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[firebase_messaging] Subscribe to topic not work on iso #2972

Closed Mecheka closed 4 years ago

Mecheka commented 4 years ago

I run ios device app is not subscribe to topic catch error

PlatformException(Error 0,, The operation couldn’t be completed. Invalid registration response :'Error=INVALID_PARAMETERS'. It is missing 'token' field.)

But android device it work My flutter doctor

Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v): [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.17.5, on Mac OS X 10.15.5 19F101, locale en-TH) [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.0) [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 11.5) [✓] Android Studio (version 4.0) • No issues found!

TahaTesser commented 4 years ago

Hi @Mecheka Can you please provide your flutter run --verbose with error and a complete reproducible minimal code sample Thank you

Mecheka commented 4 years ago

My verbose

logs ``` > [+8299 ms] Scanned through 769 files in 11ms [ ] Scanning asset files [ +23 ms] <- reset [ ] Compiling dart to kernel with 0 updated files [ +1 ms] <- recompile package:client/main_stag.dart b4443bf0-be54-4f28-a3c2-7cabfe7801bf [ ] <- b4443bf0-be54-4f28-a3c2-7cabfe7801bf [ +90 ms] Updating files [+1048 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925977, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogKioqIFJlcXVlc3QgKioq}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925977, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogdXJpOiBodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmctYXBpLW1lYXNtLm1lYS5vci50aC9jb3JlL2FwaS92MS9tZQ==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogbWV0aG9kOiBHRVQ=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVzcG9uc2VUeXBlOiBSZXNwb25zZVR5cGUuanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZm9sbG93UmVkaXJlY3RzOiB0cnVl}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogY29ubmVjdFRpbWVvdXQ6IDA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVjZWl2ZVRpbWVvdXQ6IDEwMDAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZXh0cmE6IHt9}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogaGVhZGVyczo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ +2 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEFjY2VwdDogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEF1dGhvcml6YXRpb246IEJlYXJlciBleUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKemRXSWlPaUl5TWpReU1USXlJaXdpYVhOeklqb2lWbmhFVDJsaGJHaHRObTltY25oeVUwdE1iVXhCUVUxT2NqRllSbUk0Ums4aUxDSjBiMnRsYmt0bGVTSTZJbVZ1TDBrdmJqUm9NVlZJWWxGUGVWTmlRMDVZZVhSNE1ESnJhVkJ2TlV4WWRrVnpZMlJSVjBocGN6QTlJaXdpYVdGMElqb3hOVGsxTURZNE16QXhMQ0psZUhBaU9qRTFPVFV3TnpreE1ERjkuYjJoOEw1aUxkN0lxQjBFNWltMmNoMm00QTdfT3puZU43Y1FvdFVQdG5jaw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjog}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068925978, bytes: Cg==}} [ +195 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926182, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogKioqIFJlc3BvbnNlICoqKg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926182, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogdXJpOiBodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmctYXBpLW1lYXNtLm1lYS5vci50aC9jb3JlL2FwaS92MS9tZQ==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogc3RhdHVzQ29kZTogMjAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogaGVhZGVyczo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbm5lY3Rpb246IGtlZXAtYWxpdmU=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHRyYW5zZmVyLWVuY29kaW5nOiBjaHVua2Vk}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926183, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGRhdGU6IFNhdCwgMTggSnVsIDIwMjAgMTA6NDI6MDIgR01U}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGFjY2Vzcy1jb250cm9sLWFsbG93LW9yaWdpbjogKg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtZW5jb2Rpbmc6IGd6aXA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHZhcnk6IEFjY2VwdC1FbmNvZGluZw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgta29uZy1wcm94eS1sYXRlbmN5OiA1}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHN0cmljdC10cmFuc3BvcnQtc2VjdXJpdHk6IG1heC1hZ2U9MTU3MjQ4MDA7IGluY2x1ZGVTdWJEb21haW5z}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgta29uZy11cHN0cmVhbS1sYXRlbmN5OiAyMQ==}} [ +2 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHNlcnZlcjogb3BlbnJlc3R5LzEuMTUuOC4x}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgtcG93ZXJlZC1ieTogRXhwcmVzcw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGV0YWc6IFcvIjYyZi1tMVpZQWhkNkNib2JoWnJjckVnQkZtWVdWaW8i}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHZpYToga29uZy8xLjQuMg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogUmVzcG9uc2UgVGV4dDo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926184, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926185, bytes: 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}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926185, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926185, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjog}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926185, bytes: Cg==}} [ +94 ms] DevFS: Sync finished [ ] Synced 36.4MB. [ ] <- accept [ ] Sending to VM service: getIsolate({isolateId: isolates/2196182017925919}) [ ] Sending to VM service: kill({isolateId: isolates/3647380580602211}) [ +1 ms] Result: {type: Sentinel, kind: Collected, valueAsString: } [ +16 ms] Result: {type: Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919, _originNumber: 