firecat53 / urlscan

Mutt and terminal url selector (similar to urlview)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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urls opens in w3m in tmux #76

Closed rlue closed 5 years ago

rlue commented 5 years ago

Noticed this problem this morning. Started with v0.8.2 (via Debian repos) and it was working for months. Don't know what changed that caused it to break. Upgraded to v0.9.0 (via pip3), but that doesn't help.

URLs open in firefox with xdg-open and with urlscan in the bare terminal; in tmux, they open in w3m. $BROWSER is not set. Read through issue #70; confirmed that no older versions of urwid are installed.

On Debian buster, with python 3.6.7, urlscan installed via both sudo apt install urlscan and sudo pip3 install urlscan --upgrade

firecat53 commented 5 years ago

Well that's odd. Looks like you did a pretty thorough job at looking for possible causes. I can't reproduce the problem here (Arch/tmux/python 3.7.1). Tried on Ubuntu 18.04 also (pip install --user) and worked fine there too.

Try making sure urlscan and urwid are completely uninstalled, then do pip install --user urlscan and make sure ~/.local/bin is in your $PATH. sudo pip install anything is often not a very good idea...too much chance of conflicts and allowing root access to what technically is an untrusted source.

rlue commented 5 years ago

It magically went away. -_-' (Thanks for the help though!)

firecat53 commented 5 years ago

Sooo...since you're around here recently, would you be able to install the develop branch and test the search feature I added? I really don't have anyone to test it on and I'd like to make sure it's relatively intuitive to use before releasing it. Just thought I'd check! Thanks!

rlue commented 5 years ago

Hey sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Looks like you released already, but FWIW, I think it's plenty intuitive.

One problem I have is that I'm using the B/W palette, and search results aren't highlighted until I switch to the colored palette and back again. Maybe this should go into a new issue, but I'm honestly not really complaining.

It may be worth noting that I am on alacritty + tmux on Linux (Debian).

firecat53 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for testing! I think you may be testing a version a couple commits behind. I remember having that issue but fixing it. Tried on my machine (Arch/urxvt/tmux) and it works as it should with the B/W palette saved to config.json. Try wiping and reinstall using pip install --user urlscan.

firecat53 commented 5 years ago

Ach, disregard above...just delete the unwanted or duplicate palettes from config.json! I forgot already that's what caused that issue!