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[Question] Is FireCMS Cloud mandatory? #647

Closed ludovicroland closed 1 month ago

ludovicroland commented 1 month ago


For a personal project, I used the very first version of FireCMS. It was awesome.

In the context of a new personal project, I tried to create a project with version 3. But in the creation process, I am forced to connect to Google and give rights to a FireCMS application. This is not the case if I use version 2.

If I try to create a project through FireCMS Cloud on a self hosted project, I cannot bypass the subscription to chat GPT. So I am totally lost :(

With version 3 of FireCMS, are we forced to use FireCMS Cloud as it seems to be the case? Can't we continue to use FireCMS as a "framework" to generate a project, configure it ourselves and host it on Firebase Host ourselves?

Thank you in advance for your answer. I am not sure if I have understood how much the Cloud version of FireCMS becomes mandatory?


fgatti675 commented 1 month ago

Hi @ludovicroland ! Thanks for reaching out. You can use FireCMS as a framework in the PRO version (it is very similar in practice to V2, but has a ton of new features) You can get started completely for free, but you need to acquire a license if would like to use it further. Feel free to join our discord or reach us at if you need any assistance!

ludovicroland commented 1 month ago

Hello @fgatti675

Thank you for your answer!

I tried to create a project using yarn create firecms-app --pro

But it fails with the following message:

You are logged in as
✔ Loading your projects
No FireCMS projects found
error Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: /opt/homebrew/bin/create-firecms-app
Arguments: --pro
Directory: /Users/mac-LROLAN03/Documents/workspace/my-books-backend

info Visit for documentation about this command.

Does it mean that I need to create a project on FireCMS Cloud even if I would like to use it as the version 2?

fgatti675 commented 1 month ago

Nope! Sorry about that. We have fixed that error in the latest canary release. You can try it out with: npx create-firecms-app@^3.0.0-canary.54 --pro or yarn dlx create-firecms-app@3.0.0-canary.54 --pro