2196182017925919, startTime: 1595068912697, _heaps: {new: {type: HeapSpace, name: new, vmName: Scavenger, collections: 3, avgCollectionPeriodMillis... [ +10 ms] Sending to VM service: _flutter.runInView({viewId: _flutterView/0x10583ae20, mainScript: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/64BE3682-9BFF-4F94-9F6C-99094F010006/tmp/mea-flutter2v58ql/mea-flutter/lib/main_stag.dart.dill, assetDirectory: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/64BE3682-9BFF-4F94-9F6C-99094F010006/tmp/mea-flutter2v58ql/mea-flutter/build/flutter_assets}) [ +139 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: IsolateStart, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926335}} [ ] Sending to VM service: getIsolate({isolateId: isolates/2582517225325683}) [ +1 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926338, extensionRPC: ext.ui.window.scheduleFrame}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926341, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926341, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926341, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926341, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926341, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926341, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926341, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: IsolateExit, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2196182017925919, name: main, number: 2196182017925919}, timestamp: 1595068926355}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: IsolateRunnable, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926464}} [ ] Result: {type: Success, view: {type: FlutterView, id: _flutterView/0x10583ae20, isolate: {type: @Isolate, fixedId: true, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main.dart$main-2582517225325683, number: 2582517225325683}}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Debug, event: {type: Event, kind: PauseStart, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926466}} [ ] Isolate is runnable. [ ] Sending to VM service: _flutter.listViews({}) [ +24 ms] Result: {type: Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683, _originNumber: 2582517225325683, startTime: 1595068926332, _heaps: {new: {type: HeapSpace, name: new, vmName: Scavenger, collections: 0, avgCollectionPeriodMillis... [ +3 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Debug, event: {type: Event, kind: _DebuggerSettingsUpdate, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926470, _debuggerSettings: {_exceptions: none}}} [ ] Result: {type: FlutterViewList, views: [{type: FlutterView, id: _flutterView/0x10583ae20, isolate: {type: @Isolate, fixedId: true, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main.dart$main-2582517225325683, number: 2582517225325683}}]} [ +2 ms] Hot restart performed in 1,701ms. [ +4 ms] Restarted application in 1,712ms. [ +108 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Debug, event: {type: Event, kind: Resume, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926614}} [ +25 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.reassemble}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.exit}} [ +1 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.saveCompilationTrace}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.platformOverride}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.evict}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.timeDilation}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugPaint}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugPaintBaselinesEnabled}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.repaintRainbow}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugCheckElevationsEnabled}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugDumpLayerTree}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugDumpRenderTree}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugDumpApp}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.showPerformanceOverlay}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.didSendFirstFrameEvent}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.didSendFirstFrameRasterizedEvent}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.fastReassemble}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926642, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.profileWidgetBuilds}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926643, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugAllowBanner}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926643, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.debugWidgetInspector}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.structuredErrors}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.trackRebuildDirtyWidgets}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.trackRepaintWidgets}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.disposeAllGroups}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.disposeGroup}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.isWidgetTreeReady}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926644, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.disposeId}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.setPubRootDirectories}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.setSelectionById}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getParentChain}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getProperties}