firebase / php-jwt

PHP package for JWT
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
9.29k stars 1.26k forks source link

Possibility of Reintroducing HS256/RSA256 Type Confusion (CVE-2021-46743) #351

Closed paragonie-security closed 2 years ago

paragonie-security commented 2 years ago

This is a follow-up to the HS256/RS256 Type Confusion attack against the JWT protocol.

Now, firebase/php-jwt attempts to side-step this risk by forcing the user to hard-code the algorithms they wish to support.

If $key is an array, and $header contains a kid field, the key used to verify a token is determined by the kid header.

Reintroducing the Vulnerability

EDIT: 2021-08-11 - This example is a bit misleading. See the attached Proof of Concept file instead.

Let's say you're a service that wants to check HS256 tokens against one key type and RS256 tokens against another. Your HS256 key has {"kid":"gandalf0"}, while your RS256 public key has {"kid":"legolas1"}.

You might call php-jwt like so:

$validated = JWT::decode(
        'galdalf0' => '256-bit key goes here',
        'legolas1' => 'RSA public key goes here' 
    ['RS256', 'HS256']

If anyone ever sets up JWT like this:

Congratulations! you've just reintroduced the critical vulnerability in your usage of the app.

All you have to do is set {"alg":"HS256","kid":"legolas1"} and use the SHA256 hash of the RSA public key as an HMAC key, and you can mint tokens all day long.

Another Way To Setup This Vulnerability

Let's say you have two different endpoints that only each accept one JWT signature algorithm.

This is clearly a safer usage of the firebase/php-jwt library than the previous canned example.

Suppose you have a universal array that your application uses that maps keys--as is common with PHP frameworks.

return [
        'galdalf0' => '256-bit key goes here',
        'legolas1' => 'RSA public key goes here' 

In this setup, once again, you've introduced a critical vulnerability into your application.

All an attacker needs to do is target your /rpc endpoint and swap the Key ID from gandalf0 to legolas1 and they can mint tokens.

What's going on here?

The fundamental problem is that the keys passed to firebase/php-jwt are just strings. This flies in the face of cryptography engineering best practices: A key should always be considered to be the raw key material alongside its parameter choices.

Is this a security vulnerability?

This is not a vulnerability in the firebase/php-jwt library. It is, however, a very sharp edge that an unsuspecting developer could cut themselves on.

Cryptography should be easy to use, hard to misuse, and secure by default.

Whether the JOSE authors want to acknowledge it or not, what they published was a cryptographic protocol--one that fails to live up to these tenets. It's worth noting that PASETO mitigates this in its specification, so library authors don't have to even worry about it.

Any application that uses this library in the way described above has a critical vulnerability, so it may be prudent to publish a security advisory and/or obtain a CVE identifier. Update: This was assigned CVE-2021-46743

The good news is: This can be easily fixed.

The bad news is: It constitutes a backwards compatibility break.

How to Fix This Library

If you were to update the API to require keys to be a Keyring object, which maps a string KeyID (kid) to a JWTKey object--and that JWTKey object had a hard-coded algorithm that it could be used with--then this issue would be easily avoided.


class JWTKey {
    protected string $alg;
    protected string $keyMaterial;
    public function __construct(string $keyMaterial, string $alg) {}
    public function isValidFor(string $headerAlg): bool
         return hash_equals($this->alg, $headerAlg);
    public function getKeyMaterial(): string 
         return $this->keyMaterial;
    public function __toString()
        return $this->keyMaterial;
final class Keyring implements ArrayAccess {
    /** @var array<string, JWTKey> $mapping */
    private array $mapping;

    public function mapKeyId(string $keyId, JWTKey $key): self
         $this->mapping[$keyId] = $key;
         return $this;

    public offsetExists($offset): bool {
        return array_key_exists($offset, $this->mapping);
    public offsetGet($offset): JWTKey {
        return $this->mapping[$offset];
    public offsetSet($offset, $value): void {
         $this->mapKeyId($offset, $value);
    public offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void {
-     public static function decode($jwt, $key, array $allowed_algs = array())
+     public static function decode($jwt, JWTKey|Keyring $key, array $allowed_algs = array())
-         if (\is_array($key) || $key instanceof \ArrayAccess) {
+         if ($key instanceof Keyring) {
              if (isset($header->kid)) {
+         if (!$key->isValidFor($header->alg)) {
+             throw new UnexpectedValueException('This key cannot be used with ' . $header->alg);
+         }
          // Check the signature
          if (!static::verify("$headb64.$bodyb64", $sig, $key, $header->alg)) {

Edited to clarify the value of a security advisory and/or CVE to ensure users of this library remain safe against attack.

paragonie-security commented 2 years ago

352 contains a first draft pull request that may address this in a mostly backwards-compatible manner, but there's some thorny corner cases where it might fail (especially trying to distinguish between EdDSA vs HS256).

paragonie-security commented 2 years ago

Attached is a sample vulnerable application and proof of concept for this issue.

paragonie-security commented 2 years ago

If anyone needs an immediate, short-term mitigation for this issue, see

bshaffer commented 2 years ago

@paragonie-security can't thank you enough for your work on this. I'll try to get your PR merged shortly (and the documentation updated) and a major version out which breaks BC and requires the more secure alg/key paired format

bshaffer commented 2 years ago

Type confusion can be prevented in v5.5.0 through the use of Key objects, and the security hole has been removed all together in v6.0.0