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Firebase Quickstart Samples for iOS
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Not receiving push notifications in prod (or ad hoc build) #207

Closed shinzao closed 7 years ago

shinzao commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have exactly le same problem that the issue #201 ,

Into my .plist, I have : capture d ecran 2017-01-06 a 09 41 22

And into my Delegate, I've tried many things like : FIRInstanceID.instanceID().setAPNSToken(deviceToken, type: FIRInstanceIDAPNSTokenType.sandbox)

or FIRInstanceID.instanceID().setAPNSToken(deviceToken, type:

or with .unknown also. Everything work in development but not in prod (or ad Hoc).

This is a screenshot of my code : capture d ecran 2017-01-06 a 09 58 32

Do you have an idea ?

Thanks in advance, Antoine

shinzao commented 7 years ago

Hi guys,

Still have this problem, any idea ?

Thanks in advance

snok3r commented 7 years ago

Same here. Moreover, I don't get notifications in ad hoc build at all. I've tried to set FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled flag to YES and even remove it, it didn't help.

Is it possible that if build an app for App Store it will work? If it's not the reason, then why it's happening?

Update: Now, i'm trying to build an ad hoc build. Still nothing, neither from console nor through API:

With FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled flag set to YES:

In all cases didReceiveRemoteNotification don't get called when I'm sending message from Firebase console.

What could possibly go wrong?

psmoq commented 7 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have the same problem... While developing an app everything works perfect (with the Firebase Console). After deploying an app to the TestFlight, push notifications stop working... Has anyone managed to resolve it?

shinzao commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, I just find a way to solve it.

I revoked all certification (on my apple developper account and firebase), recreated and reuploaded. Now, everything works.

snok3r commented 7 years ago

@shinzao Hi! Could you please be more specific, did you revoke all certificates or just for push notifications? And how do you revoke certificates on firebase? Also, it would be very helpful if you wrote the steps you've taken.

Thanks in advance!

Update: I assume you sticked with FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled flag set to NO? Did you write something else except from setAPNSToken? Also, I found that I have a weird target settings: screen shot 2017-01-12 at 13 19 14 maybe something wrong?

revolter commented 7 years ago

@snok3r, About the Code Signing Identity setting, this is the recommended way.

Also, you revoke a certificate from this page, specifically, the ones with the type Apple Push Services. You don't need to revoke all your certificates. On Firebase you need to upload the .cer file after re-generating the revoked certificates.

snok3r commented 7 years ago

@revolter thanks! You mean .p12 file?

@shinzao About provisioning profiles, did you create them on your own like Firebase tutorial says or let XCode to do it?

snok3r commented 7 years ago

It finally worked! I think right Project and Target settings along with recreation of this certificates helped!

@revolter @shinzao Thank you guys soooo much!

revolter commented 7 years ago

@snok3r, Glad it worked, you're welcome.

hyd00 commented 7 years ago

@shinzao @revolter @snok3r

Thank you guys! Finally got it to work! THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!

xhidnoda commented 7 years ago

@snok3r so... This is correct? captura de pantalla 2017-01-16 a las 11 27 21 p m

captura de pantalla 2017-01-16 a las 11 28 03 p m

--and not revoke my Apple Push Services Certificate? from my "developer account"

snok3r commented 7 years ago

@xhidnoda hi! Yes, I have the same Target settings and info.plist keys. I've revoked the two distribution certificates:iOS Distribution and Apple Push Services. After you've done this, don't forget to reupload your newly generated .p12 to Firebase.

xhidnoda commented 7 years ago

THANKS @snok3r

Apparently the only solution is:

  1. Revoke the certificate and create new ones
  2. Don't forget to upload in firebase the new .p12 again

Will confirm this...later

xhidnoda commented 7 years ago

Finally work for me...

Here my steps:

1 - Make sure to Enable FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to YES in the info.plist 2- Revoke your certificate (APNS develop and distribution) and create a news ones 3 - NOTE: there is an error in the Firebase documentation. When you exporting the APN certificate for production from your keychain to the .p12 file you have to select the actual certificate, not the private key. 4 - Make sure you upload to the Firebase console this .p12 file in the Cloud Messaging APN certificate settings. 5- Send remote notification with Firebase Console.