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getChildren}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getChildrenSummaryTree}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getChildrenDetailsSubtree}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getRootWidget}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getRootRenderObject}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getRootWidgetSummaryTree}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getDetailsSubtree}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getSelectedRenderObject}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getSelectedWidget}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.getSelectedSummaryWidget}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.isWidgetCreationTracked}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926645, extensionRPC: ext.flutter.inspector.screenshot}} [ ] Sending to VM service: ext.flutter.inspector.structuredErrors({enabled: true, isolateId: isolates/2582517225325683}) [ +167 ms] Sending to VM service: ext.flutter.platformOverride({isolateId: isolates/2582517225325683}) [ ] Sending to VM service: ext.flutter.inspector.isWidgetCreationTracked({isolateId: isolates/2582517225325683}) [ +69 ms] Result: {enabled: true, type: _extensionType, method: ext.flutter.inspector.structuredErrors} [ +3 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926897, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogVG9rZW4gPT4gZkp3MnVtclhia3Vvdk9LMjItTDA4MTpBUEE5MWJIdjgxdmpGOW8wLS1uTkFZeVczMnpsdXVOYVVRZDJNYVRXQURhS21NQXYtVC04dFpxcUdBalp2NHRjMW8xYXRzaVdvbkxpTkY2aW1qZFA1ZFlvcms3TFpCblN0S3I2cExQTXdzS05XUmFaNWF6eHR6MkFiamVTUndnanVqa3J5R0gycG5law==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926897, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] flutter: Token => fJw2umrXbkuovOK22-L081:APA91bHv81vjF9o0--nNAYyW32zluuNaUQd2MaTWADaKmMAv-T-8tZqqGAjZv4tc1o1atsiWonLiNF6imjdP5dYork7LZBnStKr6pLPMwsKNWRaZ5azxtz2AbjeSRwgjujkryGH2pnek [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926898, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogU2V0dGluZyBSZWdpc3RlciA9PiBQdXNoTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uU2V0dGluZ3Mge3NvdW5kOiB0cnVlLCBhbGVydDogdHJ1ZSwgYmFkZ2U6IHRydWUsIHByb3Zpc2lvbmFsOiBmYWxzZX0=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068926898, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] flutter: Setting Register => `PushNotificationSettings` {sound: true, alert: true, badge: true, provisional: false} [ +1 ms] Result: {value: iOS, type: _extensionType, method: ext.flutter.platformOverride} [ +3 ms] Result: {result: null, type: _extensionType, method: ext.flutter.inspector.setPubRootDirectories} [ ] Result: {result: true, type: _extensionType, method: ext.flutter.inspector.isWidgetCreationTracked} [ +5 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: IsolateStart, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926909}} [ ] Sending to VM service: getIsolate({isolateId: isolates/2337893316002699}) [ +2 ms] Result: {type: Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699, _originNumber: 2337893316002699, startTime: 1595068926907, _heaps: {new: {type: HeapSpace, name: new, vmName: Scavenger, collections: 0, avgCollectionPeriodMill... [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926912, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926912, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926912, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926912, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926912, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926912, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068926912, extensionRPC:}} [ +100 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: IsolateRunnable, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068927014}} [ ] Sending to VM service: getIsolate({isolateId: isolates/2337893316002699}) [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Debug, event: {type: Event, kind: PauseStart, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068927014}} [ +25 ms] Result: {type: Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699, _originNumber: 2582517225325683, startTime: 1595068926908, _heaps: {new: {type: HeapSpace, name: new, vmName: Scavenger, collections: 0, avgCollectionPeriodMill... [ +3 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Debug, event: {type: Event, kind: _DebuggerSettingsUpdate, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068927018, _debuggerSettings: {_exceptions: none}}} [ +253 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Debug, event: {type: Event, kind: Resume, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068927297}} [ +12 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: IsolateExit, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2337893316002699, name: _spawn, number: 2337893316002699}, timestamp: 1595068927309}} [+3580 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068930889, extensionRPC:}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Isolate, event: {type: Event, kind: ServiceExtensionAdded, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068930889, extensionRPC:}} [+5084 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935974, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogKioqIFJlcXVlc3QgKioq}} [ +1 