firebase / firebaseui-web

FirebaseUI is an open-source JavaScript library for Web that provides simple, customizable UI bindings on top of Firebase SDKs to eliminate boilerplate code and promote best practices.
Apache License 2.0
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Working FirebaseUI Package for React and Next.js #1067

Open mccordryan opened 6 months ago

mccordryan commented 6 months ago

Hey everybody! @christiangenco and I have rebuilt FirebaseUI as a React component under the npm package firebaseui-react. It works more or less the same way (though I would still recommend looking through the documentation before trying to reuse an existing configuration). If you're having trouble getting the original FirebaseUI to work on your project, come check us out!

Our component supports:

Links npm Github demo

christiangenco commented 6 months ago

A big part of our motivation for rebuilding this component is that this firebase-web package doesn't seem to be maintained anymore—it was a huge pain for us to get working in a Next.js app and it felt clunky and dated.

We built firebaseui-react with zero dependencies as a React-first component and made sure it works seamlessly with Next.js. I've got it deployed in production on my small SaaS, Fileinbox.

Here's the minimal code to try it out:

import { getAuth } from "firebase/auth";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const FirebaseUIReact = dynamic(() => import("firebaseui-react"), {
  ssr: false,

// soon, just:
// import FirebaseUIReact from "firebaseui-react";

export default function AuthComponent() {
  const auth = getAuth();

  const config = {
    // link back to this page for password resets
    continueUrl: document.location.href,
    signInOptions: ["emailpassword", ""],

  return <FirebaseUIReact auth={auth} config={config} />

which would give you:

 2024-01-18 at 12 23 59 PM

PRs and feature requests are welcome!

jhuleatt commented 6 months ago

Hi @Taoula and @christiangenco, very cool, thank you for open sourcing this! Would you like to advertise on as well?

Longer term, we are working on a web-components-based replacement for the current FirebaseUI library so that all frameworks can be supported, but I think your library could be a great solution for React developers.

artemis-prime commented 5 months ago

@Taoula and @christiangenco, great work! Thanks. Two questions:

1) Why not put the code above in the examples your repo under 'nextjs'? The next usage is a bit different and non obvious. 2) Why not have better / any support for Typescript? Better yet, why not build it in TS? :)

christiangenco commented 5 months ago

@artemis-prime 1. Oh yup that's a great idea. @Taoula can you do that please? :D

  1. I'm not a fan of typescript but we're definitely open to PRs if you are!
Pushkariiit commented 5 months ago

Hi @christiangenco I am interested in raising pr for converting to reusable react components