firebase / quickstart-unity

Firebase Quickstart Samples for Unity
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[Bug] Analytics parameter and event names with the letter 'k' in the Unity SDK 8.10.1 are now missing that letter. #1273

Closed andymads closed 2 years ago

andymads commented 2 years ago

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Analytics parameter and event names with the letter 'k' in the Unity SDK 8.10.1 are now missing that letter.

e.g. public static string ParameterChecoutOption { get; } public static string ParameterChecoutStep { get; } public static string ParameterMaretingTactic { get; } public static string EventChecoutProgress { get; } public static string EventUnlocAchievement { get; }

Relevant Code:

region Assembly Firebase.Analytics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

// Firebase.Analytics.dll


using System; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Firebase.Analytics { public sealed class FirebaseAnalytics { public static string ParameterChecoutOption { get; } public static string ParameterItems { get; } public static string ParameterItemVariant { get; } public static string ParameterItemName { get; } public static string ParameterItemLocationId { get; } public static string ParameterItemListName { get; } public static string ParameterItemListID { get; } public static string ParameterItemList { get; } public static string ParameterItemId { get; } public static string ParameterItemCategory5 { get; } public static string ParameterItemCategory4 { get; } public static string ParameterItemCategory3 { get; } public static string ParameterItemCategory2 { get; } public static string ParameterItemCategory { get; } public static string ParameterLevel { get; } public static string ParameterItemBrand { get; } public static string ParameterGroupId { get; } public static string ParameterFlightNumber { get; } public static string ParameterExtendSession { get; } public static string ParameterEndDate { get; } public static string ParameterDiscount { get; } public static string ParameterDestination { get; } public static string ParameterCurrency { get; } public static string ParameterCreativeSlot { get; } public static string ParameterCreativeName { get; } public static string ParameterCreativeFormat { get; } public static string ParameterCoupon { get; } public static string ParameterContentType { get; } public static string ParameterContent { get; } public static string ParameterIndex { get; } public static string ParameterLevelName { get; } public static string ParameterLocation { get; } public static string ParameterLocationID { get; } public static string ParameterVirtualCurrencyName { get; } public static string ParameterValue { get; } public static string ParameterTravelClass { get; } public static string ParameterTransactionId { get; } public static string ParameterTerm { get; } public static string ParameterTax { get; } public static string ParameterSuccess { get; } public static string ParameterStartDate { get; } public static string ParameterSourcePlatform { get; } public static string ParameterSource { get; } public static string ParameterSignUpMethod { get; } public static string ParameterShippingTier { get; } public static string ParameterShipping { get; } public static string ParameterSearchTerm { get; } public static string ParameterScreenName { get; } public static string ParameterScreenClass { get; } public static string ParameterScore { get; } public static string ParameterQuantity { get; } public static string ParameterPromotionName { get; } public static string ParameterPromotionID { get; } public static string ParameterPrice { get; } public static string ParameterPaymentType { get; } public static string ParameterOrigin { get; } public static string ParameterNumberOfRooms { get; } public static string ParameterNumberOfPassengers { get; } public static string ParameterNumberOfNights { get; } public static string ParameterMethod { get; } public static string ParameterMedium { get; } public static string ParameterMaretingTactic { get; } public static string ParameterChecoutStep { get; } public static string UserPropertyAllowAdPersonalizationSignals { get; } public static string UserPropertySignUpMethod { get; } public static string ParameterCampaignID { get; } public static string EventRefund { get; } public static string EventPurchaseRefund { get; } public static string EventPurchase { get; } public static string ParameterCharacter { get; } public static string EventPostScore { get; } public static string EventLogin { get; } public static string EventLevelUp { get; } public static string EventLevelStart { get; } public static string EventLevelEnd { get; } public static string EventJoinGroup { get; } public static string EventRemoveFromCart { get; } public static string EventGenerateLead { get; } public static string EventEarnVirtualCurrency { get; } public static string EventChecoutProgress { get; } public static string EventCampaignDetails { get; } public static string EventBeginChecout { get; } public static string EventAppOpen { get; } public static string EventAddToWishlist { get; } public static string EventAddToCart { get; } public static string EventAddShippingInfo { get; } public static string EventAddPaymentInfo { get; } public static string EventAdImpression { get; } public static string EventEcommercePurchase { get; } public static string EventScreenView { get; } public static string EventPresentOffer { get; } public static string EventSelectContent { get; } public static string ParameterCampaign { get; } public static string ParameterCP1 { get; } public static string ParameterAffiliation { get; } public static string ParameterAdUnitName { get; } public static string ParameterAdSource { get; } public static string EventSearch { get; } public static string ParameterAdNetworClicID { get; } public static string ParameterAdFormat { get; } public static string ParameterAchievementId { get; } public static string EventViewSearchResults { get; } public static string EventViewPromotion { get; } public static string ParameterAdPlatform { get; } public static string EventViewItem { get; } public static string EventViewCart { get; } public static string EventUnlocAchievement { get; } public static string EventTutorialComplete { get; } public static string EventTutorialBegin { get; } public static string EventSpendVirtualCurrency { get; } public static string EventSignUp { get; } public static string EventShare { get; } public static string EventSetChecoutOption { get; } public static string EventSelectPromotion { get; } public static string EventSelectItem { get; } public static string EventViewItemList { get; }

    public static void ExportFix();
    public static Task<string> GetAnalyticsInstanceIdAsync();
    public static void LogEvent(string name, params Parameter[] parameters);
    public static void LogEvent(string name);
    public static void LogEvent(string name, string parameterName, int parameterValue);
    public static void LogEvent(string name, string parameterName, long parameterValue);
    public static void LogEvent(string name, string parameterName, double parameterValue);
    public static void LogEvent(string name, string parameterName, string parameterValue);
    public static void ResetAnalyticsData();
    public static void SetAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(bool enabled);
    public static void SetSessionTimeoutDuration(TimeSpan timeSpan);
    public static void SetUserId(string userId);
    public static void SetUserProperty(string name, string property);


paulinon commented 2 years ago

Hi @andymads,

Thanks for reporting this issue. It appears that a recent change intended to remove k's from constant names is incorrectly removing k's from the middle of some parameter and event names, and a fix for this will be released soon. In the meantime, you can either use the misspelled property or an older version of the SDK.