firecow / gitlab-ci-local

Tired of pushing to test your .gitlab-ci.yml?
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gitRemoteMatch extension .git should be optional #1251

Closed alexey-vostrikov closed 3 weeks ago

alexey-vostrikov commented 4 weeks ago

git remote get-url origin git@gitlab.local:group/subgroup/project

Unexpected behavior "git remote get-url origin didn't provide valid matches"

Expected behavior gitlab-ci-local worked

Host information Ubuntu jammy gitlab-ci-local 4.50

Containerd binary docker

Additional context gitRemoteMatch extension .git should be optional

gitRemoteMatch = /(?schema>ssh):\/\/(\w+)@(?<host[^/:]+):?(?\d+)?\/(?\S+)\/(?\S+)(.git)?/.exec(gitRemote); //