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Firefox DevTools UX Community
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Vertical and horizontal rhythm #3

Open fvsch opened 5 years ago

fvsch commented 5 years ago

In Debugger issue 6631 I’ve explored the Debugger’s vertical rhythm.

Looking at what the DevTools currently do:

It would be nice to have some guidelines for vertical and horizontal rhythm, offsets, etc.

The Photon design system has a 4px baseline grid which seems to work nicely with what the DevTools do (or could do, when current spacing is imprecise). I suggest we adopt it.

Not everything from the Photon design system can or should be used, for instance the default icon-button style calls for a 32px-tall button. This can't fit our 24-28px toolbars.

Don't count separators

A strict vertical grid would mean that all text baselines should be separated by multiples of 4px. This might not be practical because we have some text with a 14px line-height, and also border separators that take 1px height.

I propose we don't adhere to a strict vertical rhythm and also don’t count borders.

This means that a toolbar which has a 1px bottom border should be, technically, 29px (28px for content and 1px for the border) and not 28px (27px for the content and 1px for the border).

Vertical rhythm

sidebar vertical rhythm

For content rows, given a line-height of 14px, we may use vertical padding or 3px or 5px to achieve a 20px or 24px height.

content row height

Horizontal rhythm

To be done. :)

fvsch commented 5 years ago

One small example of inconsistent height: bug 1486323. Netmonitor toolbars are supposed to be 28px high, end up being 29px because of an implementation error.

fvsch commented 5 years ago

Looking at markup rows in the Inspector: