Currently trying to get everything ready for the node editor to completely support the Python abstract syntax tree class to be able to create complete python scripts from the node editor as well as being able to load python scripts right into the editor.
Note: This is a larger task and will take time until it's fully implemented.
previous ideas
Collection of various possible nodes to be added for the logic editor
Set Variable
Ensure this can be various types (int, bool, float, python code, etc)
Textfield in / out (new passthrough socket?) for setting the variable
combobox for selecting the type
Class constructor parameters
store parameters in same name class variables by default (may make this configurable sometime later)
Loops (for, foreach, while)
Convenient functions
load music
load sfx
load model
load actor
find nodepath
Functions (probably group nodes, base should be implemented in NodeEditor core)
Tasks (same as functions but different in export)
Function entry (needs node that can add output fields as they define the functions arguments)
Function exit (return with optional return value)
Create nodes of libraries (mainly Panda3D but maybe also others) from their source or stub files.
Nodes are created for each class (create object) and each function (pass the class object as self and other required arguments)
Edit to support full python ast compatibility
Currently trying to get everything ready for the node editor to completely support the Python abstract syntax tree class to be able to create complete python scripts from the node editor as well as being able to load python scripts right into the editor.
Note: This is a larger task and will take time until it's fully implemented.
previous ideas
Collection of various possible nodes to be added for the logic editor
NOTE: Create nodes of libraries (mainly Panda3D but maybe also others) from their source or stub files. Nodes are created for each class (create object) and each function (pass the class object as self and other required arguments)