firecat53 / dockerfiles

Dockerfiles: Gollum, Jackett, Miniflux, Nginx/PHP-FPM, Plex, Privatebin, Qbittorrent, Radarr, Sabnzbd, Samba, SSH Socks Proxy server, Sonarr, Syncthing, Transmission, Unifi Controller.
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Ansible instructions #6

Closed sanderant closed 9 years ago

sanderant commented 9 years ago

Per the instructions for the ansible-base: "Then get the SSH IP address and port from::

# docker inspect ansible-base | grep IPAddress"

There is no IPADDRESS field in that output in my release: Docker version 1.0.1, build 990021a

I see from the ps that it is redirecting port 22 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 723e5364ce74 ansible-base:latest /usr/sbin/sshd -D 2 hours ago Up 2 hours>22/tcp ansible_test

I'm unclear what I am looking for and how to proceed. It would be helpful if you could explain a little more in the main readme how the final setup works and if there is a preferred order in building these containers. I thought you'd build ansible first then the rest would become self explanatory.


firecat53 commented 9 years ago

There was a typo in the README. It should read:

# docker inspect ansible_test | grep IPAddress

You should be inspecting the running container for its IP address, not the image.

HOWEVER --- I just updated the README, but I also recommend that you actually don't use this Dockerfile anymore. The practice of having a running SSH daemon inside a container is typically not recommended. Containers should be provisioned using a Dockerfile, and if access to a running container is necessary you can use either nsenter (Docker <= v1.2) or 'docker exec' (Docker >= v1.3). I originally put this together when I really didn't completely understand yet how to effectively use images and containers. There are plenty of recent tutorials for Docker...I highly recommend working through several hands-on to get an idea of how it all works together!

These Dockerfiles are designed to be used independently. There's no required order or inter-dependence for any of them. Use as many or as few as you need.


sanderant commented 9 years ago

Thanks Scott. I was trying to understand the inter-dependencies of your images. I somehow thought the ansible image controlled all of them and omd would monitor them, and so on, but now I see they are all separate, but share some configs. Thanks for making them!