firebase / firebase-unity-sdk

The Firebase SDK for Unity
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[Local Notifications][Firebase] Opening app from notification does not show data on iOS devices #377

Open guntarspolis opened 4 years ago

guntarspolis commented 4 years ago

Please fill in the following fields:

Unity editor version: 2019.2.17f1 Firebase Unity SDK version: 6.7.0 Source you installed the SDK (.unitypackage or Unity Package Manager): .unitypackage Firebase plugins in use (Auth, Database, etc.): Messaging Additional SDKs you are using (Facebook, AdMob, etc.): Facebook , Mobile Notifications(Package manager), Play Games Platform you are using the Unity editor on (Mac, Windows, or Linux): Mac/Windows Platform you are targeting (iOS, Android, and/or desktop): iOS/Android Scripting Runtime (Mono, and/or IL2CPP):IL2CPP

Please describe the issue here:

Unity local notification plugin does not work in some cases when firebase plugin is added.

Test case 1:

1) Install Mobile Notifications 2) Run some notifications 3) Close app 4) Open app from notification 5.1) receive callback about opening app from notification on Android [WORKS] 5.2) receive callback about opening app from notification on iOS [WORKS]

Test case 2:

1) Install Mobile Notifications 2) Install Firebase 3) Run some notifications 4) Close app 5) Open app from notification

6.1) receive callback about opening app from notification on Android [WORKS] 6.2) receive callback about opening app from notification on iOS [DOES NOT WORK]

(Mobile Notifications)Android : iOSNotificationCenter.GetLastRespondedNotification();

(Mobile Notifications)iOS : AndroidNotificationCenter.GetLastNotificationIntent();

Please answer the following, if applicable:

Have you been able to reproduce this issue with just the Firebase Unity quickstarts (this GitHub project)?

plugins works great without each other

What's the issue repro rate? (eg 100%, 1/5 etc)


google-oss-bot commented 4 years ago

This issue does not seem to follow the issue template. Make sure you provide all the required information.

chkuang-g commented 4 years ago

Hi @guntarspolis

I do not think Analytics would do anything to notification at all. Could you offer a bit more detail?

Thank you

guntarspolis commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your response @chkuang-g . Yes, it was not Analytics , i spelled it wrong, its about Messaging. I'm sorry about that.

I'll go and reproduce all the three steps you mentioned.

Thank you.

guntarspolis commented 4 years ago

Not working version: 1) opened quickstart 2) added Firebase messaging package 3) add Mobile Notifications trough package manager 4) added script to handle notification trigger and reading it from button click.

Working version: 1) opened quickstart 2) added Firebase messaging package 3) add Mobile Notifications trough package manager 4) added script to handle notification trigger and reading it from button click. 5) remove all libs related to messaging

both versions here:

repro steps : 1) build xcode project 2) run game 3) kill app 4) run app trough notification that appears in 5 seconds 5) click GetLastNotification button 6) data shows up on screen (in working case, else it shows 'nothing!')


patm1987 commented 4 years ago

This is being tracked as a bug internally. Definitely update this if you get any more information you'd like to share!

vishakh-av commented 4 years ago

I am also facing the same issue with Mobile Notifications package of Unity when tried along with Firebase as mentioned above. When tried with the inbuilt local-notification services of Unity( instead of mobile-notifications-package along with Firebase, the same issue is there. In both the cases, I did not initialise Firebase though. This has become a headache and I hope this issue with Firebase is fixed soon!

vishakh-av commented 4 years ago

@patm1987 Do you have any ETA of this at the moment? It'll be helpful if you can tell an estimated time like few days/few weeks/months etc so we can plan our development accordingly.

roberts1911 commented 4 years ago

Hi! Could you please provide any ETA for this issue? Many thanks and good luck!

vzlomvl commented 4 years ago

Hi @patm1987 We have the same issue. Do you have any workaround while Firebase SDK don't have a fix?Thanks.

jfperusse-bhvr commented 3 years ago

Hi @patm1987,

The issue seems to come from firebase-cpp-sdk.

When MessagingIsInitialized returns false in willPresentNotification, g_user_delegate is not being called (in this case, Unity Mobile Notifications). Note that this also causes an OS warning because the completionHandler is not called.

Maybe an easy fix would be to call the user delegate even if Messaging is not initialized yet?

