firebase / firebase-tools

The Firebase Command Line Tools
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Move 'location' from firebase.json to dataconnect.yaml #7373

Closed joehan closed 4 days ago

joehan commented 5 days ago


Previously, location was provided as part of firebase.json:

## firebase.json
dataconnect: {
  source: 'dataconnect',
  location: 'us-east4',

Now, it is provided via dataconnect.yaml

specVersion: "v1alpha"
serviceId: "other-other-dataconnect"
location: "us-east4"

Scenarios Tested

Tested the following cases using an emulator built from HEAD:

I also tested the cases where someone still has the old way of setting location - we show a warning if location is set in firebase.json, and error out if it is missing in dataconnect.yaml:

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 3 10 49 PM