firebase / quickstart-android

Firebase Quickstart Samples for Android
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Firebase Dynamic links always returned CANCELED #38

Closed CeccoCQ closed 5 years ago

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

I'm using dynamic links for my app.

I've followed the tutorial step-by-step and I'm able to open the app by clicking on the link posted on facebook.

But when I invoke getInvitation, I always have CANCELED as status of AppInviteInvitationResult.

    AppInvite.AppInviteApi.getInvitation(mGoogleApiClient, this, false).setResultCallback(
            new ResultCallback<AppInviteInvitationResult>() {
                public void onResult(@NonNull AppInviteInvitationResult result) {
                    if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                        // Extract deep link from Intent
                        Intent intent = result.getInvitationIntent();
                        String deepLink = AppInviteReferral.getDeepLink(intent);

                        // [END_EXCLUDE]
                    } else {
                        Log.d("StartActivity", "getInvitation: no deep link found.");

Into debug, I can see that result.getStatus() returns CANCELED, but the click on lick open the app correctly.

Where I'm wrong?

samtstern commented 8 years ago

@CeccoCQ can you provide the output of adb logcat while this is happening?

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

@samtstern Sure.

06-07 11:04:25.969 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/FirebaseApp: Notifying background state change listeners.
06-07 11:04:25.989 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/AutoManageHelper: starting AutoManage for client 0 false false
06-07 11:04:25.989 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/Activity: performCreate Call Injection manager
06-07 11:04:25.999 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/AutoManageHelper: onStart true {$zza@2925ce00}
06-07 11:04:25.999 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink I/InjectionManager: dispatchOnViewCreated > Target : com.myproject.deeplink.StartActivity isFragment :false
06-07 11:04:26.019 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false
06-07 11:04:26.019 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor flags : -2139029248
06-07 11:04:26.029 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/SecWifiDisplayUtil: Metadata value : SecSettings2
06-07 11:04:26.029 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null
06-07 11:04:26.029 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false
06-07 11:04:26.049 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/SRIB_DCS: log_dcs ThreadedRenderer::initialize entered! 
06-07 11:04:26.049 8446-9701/com.myproject.deeplink D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000,  [1440x2560]-format:1
06-07 11:04:26.129 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@e49947e time:697302451
06-07 11:04:26.209 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/FirebaseDL: getInvitation: no deep link found.
06-07 11:04:26.209 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/DL: Start with Plain
06-07 11:04:26.339 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.myproject.deeplink time:697302664
06-07 11:04:26.349 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink D/DL: Start without DL
06-07 11:04:26.349 8446-8446/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.myproject.deeplink time:697302674

My AndroidManifest.xml

            android:name="com.myproject.deeplink.StartActivity" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                    android:scheme="http" />
                    android:scheme="https" />
samtstern commented 8 years ago

Sorry @CeccoCQ those logs don't include much. Could you provide the full output of adb logcat for ~15 seconds before and after the operation.

If it's too large to paste here, feel free to use a pastebin or github gist.

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

This is the entire log:

