firemodels / fds

Fire Dynamics Simulator
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WFDS 5.5.2 and smokeview 5.5.8 'weirdness' #1180

Closed gforney closed 9 years ago

gforney commented 9 years ago
Please complete the following lines...

Application Version:WFDS 5.5.2 and smokeview 5.5.8
SVN Revision Number:6706-6710
Compile Date:090710
Operating System:Vista 64bit - Core2Duo 64bit - 4Gb RAM - 

Describe details of the issue below:

Why do the cones representing trees not 'burn away' (like they do in the video link
indicated below), yet in particle mode the particles do 'burn away'? Is something still
'broken'? (btw - thanks for bringing back the tree cones) ... and I do use VEG_REMOVE_CHARRED=.TRUE.
for the PART_ID on the trees, but nothing similar on the &TREE XYZ input.


Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-27 15:16:11

gforney commented 9 years ago
btw - the WFDS input file can be downloaded from the link in Comment #2 at:

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-27 15:22:58

gforney commented 9 years ago
ruddy should be able to comment on what in the case shown in the video made the trees

fyi: In the mean time, smokezip has a new feature that converts particle files to isosurface
files.  The isosurface represents the boundary between particles and no-particles.
 The isosurface is colored according to the particle quantity.  So your trees will
disappear using this method.  Type:

smokezip -part2iso casename

If you use this method for visualizing your case, you'll want to hide the "pretty"

Note, if you haven't already, you'll need to download a recent version of smokeview.
where casename is the name of your case.  Note, you'll need to wait until your FDS
finishes running your case.

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-28 02:10:33

gforney commented 9 years ago
I'm currently using smokeview 5.5.8 (the one that just came out with FDS 5.5.2 that
has smokezip_win_64.exe 1.3 dated Sept 7, 2010 SVN 6737 - but it says Platform WIN32,
which shouldn't it be WIN64?)

My command line was (for windows 64 bit):
"smokezip_win_64 -part2iso casename"
[btw - it would be REALLY nice if there was a manual on WFDS - the one the is available
(wfds_user_guide.pdf) is incomplete and vague!!!]

It created a 'NEW' smokeview file named:

I open that and it has an "isosurface file" load option now (particle boundry: 0.5
- all meshes, and another option with 'colored by: DROPLET TEMPERATURE'), that when
I load, gives the visual in the attached file. However only one of the two meshes seem
to load even though I choose 'all meshes', and the 'trees' are weird looking/colored
(but they DO 'burn away').

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-28 19:55:36

gforney commented 9 years ago
you are right, if you are running the 64 bit smokeview it should say this.  I'll check
the message that is displayed.

looks like you are not running with the most recent smokezip.  Type 
smokezip_win_64 -version 
and tell me what it says.  (I changed smokezip so that it does not create any extra
.smv files )

There is a bug in smokezip (regarding you only seeing one mesh).  I'll check this out.

Did you get a 2nd isosurface file that is colored by temperature?

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-28 20:44:57

gforney commented 9 years ago
The version, SVN, date, etc. are noted in Comment #3 above (v1.3,6737,Sept 7,2010) and
noted the 'Platform' info says WIN32, not WIN64...

There's two 'meshes' listed under the drop down box for 'particle boundry: 0.5 - single
mesh', but the two meshes listed there are EXACTLY the same - BOTH Mesh 2... (odd?)

Is there a good way to manually color the isosurface some color (besides the changing
DROPLET TEMPERATURE color), like say forrest green?

btw - I kinda like the 'globby/lumpy' look the trees have using this visualization
- more realistic than the perfect cones, and the burning away seems more real than
with visualizing as particles - the particles seem to burn away too fast ;-)

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-28 21:19:23

gforney commented 9 years ago
Could the single mesh bug be linked to my using fds5_mpi_win_64.exe to run my fds file
with? (i.e do I need a smokezip_mpi_win_64?)

