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Make same window for each site in detached mode #246

Open Draghmar opened 9 years ago

Draghmar commented 9 years ago

Hi In classic Firebug there is one feature that is missing in other dev tools (.next included). Default Firefox tools opens new window for each site. It's really annoying when you have few sites that you have to switch between and in detached mode you're loosing track of what is exactly in Firebug window you're look at. Classic Firebug just change content within same window. It would be great if this feature would be implemented. It could be as a option if someone finds current behavior fine. :P

compojoom commented 9 years ago

Completely agree with this one! I have the page that I'm working on open on monitor 1. On monitor 2 I have firebug. Right now it opens a new window for each page, which is really a pain in the *\ since I work on multiple pages at the same time. When I switch tabs, I have to manually switch the firebug windows. Also thanks to this behavior - my windows toolbar fills up with 20 opened firebug instances... The old behavior in fb2 was way better!

janodvarko commented 9 years ago

Yes, this is something we want to implement in


cFreed-AKA-Alf commented 8 years ago

I also completely agree with this request.

Not only the multi-windows mode makes FB to not follow when we switch from tab to tab (as already pointed by @compojoom) but also, according to the Windows usage (that I hate!), each new window opens shifted from the previous one: it results in a more complicated screen layout.
