by default to avoid performance degradations for some users ([#​6520]( - Fix blocking functions in the emulator when using multiple codebases ([#​6504]( - Add force flag call-out for bypassing prompts ([#​6506]( - Fixed an issue where the functions emulator did not respect the `--log-verbosity` flag ([#​2859]( - Add the ability to look for the default Hosting site via Hosting's API. - Add logic to create a Hosting site when one is not available in a project. - Add checks for the default Hosting site when one is assumed to exist. ### [`v12.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed 2 bugs (unintended database mode changes and disabling of PITR or delete-protection) when updating Firestore databases ([#​6478]( ### [`v12.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Enable [preferRest]( option by default for Firestore functions. ([#​6147]( - Fixed a bug where re-deploying 2nd Gen Firestore function failed after updating secrets. ([#​6456]( - Fixed a bug where similarly-named Hosting channels would cause issues when updating authorized domains. ([#​6356]( ### [`v12.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix type mismatch for parametrized function region. ([#​6205]( - Ignore `FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST` environment variable on functions deploy. ([#​6442]( - Added support for enabling, disabling, and displaying Point In Time Recovery enablement state on Firestore databases ([#​6388]( - Added a `--verbosity` flag to `emulators:*` commands that limits what logs are printed ([#​2859]( - Fixed an issue where params would not be resolved when used to set VPC connector during functions deployment ([#​6327]( ### [`v12.6.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed an issue with deploying multilevel grouped functions containing v2 functions. ([#​6419]( - Fixed an issue where functions deployment required a new permission. ### [`v12.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed an issue where the functions service account option was not treated as a param ([#​6389]( - Fixed an issue with deploying function groups containing v2 functions. ([#​6408]( - Use GetDefaultBucket endpoint to fetch Storage Default Bucket. ### [`v12.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Improve performance and reliability when deploying multiple 2nd gen functions using single builds. ([#​6376]( - Fixed an issue where `emulators:export` did not check if the target folder is empty. ([#​6313]( - Fixed an issue where retry could not be set for event triggered functions. ([#​6391]( - Fixed "Could not find the next executable" on Next.js deployments ([#​6372]( - Fixed issues caused by breaking changes in Next >=v13.5.0. ([#​6382]( ### [`v12.5.4`]( [Compare Source]( - Released Firestore emulator v1.18.2. - Removed nano precision in timestamp used in Firestore emulator ([#​5893]( - Fixed a bug where query behaves differently from production. - Fixed an issue where very long command outputs would be cut off. ([#​3286]( ### [`v12.5.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed an issue where builds from could not run commands that spawn `npm`. ([#​6132]( - Fixed an issue where `--non-interactive` and `--force` were not respected in some extension deploys. ([#​6321]( - Fixed the regex in extensions changelog parser to lazy match the version prefix to allow matching higher versions ([#​6326]( ### [`v12.5.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed an issue causing unexpected behavior and errors on functions deploy. ([#​6290]( ### [`v12.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix issue with mixed v1 and v2 functions deployments. ([#​6293]( ### [`v12.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed issue where the Extensions emulator would error when emualting local extensions with no params. ([#​6271]( - Improved performance and reliability when deploying multiple 2nd gen functions using single builds. ([#​6275]( - Fix bundle next.config.js ([#​6287]( ### [`v12.4.8`]( [Compare Source]( - Increased functions emulator HTTPS body size limit to 32mb to match production. ([#​6201]( - Fixed Astro web framework bug when loading configuration for version `2.9.7` and above. ([#​6213]( - Increase Next.js config bundle timeout to 60 seconds. ([#​6214]( ### [`v12.4.7`]( [Compare Source]( - Improve error message raised when `firebase init hosting:github` fails due to max number of keys limit for a service account. ([#​6145]( - Fixed bug where `functions:secrets:\*` family of commands did not work when Firebase CLI is authenticated via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS ([#​6190]( - Fixed bug where some extension instance updates would default to the wrong location. ### [`v12.4.6`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed an issue where extension instances could not be deployed when authenticated as a service account ([#​6060]( - Fixed `glob` usage in Next.js utility function to detect images in `app` directory ([#​6166]( - Send experiments activated with `firebase experiments:enable` to the emulator suite UI ([#​6169]( ### [`v12.4.5`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed bug where `functions:secrets:set` didn't remove stale versions of a secret. ([#​6080]( - Fixed bug where `firebase deploy --only firestore:named-db` didn't update rules. ([#​6129]( - Fixed issue where Flutter Web is not detected as a web framework. ([#​6085]( - Added better messages for API permissions failures that direct the user to the URL to enable the API. ([#​6130]( - Fixed issue caused by adding type checks in [#​5906]( - Fixed `next/image` component in app directory for Next.js > 13.4.9. ([#​6143]( - Fixed bug where Next.js Image Optimization in the app directory was not requiring a Cloud Function. ([#​6143]( - Fixed a transitive dependency on a vulnerable version of `vm2`. ([#​6150]( ### [`v12.4.4`]( [Compare Source]( - Disables KeepAlive timeout when debugger is attached to the functions emulator. ([#​6069]( - Fixed an issue where `database:list` would have inaccurate results. ([#​6063]( ### [`v12.4.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed incorrect links in `firebase open hosting` and `firebase open crash`. ([#​6073]( - Released Firebase Emulator UI v1.11.7, which includes preview support for multiple Firestore databases. ([#​6079]( ### [`v12.4.