06-08 09:20:51.425 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Activity paused, time: 1437902373
06-08 09:20:52.145 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink W/EventBus: Subscriber to unregister was not registered before: class com.myproject.deeplink.LoginActivity
06-08 09:20:52.165 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink W/FA: Value is too long; discarded. Value kind, name, value length: param, item_id, 51
06-08 09:20:52.175 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink D/FA: Logging event (FE): select_content, Bundle[{item_name=LoginActivity, _o=app, _ev=item_id, _err=4, content_type=SIGNIN}]
06-08 09:20:52.175 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Using measurement service
06-08 09:20:52.175 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Connecting to remote service
06-08 09:20:52.175 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink V/ActivityThread: updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{3f172931 token=android.os.BinderProxy@cdd7994 {com.myproject.deeplink/com.myproject.deeplink.LoginActivity}} show : false
06-08 09:20:52.175 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/FirebaseApp: Notifying background state change listeners.
06-08 09:20:52.325 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink D/FA: Connected to remote service
06-08 09:20:52.325 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 1
06-08 09:20:52.435 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink D/FA: Application backgrounded. Logging engagement
06-08 09:20:52.435 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink D/FA: Logging event (FE): _e, Bundle[{_o=auto, _et=82691}]
06-08 09:20:56.455 24237-25759/com.myproject.deeplink I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
06-08 09:20:56.505 24237-25759/com.myproject.deeplink I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false
06-08 09:20:57.435 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Inactivity, disconnecting from AppMeasurementService
06-08 09:21:23.635 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/FirebaseApp: Notifying background state change listeners.
06-08 09:21:23.635 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: onActivityCreated
06-08 09:21:23.655 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink V/StartActivity: onCreate
06-08 09:21:23.675 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/AutoManageHelper: starting AutoManage for client 0 false false
06-08 09:21:23.675 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/Activity: performCreate Call Injection manager
06-08 09:21:23.685 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/AutoManageHelper: onStart true {$zza@2902909c}
06-08 09:21:23.685 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/InjectionManager: dispatchOnViewCreated > Target : com.myproject.deeplink.StartActivity isFragment :false
06-08 09:21:23.685 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Activity resumed, time: 1437934636
06-08 09:21:23.715 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false
06-08 09:21:23.715 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor flags : -2139029248
06-08 09:21:23.725 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/SecWifiDisplayUtil: Metadata value : SecSettings2
06-08 09:21:23.725 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null
06-08 09:21:23.725 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false
06-08 09:21:23.735 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/SRIB_DCS: log_dcs ThreadedRenderer::initialize entered! 
06-08 09:21:23.735 24237-25841/com.myproject.deeplink D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000,  [1440x2560]-format:1
06-08 09:21:23.795 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@2b9f3e7a time:746299271
06-08 09:21:23.805 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/FirebaseDL: getInvitation: no deep link found.
06-08 09:21:23.805 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/DL: Start with Plain
06-08 09:21:23.815 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/DL: Start without DL
06-08 09:21:23.815 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.myproject.deeplink time:746299294
06-08 09:21:23.835 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Activity paused, time: 1437934786
06-08 09:21:23.855 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: onActivityCreated
06-08 09:21:23.855 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false
06-08 09:21:23.855 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor flags : -2139028224
06-08 09:21:23.995 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/Activity: performCreate Call Injection manager
06-08 09:21:23.995 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/InjectionManager: dispatchOnViewCreated > Target : com.myproject.deeplink.SplashscreenActivity isFragment :false
06-08 09:21:23.995 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Activity resumed, time: 1437934943
06-08 09:21:23.995 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/SecWifiDisplayUtil: Metadata value : SecSettings2
06-08 09:21:23.995 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null
06-08 09:21:23.995 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false
06-08 09:21:24.025 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/SRIB_DCS: log_dcs ThreadedRenderer::initialize entered! 
06-08 09:21:24.025 24237-25841/com.myproject.deeplink D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000,  [1440x2560]-format:1
06-08 09:21:24.085 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3c03cef6 time:746299568
06-08 09:21:27.995 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.myproject.deeplink time:746303472
06-08 09:21:28.005 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Activity paused, time: 1437938956
06-08 09:21:28.035 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: onActivityCreated
06-08 09:21:28.035 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false
06-08 09:21:28.035 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor flags : -2139029248
06-08 09:21:28.095 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/TextInputLayout: EditText added is not a TextInputEditText. Please switch to using that class instead.
06-08 09:21:28.105 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/TextInputLayout: EditText added is not a TextInputEditText. Please switch to using that class instead.
06-08 09:21:28.125 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : true
06-08 09:21:28.125 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor flags : 8388610
06-08 09:21:28.135 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/TextInputLayout: EditText added is not a TextInputEditText. Please switch to using that class instead.
06-08 09:21:28.145 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : true
06-08 09:21:28.145 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor flags : 8388610
06-08 09:21:28.145 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/Activity: performCreate Call Injection manager
06-08 09:21:28.165 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/InjectionManager: dispatchOnViewCreated > Target : com.myproject.deeplink.LoginActivity isFragment :false
06-08 09:21:28.165 24237-28036/com.myproject.deeplink V/FA: Activity resumed, time: 1437939116
06-08 09:21:28.165 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/SecWifiDisplayUtil: Metadata value : SecSettings2
06-08 09:21:28.175 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null
06-08 09:21:28.175 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false
06-08 09:21:28.205 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink D/SRIB_DCS: log_dcs ThreadedRenderer::initialize entered! 
06-08 09:21:28.205 24237-25841/com.myproject.deeplink D/mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000,  [1440x2560]-format:1
06-08 09:21:28.255 24237-24237/com.myproject.deeplink I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@213fffde time:746303735
06-08 09:21:28.755 24237-25759/com.myproject.deeplink I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false

This is the StartActivity code:

public class StartActivity extends RoboFragmentActivity {

    MainPreferenceUtils mainPreferenceUtils;

    private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;
    private boolean hasGooglePlayServicesInstalled = true;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.v("StartActivity", "onCreate");

        // Firebase
        GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
                .enableAutoManage(this, new GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener() {
                    public void onConnectionFailed(@NonNull ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
                        Log.w("StartActivity", "onConnectionFailed:" + connectionResult);
                        hasGooglePlayServicesInstalled = false;
        mGoogleApiClient =;


    protected void onResume() {

            if(!hasGooglePlayServicesInstalled) {
                // Plain Deep link

                // No Deep Link
                Log.d("DL", "Start without DL");
                Class activity = SplashscreenActivity.class;
                if (mainPreferenceUtils.getAccessToken() != null) {
                    activity = MainActivity.class;

