Closed tgpsantos closed 3 years ago
firebase_analytics: ^6.0.1
firebase_core: ^0.5.0
Hey @tgpsantos, are you still experiencing this problem? We're a few major versions removed since you opened this issue and I suspect this to be a firebase SDK issue.
hey @russellwheatley, ty for the ping. I have no idea if this problem was solved because I've implemented a workaround. I will close the issue since it seems no one else complained :) Cheers!
Bug report
Describe the bug I'm trying to use
method to save screen view events, and thus calculate how much time user spends on each screen. I'm running with DebugView mode.Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
What you'll see is that LEFT tab screen_view is being logged with 15 seconds in the engagement_time_msec, whereas RIGHT tab is being logged with 5 seconds in the same field, and the opposite was expected to happen.
There is another strange behaviour happening. In this image you may see that
events are being automatically saved at the same time asscreen_view
events, but inuser_engagement
the engagement_time_msec and firebase_screen is matching to what's expected.Expected behavior
I expected:
engagement_time_msec to be nearly 5000 in LEFT tab (firebase_screen: /tab/tab0) and nearly 15000 in RIGHT tab (firebase_screen: /tab/tab0)screen_view
to match the same engagement_time_msec for the same firebase_screenFlutter doctor
flutter doctor
and paste the output below:Click To Expand
``` [√] Flutter (Channel stable, 1.20.4, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1082], locale en-GB) [√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2) [√] Android Studio (version 4.0) [√] VS Code (version 1.49.1) [√] Connected device (1 available) • No issues found! ```Flutter dependencies
flutter pub deps -- --style=compact
and paste the output below:Click To Expand
``` Dart SDK 2.9.2 Flutter SDK 1.20.4 dependencies: - camera 0.5.8+99 [flutter provider flutter_localizations flutter_svg firebase_auth cloud_firestore firebase_core flutter_spinkit google_sign_in flutter_facebook_login device_preview chewie video_player connectivity volume_control auto_size_text sensor s webview_flutter preload_page_view clipboard firebase_dynamic_links flutter_tts aud ioplayers firebase_analytics path_provider firebase_storage flutter_ffmpeg wakelock] - e2e 0.2.4+4 [flutter flutter_test] - flutter 0.0.0 [characters collection meta typed_data vector_math sky_engine] - flutter_launcher_icons 0.7.5 [image args yaml] dev dependencies: - flutter_driver 0.0.0 [file json_rpc_2 meta path web_socket_channel vm_service_clie nt webdriver flutter flutter_test fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol archive args async b oolean_selector characters charcode clock collection convert crypto fake_async intl matcher platform process pub_semver source_span stack_trace stream_channel string_sc anner sync_http term_glyph test_api typed_data vector_math] - flutter_test 0.0.0 [flutter test_api path fake_async clock stack_trace vector_math async boolean_selector characters charcode collection matcher meta source_span stre am_channel string_scanner term_glyph typed_data] - pedantic 1.9.0 transitive dependencies: - archive 2.0.13 [crypto args path] - args 1.6.0 - async 2.4.2 [collection] - audioplayers 0.16.1 [uuid path_provider flutter flutter_web_plugins] - auto_size_text 2.1.0 [flutter] - boolean_selector 2.0.0 [source_span string_scanner] - characters 1.0.0 - charcode 1.1.3 - chewie 0.9.10 [open_iconic_flutter video_player wakelock flutter] - clipboard 0.1.2+8 [flutter] - clock 1.0.1 [meta] - cloud_firestore 0.14.0+2 [flutter meta quiver firebase_core firebase_core_platform _interface cloud_firestore_platform_interface cloud_firestore_web] - cloud_firestore_platform_interface 2.0.1 [flutter meta collection firebase_core pl ugin_platform_interface] - cloud_firestore_web 0.2.0+1 [flutter flutter_web_plugins firebase http_parser meta firebase_core cloud_firestore_platform_interface js] - collection 1.14.13 - connectivity 0.4.9+2 [flutter meta connectivity_platform_interface connectivity_ma cos connectivity_for_web] - connectivity_for_web 0.3.1+2 [connectivity_platform_interface flutter_web_plugins flutter] - connectivity_macos 0.1.0+4 [flutter] - connectivity_platform_interface 1.0.6 [flutter meta plugin_platform_interface] - convert 2.1.1 [charcode typed_data] - crypto 2.1.5 [collection convert typed_data] - device_preview 0.4.8 [font_awesome_flutter http freezed_annotation json_annotation flutter flutter_localizations meta shared_preferences shared_preferences_macos] - fake_async 1.1.0 [clock collection] - file 5.2.1 [intl meta path] - firebase 7.3.0 [http http_parser js] - firebase_analytics 6.0.0 [meta flutter firebase_core firebase_analytics_web fireba se_analytics_platform_interface] - firebase_analytics_platform_interface 1.0.3 [flutter meta] - firebase_analytics_web 0.1.1 [flutter