Open JaroslavHron opened 2 months ago
That is indeed expected. We currently project functions on HDiv/HCurl spaces to ones on appropriate DG spaces before saving and project them back after loading. Those are projection errors.
Hi, thanks - I see - I was investigating this since we see much bigger difference with higher order mesh. If I do the same with quadratic mesh, the CG vector field is restored from the checkpoint file correctly, while the HDiv is restored with much higer value of the divergence:
from firedrake import *
from firedrake.__future__ import interpolate
def report(z):
l2_norm=sqrt(assemble(inner(z, z)*dx))
h1_norm=sqrt(assemble(inner(grad(z), grad(z))*dx))
div_norm=sqrt(assemble(inner(div(z), div(z))*dx))
print(f"{l2_norm=} {h1_norm=} {div_norm=}")
mesh = UnitDiskMesh(refinement_level=2, name='disk')
l=2 # mesh order
V1 = mesh.coordinates.function_space()
V2 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", l)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
f = Function(V2).interpolate(mesh.coordinates)
ur=R*as_vector([x[0]/sqrt(x[0]**2+x[1]**2), x[1]/sqrt(x[0]**2+x[1]**2)])
bc=DirichletBC(V2, ur, 1)
bc.apply(f) # correct the boundary to conform to circle
mesh = Mesh(f, name='disk')
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", k)
#V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", k)
z=assemble(interpolate(as_vector((x[1],x[0])), V))
with CheckpointFile(f"temp_test.h5", 'w') as chp:
chp.save_function(z, name='z')
with CheckpointFile(f"temp_test.h5", 'r') as chp:
z=chp.load_function(mesh, name='z')
then i see this:
l2_norm=1.2533075678366274 h1_norm=2.5050750966777287 div_norm=1.2924204487211691e-14
l2_norm=1.2533075678366274 h1_norm=2.5050750966777287 div_norm=1.2924204487211691e-14
l2_norm=1.2538698595522295 h1_norm=2.5088860745287382 div_norm=0.010262263358943974
But maybe I am constructing the higher order mesh in wrong way?
That indeed looks like a bug. Probably, it is caused by that projection onto the DG spaces are not exact if the mappings are non-affine. I will have a closer look when I am back from holiday. Are you only interested in simplex meshes for now?
Yes, we use simplex meshes for now. I will modified the bug title to reflect the problem. Enjoy your holiday.
When trying to restore checkpointed function, it seems not to be identical for some elements.
Steps to Reproduce
Expected behavior When run for CG element the restored function seems to be identical
While for RT/BDM element, there is a small difference:
Is this to be expected?