firebase / firebase-js-sdk

Firebase Javascript SDK
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[FCM] `updateToken` always blocked by CORS #8225

Open k-1ee opened 3 weeks ago

k-1ee commented 3 weeks ago

Operating System

MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1

Browser Version


Firebase SDK Version


Firebase SDK Product:


Describe your project's tooling

Next.js app

Describe the problem

When getToken is called with an expired FCM token, the SDK attempts to update the token by making a call to updateToken, which sends a PATCH request to the Firebase backend. However, this update sequence always fails due to the following CORS error:

Access to fetch at '{projectId}/registrations/{token}' from origin '...' has been blocked by CORS policy: Method PATCH is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods in preflight response.

Is the PATCH method missing from the allowed methods list of this endpoint?

Since the token expiry is set to one week, this issue is not easy to reproduce. However, a subsequent call to getToken (refreshing the page in our case) seems to work fine.

Steps and code to reproduce issue

zwu52 commented 3 weeks ago

Checked server stats, fm server has been serving patch to the update_token endpoint without outages. Unsure why the error. If it's non-recurring, feel free to close.

k-1ee commented 3 weeks ago

@zwu52 - Thanks for checking! But this has been a recurring issue for the past couple weeks.

Just to make sure, does the following endpoint allow PATCH under Access-Control-Allow-Methods?{projectId}/registrations/{token}