firebase / firebase-tools

The Firebase Command Line Tools
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fix the call to loadNuxtConfig by passing empty object #7376

Closed JamieCurnow closed 2 days ago

JamieCurnow commented 5 days ago


Fixes #7375 - a recent update of nuxt has prevented deployments as described in the issue. @nuxt/kit used to just spread the single arg passed into loadNuxtConfig() which would have been a string dir, so this issue hasn't appeared as you can spread a string, even though it would have had no affect on functionality. A recent update actually uses the first arg to this function and expects it to be an object. This PR fixes the type error that was caused by passing a string when an object was expected.

Scenarios Tested

I've done a fresh install of nuxt, a firebase init and a firebase deploy all of which now work with this change.

Sample Commands

JamieCurnow commented 4 days ago

Changelog added @leoortizz πŸ™Œ

leoortizz commented 4 days ago

@JamieCurnow looks like prettier is failing for the changelog file, can you make sure to run prettier on it?

JamieCurnow commented 3 days ago

Sorry about that @leoortizz - all fixed now and master merged back in πŸ‘Œ

leoortizz commented 3 days ago

Sorry about that @leoortizz - all fixed now and master merged back in πŸ‘Œ

Thank you πŸ™ . We couldn't merge yet and we have a merge conflict now, can you please fix?

JamieCurnow commented 2 days ago

@leoortizz I've just fixed the merge conflict with the changelog again πŸ‘Œ

leoortizz commented 2 days ago

@jamesdaniels, this PR isn't being merged because the integration tests are being skipped for some reason, even if I manually run them, any clue of what's missing?

jamesdaniels commented 2 days ago

@leoortizz since this commit is coming from a fork, you (or I) need to pull down the branch and push it to this repoβ€”I tend to use the github CLI to perform this operation for convenience. No need to create a new PR, the integration tests will run on that branch and report back to this PR