firebase / firebaseui-web

FirebaseUI is an open-source JavaScript library for Web that provides simple, customizable UI bindings on top of Firebase SDKs to eliminate boilerplate code and promote best practices.
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Firebase sign in with email link - redirect link in new tab shows weird UI/UI can't be controlled #957

Open zinaSpotlight opened 2 years ago

zinaSpotlight commented 2 years ago

I'm using firebase authentication method signin with link, when clicking the redirect link from email, in the first second there's firebase ui container - .firebaseui-callback-indicator-container, that appears as small empty box with loading bar, also from time to time there's weird wide controlbar that appears I tried to remove it by globally catch the specific class and add to it 'display:none' also added and imported it globally as the internet suggested yet, nothing seem to work and it doesn't look good for ux

Adding a link with a short video to demonstrate -

lisajian commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for filing this issue! We are unable to promise any timeline for this, but if others also have this issue, adding a +1 on this issue can help us prioritize adding this to the roadmap.

(Googler-only internal tracking bug: b/234068954)

JRixGeromo commented 11 months ago

i have the same issue, its not good in ui / ux

sbrett commented 7 months ago

+1. Often seeing this for 20+ seconds at a time on Android Chrome

kenara commented 3 months ago

I've experienced this too for a while - I can't say when it started or with what version - but it didn't always do this. I came to this repo to see if I could start over with a clean copy but the demo has exactly the same bug.

I choose Email Link and Disable email sign up from the configuration fieldset, then press the Sign in with email button. I recover the link from my email and paste it in the same or a fresh tab. There's a momentary 'signing in' message in the middle of the screen (firebase ui container ?) and then another DIV appears half-off the left side of the screen until the process is complete.

I need to get this fixed. Other than that, firebaseui-web (or at least, Firebase Auth) does what I need, and it's one of the last issues preventing me from launching my app. I'd consider sponsoring a fix for my specific issue.

Since, as I mentioned this is literally a show-stopper for me, any workarounds or alternatives are welcome. Cheers!