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Run lifecycle hooks for specific functions. ([#​6023]( - Increased extension instance create poll timeout to 1h to match backend ([#​5969]( - Refactored `ext:install` to use the latest extension metadata. ([#​5997]( - Added descriptive error when repo is private or not found during `ext:dev:upload`. ([#​6052]( - Fixed issue where missing trigger warnings would be wrongly displayed when emulating extensions with HTTPS triggers. ([#​6055]( - Normalized extension root path before usage in `ext:dev:upload`. ([#​6054]( ### [`v12.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Release Firestore emulator 1.18.1 which addes a emulator configuration to start with experimental mode ([#​5942]( - Run lifecycle hooks for specific codebases. ([#​6011]( - Fixed issue causing `firebase emulators:start` to crash in Next.js apps ([#​6005]( ### [`v12.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Added `appdistribution:group:create` and `appdistribution:group:delete`. ([#​5978]( - Added `--group-alias` option to `appdistribution:testers:add` and `appdistribution:testers:remove`. ([#​5978]( - Fixed an issue where Storage rules could not be deployed to projects without a billing plan. ([#​5955]( ### [`v12.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Delete and re-create v2 function on Cloud Run API quota exhaustion ([#​5719]( - firebase functions:secrets:\* ensure the secretmanager API is enabled ([#​5918]( ### [`v12.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix a bug preventing web framework's dev-mode from working out-of-box with Firebase Authentication. ([#​5894]( - Address additional cases where we were attempting to deploy a framework's development bundle ([#​5895]( - NextJS rewrites should be prefixed with the basePath defined in next.config.js ([#​5923]( - Web Frameworks emulators will again respect existing Cloud Functions rewrites ([#​5923]( - Web Frameworks rewrites/redirects/headers will only prepend those in firebase.json if there's a baseUrl ([#​5923]( - Fixes issue where Authentication emulator creates a user if empty email and empty password is provided. ([#​5639]( - Improve error message raised when `--import` flag directory does not exist. ([#​5851]( - Switch `ext:dev:init` to default 'billingRequired' to true in `extension.yaml` - Remove `LOCATION` param from the `extensions.yaml` template for `ext:dev:init` - Support Astro hybrid rendering ([#​5898]( ### [`v12.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Gracefully close rules runtime on storage emulator stop ([#​4902]( - Always assume build target of production when deploying a web framework, unless overridden ([#​5892]( ### [`v12.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Update error message when function deploy fails due to quota. ([#​5867]( - Fixes RTDB emulator namespace resolution bug. ([#​5863]( - Improves RTDB emulator to GCF emulator network reliability. ([#​5863]( - Allow for Angular developers to both target a PWA and leverage `serveOptimizedImages`. ([#​5716]( - Multi-page applications that are fully staticly rendered are no longer treated as PWAs. ([#​5716]( - Add fast dev-mode support for devlopers using Nuxt v2. ([#​5716]( - Respect `ssr: false` and `baseURL` when using Nuxt. ([#​5716]( - Fix bug where JS SDK auto-init was not working for Vite while in dev-mode ([#​5610]( - Respect `FIREBASE_FRAMEWORKS_BUILD_TARGET` environment variable to override the default build target ([#​5572]( - Improves cleanup process when reloading emulated functions in debug mode. ([#​5878]( - Allow Web Frameworks to target NodeJS v20. ([#​5879]( ### [`v12.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixes an issue running `firebase emulators:start` when Python Cloud Functions directory path has spaces. ([#​5854]( - Add support for nodejs20 for Cloud Functions for Firebase. ([#​5837]( - Add Flutter Web as an option in "firebase init hosting" ([#​5864]( - Some failures while building Web Frameworks were not being caught ([#​5864]( ### [`v12.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixes an issue in the EventArc emualtor where events missing optional fields would cause crashes. ([#​5803]( - Fixes an issue running `firebase emulators:start` and `firebase deploy` when Python Cloud Functions directory path has spaces. ([#​5830]( ### [`v12.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( - **Breaking**: drops support for running the CLI on Node.js v14. - Adds `ext:dev:*` commands to publish and manage Extensions. For step-by-step instructions on how to publish your own Extensions, see - Note: These commands were previously available to early access users behind an experiment flag. There are some breaking changes from the early access version of these commands. - `ext:dev:publish` has been renamed to `ext:dev:upload`. `ext:dev:upload` defaults to uploading extensions from GitHub instead of local source. - `ext:dev:publish` is deprecated and will be removed in version 13. - `ext:dev:delete`, `ext:dev:unpublish`, `ext:sources:create` and `ext:dev:emualtors:*` have been removed. - Support for Next.js i18n, basePath, and more advanced rewrites/redirects/headers ([#​5788]( - hosting.frameworksBackend now respects omit: true ([#​5788]( - Web Frameworks now memoizes framework builds for single builds across multiple hosting sites ([#​5788]( - Add support for Angular i18n and baseHref ([#​5774]( - Trip the backend requirement for Angular applications using ng-deploy w/serveOptimizedImages ([#​5774]( - Fixes a bug where the Storage emulator would not fall back to open rules for 'demo-' projects if `firebase.json` contained multiple storage targets ([#​5170]( - Updates `firebase init` function templates for TypeScript and Javascript to 2nd gen ([#​5775]( - Allow for atomic deployment of Hosting content & Functions rewrites via tag pinning ([#​5753](


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changeset-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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google-oss-bot commented 2 weeks ago

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google-oss-bot commented 2 weeks ago

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