firegloves / MemPOI

A library to simplify export from database to Excel files using Apache POI :japanese_goblin:
MIT License
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Not Generating Excel Files #2

Closed ShubhamS32 closed 4 years ago

ShubhamS32 commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug I've created a simple java code which produces multiple excel sheets with multiple tabs. The input is taken from the configuration file. When the code is executed in eclipse itself the files are produced. Also as I needed it to share with my colleagues I exported it with an executable file. When I tested the executable JAR file, the code works as expected and produces the excel file. When the JAR file is shared across different machines, the excel file is not generated or generated but empty and wrong sheet names. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Ran the executable jar using the command: java -jar myjar.jar Also, I've set withDebug as true. Ex: memPOI =MempoiBuilder.aMemPOI() .withDebug(true) .withFile(fileDest) .withAdjustColumnWidth(true) .addMempoiSheet(sheet) .build(); Therein on command prompt the log info say creating rows and then creating/writing sheet. Whereas on my colleagues PC it's printing till creating rows and then program stops. There is no error or exception occurred.

Expected behavior When the executable jar is run on a different computer it should produce the excel files.

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firegloves commented 4 years ago

Hi ShubhamS32,

thank you for opening this issue. Right now I'm on holidays, when I'll be back I'll start working on this issue as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile a couple of questions:

Thank you

firegloves commented 4 years ago

I've configured 2 VM with your suggested windows versions but I can't reproduce your problem. Please provide mempoi sheet configuration or a buggy jar so I can test it directly.