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Display the full url for XHR requests in the console #360

Open compojoom opened 9 years ago

compojoom commented 9 years ago

As mentioned in #358 it would be really good if the XHR requests that are being shown in the console have the complete url shown without having to hover or open the request to see the url. This would help with navigation as on the same page we could have a lot of different XHR request (with different queries) and currently since we only show the domain name + path, we are missing on important information.

fflorent commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the report!


fflorent commented 9 years ago

Could be a good first bug. What do you think @janodvarko ?


janodvarko commented 9 years ago

Good point, label set.


fflorent commented 9 years ago

@josephmgonzalez would you be interested in that issue ?


josephmgonzalez commented 9 years ago

@fflorent This could be a possibility, could you give a little insight on how this should be done? I am newer to the project and don't really know where to find the issue.

fflorent commented 9 years ago

Sure. I am at work, I'll try to do that this evening.


fflorent commented 9 years ago

First, some resources:

So, what you need to do:

As a first step, for now, you can try to just change the text correctly (.textContent = "...") as requested the issuer, in order to have the full URL. Also inspect the XHR logs using the Browser Toolbox or DOM Inspector.

Please, don't hesitate if you have any question.


fflorent commented 9 years ago

@janodvarko I complemented your developer guide :)


janodvarko commented 9 years ago

@janodvarko I complemented your developer guide :)



fflorent commented 9 years ago

@josephmgonzalez Have you got all the elements to start? Please, don't hesitate to ask your questions.
