firebase / flutterfire

🔥 A collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
8.62k stars 3.95k forks source link

[Firebase_core]: FATAL EXCEPTION: firebase-iid-executor java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class r4.k: java.lang.String r4.k.d(long) failed to verify: java.lang.String r4.k.d(long): [0xC] 'this' argument 'Precise Reference: java.time.Instant' not instance of 'Precise Reference: n7.e' #13219

Closed itismejy closed 1 week ago

itismejy commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Which plugins are affected?


Which platforms are affected?



When I am using Proguard, i run into this issue: ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.AbstractCollection implements program class java.util.Collection ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.AbstractList implements program class java.util.List ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleImmutableEntry implements program class java.util.Map$Entry ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.AbstractMap implements program class java.util.Map ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.ArrayList implements program class java.util.List ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.AbstractSet implements program class java.util.Set ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.Hashtable implements program class java.util.Map ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.LinkedHashMap implements program class java.util.Map ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.HashMap implements program class java.util.Map ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList implements program class java.util.List ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.TreeMap implements program class java.util.NavigableMap ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.LinkedList implements program class java.util.List ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.LinkedList implements program class java.util.Deque ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.HashSet implements program class java.util.Set ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.ArrayDeque implements program class java.util.Deque ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.WeakHashMap implements program class java.util.Map ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.LinkedHashSet implements program class java.util.Set ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue implements program class java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.AbstractQueue implements program class java.util.Queue ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue implements program class java.util.Queue ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.ServiceLoader implements program class java.lang.Iterable ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.TreeSet implements program class java.util.NavigableSet ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap implements program class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue implements program class java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleEntry implements program class java.util.Map$Entry ERROR: R8: Library class java.nio.file.Path implements program class java.lang.Iterable ERROR: R8: Library class java.util.IdentityHashMap implements program class java.util.Map

Then when i add this to my proguard: -dontwarn java.util. -dontwarn java.nio.file. -dontwarn java.lang.Iterable -keep class java.util.* { ; } -keep class java.nio.file.* { ; } -keep class java.lang.Iterable { *; }

Reproducing the issue

Code: distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=https\://

Add project specific ProGuard rules here.

By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified

in the {sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt file

You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard

include property in

For more details, see

Add any project specific keep options here:

Flutter specific

-keep class { *; } -keep class io.flutter.plugins. { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class$Builder { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class { ; } -keep class { *; } -keep class { *; }

Keep rules for Google Play Core Task classes

-keep class* { ; }

Keep rules for Flutter deferred components

-keep class io.flutter.embedding.engine.deferredcomponents.PlayStoreDeferredComponentManager { *; } -dontwarn -dontwarn -dontwarn

Suppress warnings for the device_info_plus library, specifically for Build.getSerial()


Suppress all warnings for the device_info_plus package


-dontwarn java.util. -dontwarn java.nio.file. -dontwarn java.lang.Iterable -keep class java.util.* { ; } -keep class java.nio.file.* { ; } -keep class java.lang.Iterable { *; }

I get this error: FATAL EXCEPTION: firebase-iid-executor E/AndroidRuntime(19866): Process: com.easybites, PID: 19866 E/AndroidRuntime(19866): java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class r4.k: java.lang.String r4.k.d(long) failed to verify: java.lang.String r4.k.d(long): [0xC] 'this' argument 'Precise Reference: java.time.Instant' not instance of 'Precise Reference: n7.e' (declaration of 'r4.k' appears in /data/app/~~87U2KzSQlnpbttNMXS2ULw==/com.easybites-2xqOk99rTmQ0LWAxTCKG3Q==/base.apk)

Firebase Core version


Flutter Version


Relevant Log Output

FATAL EXCEPTION: firebase-iid-executor
E/AndroidRuntime(19866): Process: com.easybites, PID: 19866
E/AndroidRuntime(19866): java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class r4.k: java.lang.String r4.k.d(long) failed to verify: java.lang.String r4.k.d(long): [0xC] 'this' argument 'Precise Reference: java.time.Instant' not instance of 'Precise Reference: n7.e' (declaration of 'r4.k' appears in /data/app/~~87U2KzSQlnpbttNMXS2ULw==/com.easybites-2xqOk99rTmQ0LWAxTCKG3Q==/base.apk)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at r4.f.j(Unknown Source:0)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at r4.f.e(Unknown Source:0)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at r4.e.get(Unknown Source:4)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at r4.f.k(Unknown Source:3)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at r4.f.c(Unknown Source:0)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at Source:2)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at Source:4)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at u3.b.b(Unknown Source:12)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at u3.b.a(Unknown Source:0)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at Source:4)
E/AndroidRuntime(19866):        at

Flutter dependencies

Expand Flutter dependencies snippet
```yaml Replace this line with the contents of your `flutter pub deps -- --style=compact`. ```

Additional context and comments

No response

SelaseKay commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @itismejy . Kindly provide a minimal code sample reproducing this issue

Lyokone commented 1 week ago

Closing since it looks like a Proguard misconfiguration and not related to FF.