firelab / windninja

A diagnostic wind model developed for use in wildland fire modeling.
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NOMADS GFS run fails #21

Closed jforthofer closed 9 years ago

jforthofer commented 9 years ago

The simulation blows up after pushing the solve button. Info: Windows 64-bit release version mackay.tif trees coarse America/Boise diurnal off stability off wx model initialization NOMADS-GFS-GLOBAL-0.25-DEG 6 hrs download google earth checked threads = 8

When it blows up, "Generating mesh..." is the last thing written in the console.

jforthofer commented 9 years ago

Also fails with 1 thread.

jforthofer commented 9 years ago

And fine resolution, 8 threads.

ksshannon commented 9 years ago

Fixed in fc630f025c4980daed01061cb6afb36c61d4db0d, use GDALOpenShared for the next fcst file