firebase / firebase-tools

The Firebase Command Line Tools
MIT License
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13.11.4 does not deploy assets, downgrade to 13.11.2 and it works #7364

Closed ecancil closed 5 days ago

ecancil commented 1 week ago

Think you found a bug?

13.11.4 does not deploy assets, downgrade to 13.11.2 and it works

cp3249 commented 6 days ago

can confirm. how did this get released?

ksmutny commented 6 days ago

Confirm as well. 13.11.3 does not deploy assets, too.

woutersteven commented 5 days ago

Same issue here, downgrading to 13.11.2 works.

aalej commented 5 days ago

Hey folks, I think this issue is a duplicate of To keep a single line of communication, please refer to the other ticket for any updates.

Also, could you leave a comment on to let us know which platform you’re using? From what I can tell, the issue seems to occur on Windows machines.

Sbrjt commented 3 days ago

I just started learning firebase functions yesterday and here we go... What a perfect timing to disrupt!