            // Firebase Deep Link
            final DeferredObject firebaseDeepLink = new DeferredObject();
            Promise p = firebaseDeepLink.promise();
            p.then(new DoneCallback() {
                public void onDone(Object result) {
                    FirebaseInvitation firebaseInvitation = (FirebaseInvitation) result;
                    Log.d("DL", "Start with Firebase");

                    // TODO:
            }).fail(new FailCallback() {
                public void onFail(Object result) {
                    Log.d("FirebaseDL", "getInvitation: no deep link found.");

                    // Plain Deep link

                    // Normal Flow
                    Log.d("DL", "Start without DL");
                    Class activity = SplashscreenActivity.class;
                    if (mainPreferenceUtils.getAccessToken() != null) {
                        activity = MainActivity.class;


    public void finish() {
        overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

    private void handlePlainDeepLink() {
        Uri data = getIntent().getData();
        if (data != null) {
            Log.d("DL", "Start with Plain");


            if (mainPreferenceUtils.getAccessToken() != null) {
                Intent activityIntent = new IntentBuilder()
                        .flags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP)


    private void handleFirebaseDeepLink(final DeferredObject firebaseDeepLink) {

        // Firebase DeepLink
        AppInvite.AppInviteApi.getInvitation(mGoogleApiClient, this, false).setResultCallback(
                new ResultCallback<AppInviteInvitationResult>() {
                    public void onResult(@NonNull AppInviteInvitationResult result) {
                        if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                            // Extract deep link from Intent
                            Intent intent = result.getInvitationIntent();
                            String deepLink = AppInviteReferral.getDeepLink(intent);

                            // Handle the deep link. For example, open the linked
                            // content, or apply promotional credit to the user's
                            // account.
                            firebaseDeepLink.resolve(new FirebaseInvitation(intent, deepLink));


    private void goToActivity(Class activityClass) {
        Intent intent = new IntentBuilder()
                .flags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK)
        overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

    private class FirebaseInvitation {
        public Intent invitationIntent;
        public String deepLink;

        public FirebaseInvitation(Intent invitationIntent, String deepLink) {
            this.invitationIntent = invitationIntent;
            this.deepLink = deepLink;
samtstern commented 8 years ago

@CeccoCQ can you double-check that the SHA1 you put in the Firebase console matches the SHA1 of your APK?

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

The link is:

In the firebase console I've added:

schermata 2016-06-09 alle 08 25 46

And this is the check with the keytool -exportcert -list -v \ -alias <your-key-name> -keystore <path-to-production-keystore>

schermata 2016-06-09 alle 08 27 34

I don't know what to do...

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

Any idea about my issue?

ivandiazmolina commented 8 years ago

Same problem and I still do not fix it

samtstern commented 8 years ago

@CeccoCQ sorry for the delayed response and thank you for the SHA info. I am still not 100% sure what the issue is but I am looking into it. Also just to be sure, are you using a device with Google Play Services version 9.0.80 or higher?

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

@samtstern Yes, I'm using the latest version 9.0.83

85simo commented 8 years ago

Same issue here as well

giannign1 commented 8 years ago

Same issues for me, same code and logcat as CeccoCQ

nottix commented 8 years ago


manuelcugliari commented 8 years ago


Seidak commented 8 years ago

I have the same problem, any news about it?

JasonSheedy commented 8 years ago

I'm also experiencing the same issue. So far I've wasted a whole day on this.

JasonSheedy commented 8 years ago

Got it working by adding SHA-1 key. However, if this causes dynamic links to fail, why is adding the SHA-1 key marked as optional in the console?

samtstern commented 8 years ago

@JasonSheedy that's a very good question, let me look into that. Glad you solved your issue!

samtstern commented 8 years ago

@JasonSheedy from what I can see the console says the SHA1 is required for App Invites / Dynamic Links. firebase_console

I think the real bug here is that the error message on Android is so opaque. CANCELED should tell you if it's a SHA1 issue. I'll see what I can do about that!

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

Hi, I still have the issue.

I've a project with 4 build types, that I named: .dev, .staging, .debug, .release as suffix. So I've 4 different apks for my application.

For each type, I've created a specific alias in my keystore file and I've a different SHA1. In the firebase console, in the Project settings I've 4 different app and I added the relative SHA1.

Nothing works, same error "Intent CANCELED".

tatt5749 commented 8 years ago

I am also having the same issue here... any update for this issue?

felipezf commented 8 years ago


mikeyang01 commented 8 years ago


ynakanishi commented 8 years ago

I also had the same issue. However, after I updated firebase to 9.4.0, I don't see it.

Is this issue solved?