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935974, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935975, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogdXJpOiBodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmctYXBpLW1lYXNtLm1lYS5vci50aC9jb3JlL2FwaS92MS9tZQ==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935975, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogbWV0aG9kOiBHRVQ=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVzcG9uc2VUeXBlOiBSZXNwb25zZVR5cGUuanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZm9sbG93UmVkaXJlY3RzOiB0cnVl}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogY29ubmVjdFRpbWVvdXQ6IDA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVjZWl2ZVRpbWVvdXQ6IDEwMDAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZXh0cmE6IHt9}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogaGVhZGVyczo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEFjY2VwdDogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEF1dGhvcml6YXRpb246IEJlYXJlciBleUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKemRXSWlPaUl5TWpReU1USXlJaXdpYVhOeklqb2lWbmhFVDJsaGJHaHRObTltY25oeVUwdE1iVXhCUVUxT2NqRllSbUk0Ums4aUxDSjBiMnRsYmt0bGVTSTZJbVZ1TDBrdmJqUm9NVlZJWWxGUGVWTmlRMDVZZVhSNE1ESnJhVkJ2TlV4WWRrVnpZMlJSVjBocGN6QTlJaXdpYVdGMElqb3hOVGsxTURZNE16QXhMQ0psZUhBaU9qRTFPVFV3TnpreE1ERjkuYjJoOEw1aUxkN0lxQjBFNWltMmNoMm00QTdfT3puZU43Y1FvdFVQdG5jaw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjog}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068935976, bytes: Cg==}} [ +205 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936191, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogKioqIFJlc3BvbnNlICoqKg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936191, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936192, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogdXJpOiBodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmctYXBpLW1lYXNtLm1lYS5vci50aC9jb3JlL2FwaS92MS9tZQ==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936192, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936192, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogc3RhdHVzQ29kZTogMjAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936192, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936192, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogaGVhZGVyczo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936192, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbm5lY3Rpb246IGtlZXAtYWxpdmU=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHRyYW5zZmVyLWVuY29kaW5nOiBjaHVua2Vk}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGRhdGU6IFNhdCwgMTggSnVsIDIwMjAgMTA6NDI6MTIgR01U}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGFjY2Vzcy1jb250cm9sLWFsbG93LW9yaWdpbjogKg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtZW5jb2Rpbmc6IGd6aXA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHZhcnk6IEFjY2VwdC1FbmNvZGluZw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgta29uZy1wcm94eS1sYXRlbmN5OiA1}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHN0cmljdC10cmFuc3BvcnQtc2VjdXJpdHk6IG1heC1hZ2U9MTU3MjQ4MDA7IGluY2x1ZGVTdWJEb21haW5z}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgta29uZy11cHN0cmVhbS1sYXRlbmN5OiAxMg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHNlcnZlcjogb3BlbnJlc3R5LzEuMTUuOC4x}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936194, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgtcG93ZXJlZC1ieTogRXhwcmVzcw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGV0YWc6IFcvIjYyZi1tMVpZQWhkNkNib2JoWnJjckVnQkZtWVdWaW8i}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHZpYToga29uZy8xLjQuMg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogUmVzcG9uc2UgVGV4dDo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936195, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936197, bytes: 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}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936197, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936197, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjog}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936197, bytes: Cg==}} [ +104 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936308, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogG1szODs1OzFtW0VSUk9SXTogW0ZDTSBFUlJPUl0gPT4gUGxhdGZvcm1FeGNlcHRpb24oRXJyb3IgMCwgY29tLmdvb2dsZS5mY20sIFRoZSBvcGVyYXRpb24gY291bGRu4oCZdCBiZSBjb21wbGV0ZWQuIEludmFsaWQgcmVnaXN0cmF0aW9uIHJlc3BvbnNlIDonRXJyb3I9SU5WQUxJRF9QQVJBTUVURVJTJy4gSXQgaXMgbWlzc2luZyAndG9rZW4nIGZpZWxkLikbWzBt}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936308, bytes: Cg==}} // MY ERROR [ ] flutter: [ERROR]: [FCM ERROR] => PlatformException(Error 0,, The operation couldn’t be completed. Invalid registration response :'Error=INVALID_PARAMETERS'. It is missing 'token' field.) [ +48 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936357, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogRGF0ZTogMjAyMC0wNy0xOCAxNzo0MjoxNi4zNTUyODM=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936357, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936357, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogU3RhcnQgb2Ygd2VlazogMjAyMC0wNy0xMyAwMDowMDowMC4wMDA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936357, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936357, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogU3RhcnQgb2YgaW4gbWlsbGlzZWNvbmQ6IDE1OTQ1NzMyMDAwMDA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936357, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936358, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogRW5kIG9mIHdlZWs6IDIwMjAtMDctMTkgMDA6MDA6MDAuMDAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936358, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936358, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogRW5kIG9mIHdlZWsgaW4gbWlsbGlzZWNvbmQ6IDE1OTUwOTE2MDAwMDA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936358, bytes: