firebase / genkit

An open source framework for building AI-powered apps with familiar code-centric patterns. Genkit makes it easy to integrate, test, and deploy sophisticated AI features to Firebase or Google Cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Add support for JSON mode and JSON schema conformance to Gemini models #290

Open mbleigh opened 1 month ago

mbleigh commented 1 month ago

These are great features and we should add them for both Google AI and Vertex plugins. Docs here.

njpearman commented 1 month ago

Hi @mbleigh, I'm really keen on JSON mode being available for Gemini in genkit.

Is there a timeline for getting JSON mode into the googleAI plug-in for Gemini 1.5 yet? Could I help get it in place if it isn't on anyone else's radar? (Just to say up-front I've yet to look at JSON Schema mode in detail so I might prefer to look at JSON mode on its own before JSON schema mode.)

mbleigh commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the bump @njpearman! I don't think anyone is actively working on this yet although I'd hope it will come off the backlog soon. If you want to take a stab at a PR I'd be happy to review.

njpearman commented 1 month ago

Great. I'll do the contrib reqs then try to get something together so we can discuss particulars on the PR.