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

With the 9.4.0 the issue still remain. But the Google/Firebase devs doesn't have any news about this issue? I think that this is a critical bug.

samtstern commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

I don't have much of an update but I don't want you to feel that this issue is ignored. The only way I have been able to reproduce this is by having the wrong SHA1/package name for my app entered in the Firebase console. It's also possible this error could occur when the wrong version of Google Play Services is installed on the device.

If anyone has another reproduction method I'd be happy to try it and see if we can identify another cause, but at this time misconfiguration is the only one I can see.

CeccoCQ commented 8 years ago

We can see that I've already verified and added the right SHA1 for my package:

Can you check if my configuration in that post is right? (Manifest, Gradle, etc...)

samtstern commented 8 years ago

@CeccoCQ what you've posted so far looks right, what does your app/build.gradle look like?

10520314 commented 8 years ago

The same issue here but It goes away after a day. Is there any delay in the Firebase server for the SHA1 to be available?

samtstern commented 8 years ago

@10520314 there's no server side delay for SHA1 registration, sometimes there is a client-side cache which generally only lasts ~1hr but I would not expect a day long delay.

cybergen78 commented 7 years ago

Same issue. I can't see any misconfiguration. I'm on 9.8.0.

One other question regarding the intent filter, shouldn't the host be <app-id> instead of the deep link host? (Analog to iOS)

cybergen78 commented 7 years ago

I just noticed something strange. I have also an iOS app configured in the project. The iOS app consists of 2 targets (app and a share extension). I had to confure the share extension as another iOS app in firebase to give access to the extensions bundle identifier. Now the android google-services.json contains a reference to the iOS share extension, but not the the actual iOS app. But I doubt, this has something to do with this issue.

sivi29y commented 7 years ago

Sam please check if it is something with google premissions. From what I recall it used to work with google app invites.. therefore you should look on what you change between both libraries. My guess it's something with permissions that firbase dosen't have and the previous directory location did ...

OSemenovBoyarka commented 7 years ago

Same issue here. However I'm experiencing issue only with long dynamic links, like this:

If I use short version, like - all works fine.

saxenapragya8 commented 7 years ago

Sorry but any luck on this?

Also attaching my console output in case anyone has clues. It looks like I am getting all the events I am expecting along with correct Activity Names in the logs (LoginActivity/NavigationActivity) but the result still comes to CANCELED. The Bundle parameter -sc seems to be the correct Activity I am expecting to be launched


KentHawkings commented 7 years ago

I'm currently also having this issue. Can we get some kind of resolution please?

mhdtouban commented 7 years ago

This issue is still there I have firebase latest v 10.2.1. I have added SHA-1 & SHA-256 but this didn't solve the issue.Also, other firebase products are working fine.

smoonsf commented 7 years ago


gracefulife commented 7 years ago


Same issue. I used firebase v 10.0.1 and I have added SHA-1, 256 but this not working for my project

deepakbhatia commented 7 years ago

for me with the adb command only the short link available in firebase console works. The long link in adb for some reason does not work. I tested the long link & query parameters by posting it in a thrid party app and clicking it.

vasskob commented 7 years ago

Hi everyone! I have the same issue on my nexus 5 with android 7.1.1. But All works fine on android 5,6,7.1.2 on other devices. Still investigate.

samtstern commented 6 years ago

While we never did figure out what was going on with some of these cases, it's been over 8 months since the last comment. That implies that this may have been resolved by some combination of SDK, platform, and backend changes since then.

If anyone is still having this issue please let me know and I will re-open this!

davidsvilem commented 6 years ago

I'm still having this issue :( even though i added SHA-1. I really need help on this one, so if some overcome this issue i'll be glad for inputs sharing.


tamirncode commented 6 years ago

Has the same issue. What worked for us that we had two intent-filters almost similar which caused the Google Play to lose the intent we wanted. Instead of showing "Continue" button it redirected us to uninstall/open page on the play.

Either way, its best to work with the latest firebase dynamic link API

samtstern commented 6 years ago

@davidsvilem thanks for commenting. Have you tried this:

samtstern commented 5 years ago

@davidsvilem any chance you're still having this issue? Anyone else running into this? If not we can probably close this and wait for new reports to resume debugging, it's been almost a year.

google-oss-bot commented 5 years ago

Hey @CeccoCQ. We need more information to resolve this issue but there hasn't been an update in 7 days. I'm marking the issue as stale and if there are no new updates in the next 3 days I will close it automatically.

If you have more information that will help us get to the bottom of this, just add a comment!

google-oss-bot commented 5 years ago

Since there haven't been any recent updates here, I am going to close this issue.

@CeccoCQ if you're still experiencing this problem and want to continue the discussion just leave a comment here and we are happy to re-open this.

ornolisvt commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue, I'm using lastest libraries. I have this errors on Logcat Backfilling empty external referrer for deep link for packagename E/AppInviteAgent: Complete invitation failed due to error code: 3