Cg==}} [ +1 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936363, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogW1JvdXRlIG5hbWVdID0+IC9ob21lcGFnZQ==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936363, bytes: Cg==}} [ +44 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936408, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogKioqIFJlcXVlc3QgKioq}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936408, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogdXJpOiBodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmctYXBpLW1lYXNtLm1lYS5vci50aC9jb3JlL2FwaS92MS9sb2NhbC1ub3RpZmljYXRpb24/cmVhZEF0PSUyNG51bGw=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogbWV0aG9kOiBHRVQ=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVzcG9uc2VUeXBlOiBSZXNwb25zZVR5cGUuanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZm9sbG93UmVkaXJlY3RzOiB0cnVl}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogY29ubmVjdFRpbWVvdXQ6IDA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVjZWl2ZVRpbWVvdXQ6IDEwMDAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZXh0cmE6IHt9}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogaGVhZGVyczo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEFjY2VwdDogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEF1dGhvcml6YXRpb246IEJlYXJlciBleUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKemRXSWlPaUl5TWpReU1USXlJaXdpYVhOeklqb2lWbmhFVDJsaGJHaHRObTltY25oeVUwdE1iVXhCUVUxT2NqRllSbUk0Ums4aUxDSjBiMnRsYmt0bGVTSTZJbVZ1TDBrdmJqUm9NVlZJWWxGUGVWTmlRMDVZZVhSNE1ESnJhVkJ2TlV4WWRrVnpZMlJSVjBocGN6QTlJaXdpYVdGMElqb3hOVGsxTURZNE16QXhMQ0psZUhBaU9qRTFPVFV3TnpreE1ERjkuYjJoOEw1aUxkN0lxQjBFNWltMmNoMm00QTdfT3puZU43Y1FvdFVQdG5jaw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjog}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogKioqIFJlcXVlc3QgKioq}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogdXJpOiBodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmctYXBpLW1lYXNtLm1lYS5vci50aC9jb3JlL2FwaS92MS9tZS9hcHByb3ZhbHM=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogbWV0aG9kOiBHRVQ=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVzcG9uc2VUeXBlOiBSZXNwb25zZVR5cGUuanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZm9sbG93UmVkaXJlY3RzOiB0cnVl}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogY29ubmVjdFRpbWVvdXQ6IDA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogcmVjZWl2ZVRpbWVvdXQ6IDEwMDAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogZXh0cmE6IHt9}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogaGVhZGVyczo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEFjY2VwdDogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIEF1dGhvcml6YXRpb246IEJlYXJlciBleUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKemRXSWlPaUl5TWpReU1USXlJaXdpYVhOeklqb2lWbmhFVDJsaGJHaHRObTltY25oeVUwdE1iVXhCUVUxT2NqRllSbUk0Ums4aUxDSjBiMnRsYmt0bGVTSTZJbVZ1TDBrdmJqUm9NVlZJWWxGUGVWTmlRMDVZZVhSNE1ESnJhVkJ2TlV4WWRrVnpZMlJSVjBocGN6QTlJaXdpYVdGMElqb3hOVGsxTURZNE16QXhMQ0psZUhBaU9qRTFPVFV3TnpreE1ERjkuYjJoOEw1aUxkN0lxQjBFNWltMmNoMm00QTdfT3puZU43Y1FvdFVQdG5jaw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjog}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936409, bytes: Cg==}} [ +88 ms] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogKioqIFJlc3BvbnNlICoqKg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogdXJpOiBodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmctYXBpLW1lYXNtLm1lYS5vci50aC9jb3JlL2FwaS92MS9sb2NhbC1ub3RpZmljYXRpb24/cmVhZEF0PSUyNG51bGw=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogc3RhdHVzQ29kZTogMjAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogaGVhZGVyczo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbm5lY3Rpb246IGtlZXAtYWxpdmU=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHRyYW5zZmVyLWVuY29kaW5nOiBjaHVua2Vk}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGRhdGU6IFNhdCwgMTggSnVsIDIwMjAgMTA6NDI6MTIgR01U}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGFjY2Vzcy1jb250cm9sLWFsbG93LW9yaWdpbjogKg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtZW5jb2Rpbmc6IGd6aXA=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHZhcnk6IEFjY2VwdC1FbmNvZGluZw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgta29uZy1wcm94eS1sYXRlbmN5OiAw}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHN0cmljdC10cmFuc3BvcnQtc2VjdXJpdHk6IG1heC1hZ2U9MTU3MjQ4MDA7IGluY2x1ZGVTdWJEb21haW5z}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936511, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgta29uZy11cHN0cmVhbS1sYXRlbmN5OiAyNg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHNlcnZlcjogb3BlbnJlc3R5LzEuMTUuOC4x}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHgtcG93ZXJlZC1ieTogRXhwcmVzcw==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIGV0YWc6IFcvIjUzYzQtaHVuUGQ5ZGEwWWg3Nmx3M09LRWR4SUJQeWZFIg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogIHZpYToga29uZy8xLjQuMg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Cg==}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Zmx1dHRlcjogUmVzcG9uc2UgVGV4dDo=}} [ ] Notification from VM: {streamId: Stdout, event: {type: Event, kind: WriteEvent, isolate: {type: @Isolate, id: isolates/2582517225325683, name: main, number: 2582517225325683}, timestamp: 1595068936512, bytes: Cg==}} ```

