Firestore now displays a warning if the property is set:
2019-04-19T02:53:48.347Z] @firebase/firestore: Firestore (5.9.4):
The timestampsInSnapshots setting now defaults to true and you no
longer need to explicitly set it. In a future release, the setting
will be removed entirely and so it is recommended that you remove it
from your firestore.settings() call now.
Firestore now displays a warning if the property is set:
2019-04-19T02:53:48.347Z] @firebase/firestore: Firestore (5.9.4): The timestampsInSnapshots setting now defaults to true and you no longer need to explicitly set it. In a future release, the setting will be removed entirely and so it is recommended that you remove it from your firestore.settings() call now.