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Subscribe class should keep channel/consumer open for multiple messages to avoid N**2 Redis lookups #54

Open bradgessler opened 8 years ago

bradgessler commented 8 years ago

From @ProTip:

It appears to me that firehose pubsub occurs only once before Redis is polled again; am I reading this correctly?

  1. web_socket calls subscribe on the channel
  2. next_message is called. Redis is hit to get the sequence and message list. If the client is caught up the deferrable is subscribed to the pubsub. Deferrable is returned.
  3. Deferrable callback is set(I'm not sure when the first opportunity for the deferrable to be resolved is, but it seems to me this should actually be created and the callback set then passed into next_message..) ...Later
  4. Redis publishes and the callback is run. All deferrables subscribed to the channel are removed and resolved.
  5. The deferrable callback calls subscribe again. GOTO 2. -> Redis is hit.

If this is the case then the pubsubbing is way less efficient and Redis gets hit way more than what I would have expected for a pubsub fanout.

To following this along a bit:

For a channel with 6k subscribers:

Vote occurs -> Redis pubs 6k deferrables are resolved *Redis is pinged for the latest sequence and message_list 6k times(I think they are pipelined otherwise it would be 12k).

If not for the latency this situation appears to be trying really hard at N**2'ing Redis lookups.

thoughtless commented 8 years ago

If my understanding is correct, the current behavior exists because it is possible for one or more messages to have been published while the callback is run.

One possible approach is to group all the subscribers who are at the same message sequence together. We could ask redis for the current message sequence and list one time, then fan out the response to all the subscribers who are at the same message sequence.

We'd need to be careful with this approach though. A naïve implementation could make it such that no clients would get the next message until all clients had gotten the previous message. If that happened, then a single slow client could disrupt everyone. (Similar to a slowloris attack)

ProTip commented 8 years ago

The Redis client should not skip callbacks.

bradgessler commented 8 years ago

The client won't skip callbacks in the pubsub.on(:message) callback; we'd just need to expose the on message callback to the consumer instead of hiding it behind the deferrable that we create in the Channel class. Relevant code for that is at

I propose instead of passing messages through the channel deferrable we pass some sort of MessagesEmitter that can be called from ruby in the case of pulling message from the Redis array or via the Redis pubsub callback. This class would be Enumerable or an Enumerator so that WebSockets can simply call each and HttpLongPoll could call take(1).