firebase / quickstart-unity

Firebase Quickstart Samples for Unity
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] Crashlytics not tracking non-fatal issues #942

Open ebeneventano opened 3 years ago

ebeneventano commented 3 years ago

[REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields: Unity editor version: 2018.4.30f1 Firebase Unity SDK version: 6.15.2 Source you installed the SDK: Unity Package Manager Problematic Firebase Component: Crashlytics Other Firebase Components in use: Messaging, Dynamic Links, Analytics, Core Additional SDKs you are using: Facebook, Ads Platform you are using the Unity editor on: Mac Platform you are targeting: Android/iOS Scripting Runtime: IL2CPP

[REQUIRED] Please describe the issue here: Since migrate to .net4 and install Firebase 6.15.2 from Unity Package Manager, our application has stopped reporting non fatals but continues to report crashes. We have already tried to uninstall and install firebase but without success.

MartinGonzalez commented 3 years ago

It's happening to us too. The test we made was to download de sdk .unitypackage insteado of upm package and it's working.

Is this something related only to upm packages @Firebase? We need to use Upm packages

damianciocca commented 3 years ago

It's happening to us too!!! I will try to download de sdk manually :(

sgarat commented 3 years ago

We are facing the same problem as well, installing firebase (any version) using Unity does not work as expected. I Have try downloading the sdk manually and it works just fine, it seems Unity is having some issues with Firebase Crashlytics.

tanukidarou commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem!

galianoariel commented 3 years ago


thsbrown commented 3 years ago

I also seem to be having this issue. Installing version 7.2.0 .tgz from the Google package repo.