firebase / firebase-unity-sdk

The Firebase SDK for Unity
Apache License 2.0
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Push notification is not coming in IOS devices but working fine in android device. #936

Open jayantjha23 opened 4 months ago

jayantjha23 commented 4 months ago

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paulinon commented 4 months ago

Hi @jayantjha23,

Could you confirm if you uploaded an APNs certificate/auth key as well as enabled Push Notifications inside Capabilities? Take note that there are additional steps in setting up an FCM app for an iOS build. You may provide the detailed steps you've taken before facing the issue so we can identify what's causing this to happen.

Additionally, does the issue persist when using our quickstart project?

jayantjha23 commented 4 months ago

Yes I have uploaded APNs and it is working fine with Firebase Unity SDK version 9.6.0.

jayantunity commented 3 months ago

any update?