Thank you!

vzlomvl commented 3 years ago

Hi @alexames Have you managed to reproduce the problem on your side and is the issue somewhere in your internal backlog (or it is on Hold)? I am wondering if I should wait for a fix or should I try to fix it myself (In case you have more high priority tasks and this task on hold). Thanks.

vzlomvl commented 3 years ago

Hi @chkuang-g Thanks for the reply. I tried to update pods dependencies to 6.27.1 but unfortunately it didn't fix the issue.

stanislavsmagin commented 3 years ago

We have the same issue. Unity 2018.4.16, MobileNotifications 1.3, Firebase AppCore and Firebase Cloud Messaging 6.15.2.

vzlomvl commented 3 years ago

Hello @alexames @chkuang-g Sorry for frequent motions but I really need your help. If the issue in Cpp part of the project we unable to fix it(because source which requires changes inside of the .a) =( We had planned to release a new version of the app soon and can't go live with this bug. Maybe you can provide an experimental fix(.a file with patch) to check the theory of @jfperusse-bhvr or any other workarounds?

alexames commented 3 years ago

Hi @vzlomvl, sorry for the radio silence. I'm looking at this bug now. If I can find the root cause and get a fix, I'll look into getting you an experimental .a file or something for you to work with until we can get out another proper release.

vzlomvl commented 3 years ago

Hi @alexames. Thanks for the reply. If you need a small Unity project with the issue or any other additional information, please let me know.

stanislavsmagin commented 3 years ago

@vzlomvl @jfperusse-bhvr Hi guys! How did you fix it in your projects? Or you are waiting for fix by @alexames ?

jfperusse-bhvr commented 3 years ago

@stanislavsmagin In our case, we modified the mobile notifications package to force registering again as the UNUserNotificationCenter delegate in the UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification observer, but this is only a workaround until the fix is done to the firebase-cpp-sdk, which should call the delegate even if MessagingIsInitialized is false.

zbyhoo commented 3 years ago

@stanislavsmagin In our case, we modified the mobile notifications package to force registering again as the UNUserNotificationCenter delegate in the UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification observer, but this is only a workaround until the fix is done to the firebase-cpp-sdk, which should call the delegate even if MessagingIsInitialized is false.

I've also encountered this problem. @jfperusse-bhvr can you provide what changes have you made to make it work for the time being?

mStratik commented 3 years ago

We have the same issue. Are there any news about this, possible ETA? Is firebase team working on it at all?

jfperusse-bhvr commented 3 years ago

@zbyhoo In, at the beginning of UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification, we've added the following:

UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
center.delegate = [UnityNotificationManager sharedInstance];

Hope this helps!

GorillaOne commented 3 years ago

Ran into this issue as well, testing @jfperusse-bhvr 's fix. Is there a way to integrate those changes into the project proper instead of putting them into the file which is in the Package Cache?

Also - any updates on a solution here? I've seen some reports that reinstalling the packages helps, but no repo steps for getting it working.

zbyhoo commented 3 years ago

@GorillaOne I created an app controller subclass and retrieved information I want (in my case I wanted only notification title) directly from iOS using extern "C" function.

This way, when Xcode project is recreated during the build or new person is cloning and building the game, all is working still the same way.

atelyk commented 2 years ago

It's still relevant for Unity editor version: 2020.3.9f1 Firebase Unity SDK version: 8.0.0 Mobile notifications: 1.4.2

Thanks @jfperusse-bhvr, it works. But it would be great to avoid hacks.

3XclusiVe commented 2 years ago

Thanks to the above comment by @jfperusse-bhvr we also managed to fix the issue. Seems like this fix can be done without patching other plugins by adding something like this file to the unity project.

/* */
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AppDelegateListener.h"
#import "UnityNotificationManager.h"

@interface ApplicationStateListener : NSObject <AppDelegateListener>
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

@implementation ApplicationStateListener
static ApplicationStateListener* _applicationStateListenerInstance = [[ApplicationStateListener alloc] init];

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
    return _applicationStateListenerInstance;

- (instancetype)init
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
    return self;

- (void)dealloc
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

#pragma mark AppDelegateListener
- (void)didFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)notification;
    UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
    center.delegate = [UnityNotificationManager sharedInstance];

P.S. Do not understand why firebase team ignore this problem for so long.

voidtuxic commented 2 years ago

hey team, any update on this? This is still occurring and definitely feels ignored by the team

meliksahd commented 1 year ago

Thanks to the above comment by @jfperusse-bhvr we also managed to fix the issue. Seems like this fix can be done without patching other plugins by adding something like this file to the unity project.