Thanks to all..!

fanals commented 7 years ago

@xhidnoda I tried your solution starting from the beginning and it finally worked ! Not sure but the only thing I remember doing different was exporting the APN certificate by selecting both certificate and private key. This time I exported only the certificate without the private key.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@snok3r @revolter Hi guys! Did you have a problem about that: When calling FIRInstanceID.instanceID().setAPNSToken(deviceToken, type: in Appdelegate method, the tokenRefreshNotificationcallBack be invoked infinitely.... By the way, the scheme I set release But in debug scheme and FIRInstanceIDAPNSTokenType.sandBox, everything work fine..

rahulgarg12 commented 7 years ago

@canny09 I am facing the same problem. Did you get any solution?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@rahulgarg12 Hi ! I got the problem because I set FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled value for NO in info.plist. So reset the value with YES will work fine for me. Try.

rahulgarg12 commented 7 years ago

@canny09 Yes everything works fine when i enable Method Swizzling. But when I disable it and set token programmatically, on prod instance id is nil everytime and tokenRefreshNotification gets called infinitely. I want to know why this is happening.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@rahulgarg12 YES! The situation same as yours. En.. I also want to know the reason.

manenga commented 7 years ago

Same here for iOS. I have the same notification sent to both Android & iOS. Android always receives them and iOS does for a while (maybe a week or 2) then suddenly stops until I go to the firebase console and manually send to the device. This also doesn't work at first, then it starts to work when I send my second notification.

jrbecart commented 7 years ago

Is is better to use the new .p8 file instead of the .p12 in firebase? Looks like easier to me. Anyway, I'm trying to solve the same problem and I will try @xhidnoda steps.

rsattar commented 7 years ago

@jrbecart Yeah, the new .p8 file is Apple's new authentication system and it works much better than the previous .p12 certificates, because: 1) They don't expire every year. 2) You can use the same .p8 file to send to all app in that Apple Developer account. 3) You don't need to do a hard-to-follow export process via Keychain Access. You just upload the .p8 file as Apple gave you.

Be sure you're using the new FCM iOS SDK (version 2.x, as part of Firebase 4.x rolled out in May 2017)

jrbecart commented 7 years ago

I think, I have the same kind of problem when app is in prod. I get the notification, but in a different way (other method called) and it's hard for me to debug that way... :( I opened a new issue for this: #296 .

roberto-rodriguez commented 6 years ago

Similar issue happen to me, I added Push Notifications to an existent app, tested by running using Xcode to my device and it worked well, but when when created the Archive and installed via iTunes, it didn't receive Push Notifications. The problem was that when I added the permissions for push notifications, my Provisioning Profile got obsolete (Invalid), so I had to generate a new Provisioning Profile, apply to my iTunes/phone, and now when I install the app it works well.

suvarapuprasad commented 6 years ago

@xhidnoda -- your solution worked for me thanks

vicky462 commented 5 years ago

I have faced similar issue but after Enable FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to YES in the is working fine ios 12 but still in ios 10.3.3 push notification not working.Any one face these kinda problem ?? Please help me

norter commented 5 years ago

In addition to everything that is said about rebuilding the push certificates and the possible regeneration of the provisioning profile and the upload of new .p12 to Firebase. We found two possible solutions: On the one hand: to kill the Apple developers. All this because the problem took us several hours to find it, is the file "name_your_project.entitlements". When we see it, it is displayed correctly, the ticks appear that everything is ok, but when we export for Ad Hoc, it does not include "production" in "aps-environment", in the last step before generating the .ipa, with that push notifications do not arrive ... In short, to solve this, it is necessary to delete the file "file name_your_project.entitlements", deactivate push notifications in capabilities, and activate them again. This will regenerate the file "file name_your_project.entitlements", and with this, it will already generate in the last step of the Ad Hoc .ipa generation, with the aps-environment in production ... So, the second, logic and the most boring alternative: Delete the file, desactive the push notifications in capabilities and active them again.


Nephsus commented 5 years ago

The error commented by Norter is caused because the reference to the entitlments file is lost. If you go to inactive capabilites and re-activate the push option, you will recreate it. When generating the ipa it is necessary to see that the APS Environment property comes out to production.

I'm Norter's partner: D

hamza-gaya commented 3 years ago

This issue is not closed at all as flutter plugins faced that or you guys would have fixed on your iphone device what about others iphone devices ??? have you all guys tested that. fluter is generating duplicate and also invalid firebase messaging token after 1 day gap they actually started sending those notifications but this is not a proper solution

imtoori commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing something similar I hope someone can help me 'cause I'm really struggling here