firebase / firebase-tools

The Firebase Command Line Tools
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Firebase extensions non-interactive mode #7367

Open sacrosanctic opened 5 days ago

sacrosanctic commented 5 days ago

Based on issue #4625, --params is deprecated and according to @joehan, the new steps are as follows:

The problem is firebase deploy is not a solution to non-interactive mode to deploy to multiple projects (aka staging and prod) because, in the install command, a secret was set up first for the initial project.

When I run, firebase deploy --only extensions --project proj2, I get the following error saying the secret doesn't exist.

References support for multiple env for different projects

[REQUIRED] Environment info

firebase-tools: 13.11.2

Platform: windows

[REQUIRED] Test case

[REQUIRED] Steps to reproduce

[REQUIRED] Expected behavior

Be able to deploy to multiple projects non interactively

[REQUIRED] Actual behavior

It errors instead.

error while granting access secret role to service account "proj2" and secret "projects/****/secrets/firestore-algolia-search/versions/1": generic::permission_denied: retry budget exhausted (5 attempts): [secretmanager] GrantServiceAccountAccessSecretPermission: GetIamPolicy for Service Account and secret projects/****/secrets/firestore-algolia-search failed: generic::permission_denied: Permission 'secretmanager.secrets.getIamPolicy' denied for resource 'projects/****/secrets/firestore-algolia-search' (or it may not exist).
google-oss-bot commented 5 days ago

This issue does not have all the information required by the template. Looks like you forgot to fill out some sections. Please update the issue with more information.