my code

class SplashScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _SplashScreenState();
class _SplashScreenState extends State<SplashScreen> {
  void initState() {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Widget();
 _checkLoginState() async {
    final isLogin = await service.checkLogin();
    try {
if (isLogin) {
            context, '/homepage', (route) => false);
      } else {
        Navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(context, '/login', (route) => false);
    } catch (e) {
      // do nothing if error in splash screen
      Navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(context, '/login', (route) => false);
class LoginService extends BaseService {
  FirebaseMessaging _fcm = FirebaseMessaging();
 Future<bool> checkLogin() {
    final String res = await dio.get('checkLogin');
    final topic = res.replaceAll(new RegExp('[^(a-z)|(A-Z)|(0-9)|-|_|.|~|%]'), '.');
    return true;
TahaTesser commented 4 years ago

Hi @Mecheka Since you're code is incomplete, i just tried official example and subscribed to a topic and used firebase console to send notifications, no issues


flutter: Settings registered: PushNotificationSettings {sound: false, alert: false, badge: false, provisional: true}
flutter: onMessage: {from: 486685679562, collapse_key: com.example.test_app, topic: thanos, notification: {body: testest, title: test, e: 1, tag: campaign_collapse_key_709824569001887589}}
flutter doctor -v ``` [✓] Flutter (Channel dev, 1.21.0-1.0.pre, on Mac OS X 10.15.6 19G73, locale en-GB) • Flutter version 1.21.0-1.0.pre at /Users/taha/Code/flutter_dev • Framework revision f25bd9c55c (6 days ago), 2020-07-14 20:26:01 -0400 • Engine revision 99c2b3a245 • Dart version 2.9.0 (build 20bf2fcf56) [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.3) • Android SDK at /Users/taha/Code/sdk • Platform android-29, build-tools 29.0.3 • ANDROID_HOME = /Users/taha/Code/sdk • Java binary at: /Applications/Android • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6222593) • All Android licenses accepted. [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 11.6) • Xcode at /Applications/ • Xcode 11.6, Build version 11E708 • CocoaPods version 1.9.3 [✓] Chrome - develop for the web • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome [✓] Android Studio (version 4.0) • Android Studio at /Applications/Android • Flutter plugin version 47.1.2 • Dart plugin version 193.7361 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6222593) [✓] VS Code (version 1.47.2) • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio • Flutter extension version 3.12.2 [✓] Connected device (5 available) • SM M305F (mobile) • 32003c30dc19668f • android-arm64 • Android 10 (API 29) • Taha’s iPhone (mobile) • 00008020-001059882212002E • ios • iOS 13.6 • macOS (desktop) • macos • darwin-x64 • Mac OS X 10.15.6 19G73 • Web Server (web) • web-server • web-javascript • Flutter Tools • Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 83.0.4103.116 • No issues found! ```

Please try the official example Thank you

google-oss-bot commented 4 years ago

Hey @Mecheka. We need more information to resolve this issue but there hasn't been an update in 7 weekdays. I'm marking the issue as stale and if there are no new updates in the next 7 days I will close it automatically.

If you have more information that will help us get to the bottom of this, just add a comment!

google-oss-bot commented 4 years ago

Since there haven't been any recent updates here, I am going to close this issue.

@Mecheka if you're still experiencing this problem and want to continue the discussion just leave a comment here and we are happy to re-open this.