/* */
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AppDelegateListener.h"
#import "UnityNotificationManager.h"

@interface ApplicationStateListener : NSObject <AppDelegateListener>
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

@implementation ApplicationStateListener
static ApplicationStateListener* _applicationStateListenerInstance = [[ApplicationStateListener alloc] init];

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
    return _applicationStateListenerInstance;

- (instancetype)init
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
    return self;

- (void)dealloc
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

#pragma mark AppDelegateListener
- (void)didFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)notification;
    UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
    center.delegate = [UnityNotificationManager sharedInstance];

P.S. Do not understand why firebase team ignore this problem for so long.

this fix causes crashes when certain devices receive push notification signals (new gen iPad) we are trying to use post process scripts to edit unity notification package according to @jfperusse-bhvr 's solution

LeonardoDemartino commented 1 year ago

We are having this same issue. Is there a fix yet?

supremepanda commented 1 year ago

Thanks to the above comment by @jfperusse-bhvr we also managed to fix the issue. Seems like this fix can be done without patching other plugins by adding something like this file to the unity project.

/* */
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AppDelegateListener.h"
#import "UnityNotificationManager.h"

@interface ApplicationStateListener : NSObject <AppDelegateListener>
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

@implementation ApplicationStateListener
static ApplicationStateListener* _applicationStateListenerInstance = [[ApplicationStateListener alloc] init];

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
    return _applicationStateListenerInstance;

- (instancetype)init
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
    return self;

- (void)dealloc
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

#pragma mark AppDelegateListener
- (void)didFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)notification;
    UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
    center.delegate = [UnityNotificationManager sharedInstance];

P.S. Do not understand why firebase team ignore this problem for so long.

this fix causes crashes when certain devices receive push notification signals (new gen iPad) we are trying to use post process scripts to edit unity notification package according to @jfperusse-bhvr 's solution

Is this solution still crashing? I could not found any solution other than this to solve problem. By the way, did you find a way to use post process scripts?

MrlCrosl commented 8 months ago

Thanks to the above comment by @jfperusse-bhvr we also managed to fix the issue. Seems like this fix can be done without patching other plugins by adding something like this file to the unity project.

/* */
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AppDelegateListener.h"
#import "UnityNotificationManager.h"

@interface ApplicationStateListener : NSObject <AppDelegateListener>
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

@implementation ApplicationStateListener
static ApplicationStateListener* _applicationStateListenerInstance = [[ApplicationStateListener alloc] init];

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
    return _applicationStateListenerInstance;

- (instancetype)init
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
    return self;

- (void)dealloc
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

#pragma mark AppDelegateListener
- (void)didFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)notification;
    UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
    center.delegate = [UnityNotificationManager sharedInstance];

P.S. Do not understand why firebase team ignore this problem for so long.

this fix causes crashes when certain devices receive push notification signals (new gen iPad) we are trying to use post process scripts to edit unity notification package according to @jfperusse-bhvr 's solution

Is this solution still crashing? I could not found any solution other than this to solve problem. By the way, did you find a way to use post process scripts?

Hi! Did u managed to fix this issue?

kkfrank2 commented 2 months ago

@zbyhoo In, at the beginning of UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification, we've added the following:

UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
center.delegate = [UnityNotificationManager sharedInstance];

Hope this helps!


jfperusse-bhvr Thanks for your solutoin. @jfperusse-bhvr . But when I upgrade mobile notification package to 2.2.2(for example), there is no UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification in So I don't konw where to add the code snippet. Can you help me.

Mustafax06 commented 1 month ago

This has been an open bug for 4 years and nobody cares. What a great team over there

smarty-concrete commented 3 weeks ago

I've submitted a pull request here in the firebase-cpp-sdk repo which will hopefully address this issue.

keitanxkeitan commented 2 weeks ago

@smarty-concrete Thank you for your contribution! I hope this change will be reviewed soon and the patch will be released!

a-maurice commented 1 week ago

The latest release,, has the fix provided by @smarty-concrete. Thank you for the contribution, hopeful that this addresses this long standing issue.