flutter_web_plugins firebase firebase_analyt ics_platform_interface meta] - firebase_auth 0.18.0+1 [meta firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface fireba se_auth_platform_interface firebase_auth_web flutter] - firebase_auth_platform_interface 2.0.1 [flutter meta firebase_core plugin_platform _interface] - firebase_auth_web 0.3.0+1 [flutter flutter_web_plugins firebase meta http_parser i ntl firebase_core firebase_auth_platform_interface js] - firebase_core 0.5.0 [firebase_core_platform_interface flutter quiver meta firebase _core_web] - firebase_core_platform_interface 2.0.0 [flutter meta plugin_platform_interface qui ver] - firebase_core_web 0.2.0 [firebase firebase_core_platform_interface flutter flutter _web_plugins meta js] - firebase_dynamic_links 0.6.0 [flutter firebase_core] - firebase_storage 4.0.0 [flutter firebase_core] - flutter_facebook_login 3.0.0 [flutter collection] - flutter_ffmpeg 0.2.10 [flutter] - flutter_localizations 0.0.0 [flutter intl characters collection meta path typed_da ta vector_math] - flutter_spinkit 4.1.2+1 [flutter] - flutter_svg 0.18.1 [path_drawing xml vector_math meta flutter] - flutter_tts 1.2.7 [flutter flutter_web_plugins] - flutter_web_plugins 0.0.0 [flutter characters collection meta typed_data vector_ma th] - font_awesome_flutter 8.8.1 [flutter] - freezed_annotation 0.11.0+1 [collection json_annotation meta] - fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol 0.0.0 [json_rpc_2 process web_socket_channel flutter _test flutter_driver archive args async boolean_selector charcode clock collection c onvert crypto fake_async file intl matcher meta path platform pub_semver source_span stack_trace stream_channel string_scanner sync_http term_glyph test_api typed_data vector_math vm_service_client webdriver] - google_sign_in 4.5.4 [google_sign_in_platform_interface flutter meta google_sign_i n_web] - google_sign_in_platform_interface 1.1.2 [flutter meta quiver] - google_sign_in_web 0.9.1+1 [google_sign_in_platform_interface flutter flutter_web_ plugins meta js] - http 0.12.2 [http_parser path pedantic] - http_parser 3.1.4 [charcode collection source_span string_scanner typed_data] - image 2.1.14 [archive xml] - intl 0.16.1 [path] - js 0.6.2 - json_annotation 3.0.1 - json_rpc_2 2.2.1 [stack_trace stream_channel] - matcher 0.12.8 [stack_trace] - meta 1.1.8 - nested 0.0.4 [flutter] - open_iconic_flutter 0.3.0 [flutter] - path 1.7.0 - path_drawing 0.4.1+1 [vector_math meta path_parsing flutter] - path_parsing 0.1.4 [vector_math meta] - path_provider 1.6.14 [flutter path_provider_platform_interface path_provider_macos path_provider_linux] - path_provider_linux 0.0.1+2 [path xdg_directories path_provider_platform_interface flutter] - path_provider_macos 0.0.4+3 [flutter] - path_provider_platform_interface 1.0.3 [flutter meta platform plugin_platform_inte rface] - petitparser 3.0.4 [meta] - platform 2.2.1 - plugin_platform_interface 1.0.2 [meta] - preload_page_view 0.1.4 [flutter] - process 3.0.13 [file intl meta path platform] - provider 4.3.2+2 [flutter nested collection] - pub_semver 1.4.4 [collection] - quiver 2.1.3 [matcher meta] - sensors 0.4.2+4 [flutter] - shared_preferences 0.5.10 [meta flutter shared_preferences_platform_interface shar ed_preferences_linux shared_preferences_macos shared_preferences_web] - shared_preferences_linux 0.0.2+2 [file flutter meta path path_provider_linux share d_preferences_platform_interface] - shared_preferences_macos 0.0.1+10 [shared_preferences_platform_interface flutter] - shared_preferences_platform_interface 1.0.4 [meta flutter] - shared_preferences_web 0.1.2+7 [shared_preferences_platform_interface flutter flut ter_web_plugins meta] - sky_engine 0.0.99 - source_span 1.7.0 [charcode collection meta path term_glyph] - stack_trace 1.9.5 [path] - stream_channel 2.0.0 [async] - string_scanner 1.0.5 [charcode meta source_span] - sync_http 0.2.0 - term_glyph 1.1.0 - test_api 0.2.17 [async boolean_selector collection meta path source_span stack_tra ce stream_channel string_scanner term_glyph matcher] - typed_data 1.2.0 [collection] - uuid 2.2.2 [crypto convert] - vector_math 2.0.8 - video_player 0.10.12+2 [meta video_player_platform_interface video_player_web flut ter] - video_player_platform_interface 2.1.1 [flutter meta] - video_player_web 0.1.3+2 [flutter flutter_web_plugins meta video_player_platform_i nterface] - vm_service_client 0.2.6+2 [async collection json_rpc_2 pub_semver source_span stac k_trace stream_channel web_socket_channel] - volume_control 0.1.3 [flutter] - wakelock 0.1.4+2 [flutter] - web_socket_channel 1.1.0 [async crypto stream_channel] - webdriver 2.1.2 [archive matcher path stack_trace sync_http] - webview_flutter 0.3.22+1 [flutter] - xdg_directories 0.1.0 [path process flutter] - xml 4.2.0 [collection convert meta petitparser] - yaml 2.2.1 [charcode collection string_scanner source_span] ```Thanks for all the help!