firebase / firebase-tools

The Firebase Command Line Tools
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Incorrect Path Formatting in Firebase-Tools on Windows with Version 13.11.3 and Above #7378

Closed rOb1zZle closed 4 days ago

rOb1zZle commented 4 days ago

Environment info

firebase-tools: >= 13.11.3

Platform: Windows 11 Home - Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631

Test case

Attempting to deploy built public / dist folder for firebase hosting including files within subdirectories leads to incorrect path handling on Windows.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Update to firebase-tools version 13.11.3 or newer on a Windows PC.
  2. Run a deploy like "firebase deploy --only hosting --debug" that accesses files in subdirectories.
  3. Notice in deploy debug log that file paths use incorrect path separators (\\ instead of /).

Expected behavior

Files should be handled correctly across all platforms with the correct path separators. For example, file paths should consistently use forward slashes (/) instead of (double) backslashes (\\).

Actual behavior

When deploying files or accessing files in subdirectories, firebase-tools generates paths with backslashes (\\) instead of forward slashes (/). This leads to correct upload but wrong file paths. In this case my "rewrites" config is forced to deliver "index.html" instead of wanted files.

For example:

Observations / Solution

This issue only arises in firebase-tools version 13.11.3 and above. The problem seems to be related to the update of the glob package used within firebase-tools. Because glob@^7.1.2 (deprecated) was updated in firebase-tools@13.11.2 to glob@^10.4.1 in firebase-tools@13.11.3 and above. Already tested on MacOS there are no path issues.

Setting posix: true in firebase-tools listFiles configuration fixes this issue in my case, suggesting a regression in the latest versions. The issue occurs when there are subdirectories with nested files; paths at root level (/public or /dist) are formatted correctly, but paths in deeper directories are not.

I wanted to share this solution to prevent others from encountering the same issue and spending extensive time debugging, as I did. There's currently limited information available online about this problem, so I hope this report will assist others in quickly resolving similar issues.

Ihernandezpi commented 3 days ago

Still happen 😬 on v13.12.0