firebase / firebase-tools

The Firebase Command Line Tools
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Have Firestore support index files to validate indexes #7400

Closed onurdialpad closed 5 days ago

onurdialpad commented 5 days ago

We've been using datastore emulator with --index_file, --require_index and --regenerate_indexes to validate indexes with index.yaml file. Note these args are visible if you execute the command like

<PATH_TO_google-cloud-sdk>/platform/cloud-datastore-emulator/cloud_datastore_emulator help start

while they are not visible with

gcloud beta emulators datastore start --help

We need to have firestore emulator support validataing indexes as we do with datastore emulator.

aalej commented 5 days ago

Hey @onurdialpad, thanks for reaching out. I think this is a similar request to #2027. Could you leave a thumbs up or a comment on #2027? This lets us better track requests and helps us prioritize development efforts. That said, I’ll mark this as a duplicate.