firecracker-microvm / firectl

firectl is a command-line tool to run Firecracker microVMs
Apache License 2.0
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firecracker api is not synced with firectl #58

Closed romange closed 3 years ago

romange commented 3 years ago

When running:

> firectl --firecracker-binary ~/firecracker/firecracker  --kernel ~/hello-vmlinux.bin   --root-drive ~/hello-rootfs.ext4  -t --cpu-template=C3   --firecracker-log=/tmp/firecracker-vmm.log   --kernel-opts="console=ttyS0 noapic reboot=k panic=1 pci=off nomodules rw" --vmm-log-fifo=""  --tap-device 'tap0/AA:FC:00:00:00:01'   --metadata='{"foo":"bar"}'   -s /tmp/fire.sock

I get the following error:

INFO[0000] Called startVMM(), setting up a VMM on /tmp/fire.sock
2020-09-22T10:04:39.366701738 [anonymous-instance:ERROR:src/api_server/src/] An error occurred when deserializing the json body of a request: unknown field `log_fifo`, expected one of `log_path`, `level`, `show_level`, `show_log_origin` at line 1 column 27.
WARN[0000] setupLogging() returned [PUT /logger][400] putLoggerBadRequest  &{FaultMessage:An error occurred when deserializing the json body of a request: unknown field `log_fifo`, expected one of `log_path`, `level`, `show_level`, `show_log_origin` at line 1 column 27.}. Continuing anyway.
2020-09-22T10:04:39.367103565 [anonymous-instance:ERROR:src/api_server/src/] Missing mandatory fields.
ERRO[0000] PutMachineConfiguration returned [PUT /machine-config][204] putMachineConfigurationNoContent
WARN[0000] Failed handler "fcinit.CreateMachine": [PUT /machine-config][400] putMachineConfigurationBadRequest  &{FaultMessage:Missing mandatory fields.}
FATA[0000] Failed to start machine: [PUT /machine-config][400] putMachineConfigurationBadRequest  &{FaultMessage:Missing mandatory fields.}
kzys commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the breakage. We've upgraded the Firecracker Go SDK on firectl recently. Feel free to reopen this issue if you still see this error.