firefly-iii / firefly-iii

Firefly III: a personal finances manager
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
15.72k stars 1.43k forks source link

No CSS / Styling, Text Only #2019

Closed fern90 closed 5 years ago

fern90 commented 5 years ago

I am running Firefly III version 4.7.9

Description Firefly starts correctly, I can login and do everything, but page appears to be missing CSS. All I see is the text.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clean install on debian 8 as per the official installation guide.

Extra info /debug output Debug information generated at 2019-01-19 15:17:28 America/Sao_Paulo for Firefly III version 4.7.9.

Variable Content
FF version 4.7.9
FF API version 0.9.0
App environment local
App debug mode false
App cache driver file
App logging , daily
PHP version 7.2.14-1+0\~20190113100657.14+jessie\~1.gbpd83c69
Display errors Off
Session start 2019-01-01 00:00:00
Session end 2019-01-31 23:59:59
Session first 2019-01-01 00:00:00
Error reporting ALL errors
Host Linux
Interface apache2handler
UserID 1
Attempt at "en" false
Attempt at "English" false
Attempt at "en_US.utf8" 'en_US.utf8'
Attempt at "en_US.UTF-8" 'en_US.UTF-8'
DB drivers mysql
Current driver mysql
Login provider
Storage disks local-upload
Using Sandstorm? no
Is Sandstorm (.env) false
Is Docker (.env) false
bunq uses sandbox false
Trusted proxies (.env)
User agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36
Loaded extensions Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, Reflection, SPL, sodium, session, standard, apache2handler, mysqlnd, PDO, xml, bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, iconv, intl, json, ldap, exif, mysqli, pdo_mysql, Phar, posix, readline, shmop, SimpleXML, sockets, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Zend OPcache

Bonus points image

Apache logs show no errors.

JC5 commented 5 years ago

Just check the source. Is the CSS giving you a 404?

fern90 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the help JC5.

I just checked, and i can access all the css files, without any 404s.

fern90 commented 5 years ago

I think i might have found the issue, altough i'm not sure how to solve it.


The javascript files are returning 404 (app.js does exist, though i couldn't find guest.js)

fern90 commented 5 years ago

Some further info. It seems to be calling the .js from the wrong location. i.e. http://server-ip/firefly/index.php/v1/js/app.js?v=4.7.9

Also, guest .js is also present

JC5 commented 5 years ago

Check if mod rewrite is enabled. And check your plugins. There are several files loaded that are not from Firefly III.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

labichn commented 5 years ago

I am seeing the same behavior on a fresh installation of 4.7.9 in Firefox and Chrome. My debug information is below.


Unlike @fern90, I'm seeing 200 across the board for all requests. 2019-02-04-224058_1082x509_scrot

There is no information in the ff3 logs or from nginx. Since I'm running nginx I'm not sure the mod rewrite suggestion applies (please correct me if I'm wrong). Here is the configuration (ignoring lines inserted by certbot):

server {
    server_name ...;
    root /var/www/firefly-iii/public;
    index index.php index.htm index.html;
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
        autoindex on;
        sendfile off;
    location ~ \.php$ {
        try_files $uri =404;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        include fastcgi_params;

Debug information generated at 2019-02-04 22:26:53 US/Eastern for Firefly III version 4.7.9.

Variable Content
FF version 4.7.9
FF API version 0.9.0
App environment local
App debug mode false
App cache driver file
App logging , daily
PHP version 7.3.1
Display errors Off
Session start 2019-02-01 00:00:00
Session end 2019-02-28 23:59:59
Session first 2019-01-01 00:00:00
Error reporting ALL errors
Host Linux
Interface fpm-fcgi
UserID 1
Attempt at "en" false
Attempt at "English" false
Attempt at "en_US.utf8" 'en_US.utf8'
Attempt at "en_US.UTF-8" 'en_US.UTF-8'
DB drivers mysql
Current driver mysql
Login provider
Storage disks local-upload
Using Sandstorm? no
Is Sandstorm (.env) false
Is Docker (.env) false
bunq uses sandbox false
Trusted proxies (.env)
User agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0
Loaded extensions Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, ctype, dom, fileinfo, filter, hash, json, mbstring, pcntl, SPL, PDO, session, posix, readline, Reflection, standard, SimpleXML, Phar, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, mysqlnd, cgi-fcgi, bcmath, curl, gd, iconv, intl, ldap, mysqli, pdo_mysql, zip

Let me know if there is any other information I can provide!

JC5 commented 5 years ago

Could you share the <head> section? There might be URL's secretly a bit off. Although with everything returning OK, something strange is going on.

labichn commented 5 years ago

Here's the head section from /new-user:

    <base href="https://subdomain.domain.tld/">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="csrf-token" content="ZCBobMyOXLfyBUxJGX0PfxRLXSmMLL8kAQbS4xyw">
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive, noodp, NoImageIndex, noydir">
                            Welcome to Firefly III! »

        Firefly III

    <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" name="viewport">
            <link href="v1/lib/bs/css/bootstrap.min.css?v=4.7.9" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="v1/lib/fa/css/font-awesome.min.css?v=4.7.9" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="v1/css/daterangepicker.css?v=4.7.9" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

        <link href="v1/lib/adminlte/css/AdminLTE.min.css?v=4.7.9" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="v1/lib/adminlte/css/skins/skin-blue-light.min.css?v=4.7.9" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

        <link href="v1/css/firefly.css?v=4.7.9" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

            <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="v1/js/lib/html5shiv.min.js?v=4.7.9"></script>
    <script src="v1/js/lib/respond.min.js?v=4.7.9"></script>

            <script type="text/javascript">var forceDemoOff = false;</script>

        <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png?v=3e8AboOwbd">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png?v=3e8AboOwbd">
<link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest?v=3e8AboOwbd">
<link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#3c8dbc">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico?v=3e8AboOwbd">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Firefly III">
<meta name="application-name" content="Firefly III">
<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#3c8dbc">
<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="/mstile-144x144.png?v=3e8AboOwbd">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#3c8dbc">

JC5 commented 5 years ago

Mmmm. The base href is good and the links return 200's. I do see that the return types is "plain" for all CSS and JS data. Can you check if the content of the returned data is actual valid CSS or JS?

labichn commented 5 years ago

Everything seems to be in order, but the styles (like login-page) are not being applied (see screenshot below). I've confirmed this from a number of machines and browsers.

Start of app.js:

!function(t){var e={};function n(r){if(e[r])return e[r].exports // ...

Excerpt from AdminLTE.min.css:



I'll try a fresh installation tonight, see if anything changes.

labichn commented 5 years ago

Thanks @JC5, the problem was the missing MIME types. I added the following line to the nginx / location block and the styles appear as expected: include /etc/nginx/mime.types.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.