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-28 21:45:32

gforney commented 9 years ago
Below is a sample of what is echoed onto the DOS screen as the smokezip runs... did
notice it keeps saying the "trees_grass_0001_00000020_00.q" and other "..._00.q" files
do not exist, yet they do right there in the directory where this is being run! (not
sure how important this stuff is, but here it is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\NIST\ForestFire>smokezip_win_64 -part
2iso -f trees_grass
  Copying trees_grass.smv to trees_grass_smvzip.smv
Compressing .bf, .iso, .s3d, and .sf data files referenced i
n trees_grass.smv
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000020_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000020_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000040_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000040_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000060_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000060_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000080_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000080_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000100_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000100_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000120_01.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000120_01.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000140_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000140_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000160_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000160_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000180_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000180_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000200_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000200_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000220_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000220_00.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0001_00000240_01.q, does
 not exist.
*** Warning: the file,  trees_grass_0002_00000240_01.q, does
 not exist.
Smokezip running on a little endian computer.
FDS was run on a little endian computer. not compressed
  Min and Max for rad not set in .ini file not compressed
  Min and Max for rad not set in .ini file

Compressing 3D smokefile trees_grass_0001_01.s3d
  Compressing:  10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% com
  records=2399, Sizes: original=74.0 MB, compressed=21.9 MB
( 3.4X reduction)
Compressing 3D smokefile trees_grass_0001_02.s3d
  Compressing:  10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% com
  records=2399, Sizes: original=21.3 MB, compressed=5.46 MB
( 3.9X reduction)
Compressing 3D smokefile trees_grass_0002_01.s3d
  Compressing:  10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% com
  records=2399, Sizes: original=84.0 MB, compressed=25.4 MB
( 3.3X reduction)
Compressing 3D smokefile trees_grass_0002_02.s3d
  Compressing:  10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% com
  records=2399, Sizes: original=27.4 MB, compressed=7.21 MB
( 3.8X reduction)

trees_grass_0001_01.sf not compressed
  Min and Max for Y_H2O not set in .ini file
trees_grass_0002_01.sf not compressed
  Min and Max for Y_H2O not set in .ini file

time=0.408835....... and it goes on and finishes, getting only MESH 2 to visualize
the isosurface stuff ;-)

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-29 00:15:23

gforney commented 9 years ago
the single mesh part2iso problem and the ".q" problem should be fixed.  Try the latest
smokeview (revision 6871) and smokezip (revision 6873) just posted

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-29 03:21:39

gforney commented 9 years ago
Noticed the 64-bit version of Smokezip (v1.3.1,6873,Sept28,2010) is not named "smokezip_win_64.exe"
but rather just smokezip.exe... should I rename it?

Also, the ".q" errors seem to be gone, but still missing MESH 1 when viewing with Smokeview
(Test version,6871,Sept28,2010)... and noticed no new "casename.smv" file was created
after running the new smokezip, but a file named "casename.isosmv" was created...

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-29 18:42:25

gforney commented 9 years ago
The 'latest' picture looks like MESH 1 is on the MESH 2 side and MESH 2 is 'bumped off'?
(see view from above in the link below)

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-29 18:48:16

gforney commented 9 years ago
about name change, you don't have to change it.  This is a test release, I'll have to
think about what I want the name to be.  Probably make it consistent with what the
name was in the full bundle.

you were using an older version of smokezip.  I changed the way I handled the newly
created .iso and .tiso files .  I think it is easier to put these files in a separate
file ( casename.isosmv ) and not make the user use a different .smv file.  So the new
solution is after you run smokezip you continue to use the same .smv file.

The case is working for me that is, I see.  There may be a problem with using smokezip
on a case that has already been compressed.


smokezip -clean casename

to remove all compressed files.  Then type again

smokezip -part2iso casename

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-29 20:52:57

gforney commented 9 years ago
also, type smokezip -v
make sure it says it is version 1.3.1 (not 1.3)

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-29 20:54:20

gforney commented 9 years ago
smokezip version IS 1.3.1 per Comment #9 above... and noted here:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserv

C:\Program Files (x86)\NIST>smokezip -v


Version: 1.3.1
SVN Revision Number: 6873
Compile Date: Sep 28 2010
Platform: WIN32        <- shouldn't this be WIN64?

Next, did the "-clean" and it seemed to have erased a bunch of smokezip generated files,
then did the "part2iso" and let that finish - but, when I open the "casename.smv" there's
no load option for "isosurface files":

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-29 23:10:10

gforney commented 9 years ago
you are right, it should be WIN64 but that is a red herring - it is not the reason why
it failed.  (I was using a WIN32 bit smokezip also and it worked for me).  

I have a solution but want to test it more before I post it. (will now change smokeview
to read in two different files - the original .smv file and the .isosmv file created
by smokezip.  I was concatenating these two files and then reading in the merged files.
 I think the problem you were seeing is that for some reason the merge step failed.

While I am testing my solution, try merging by hand - that is, copy the contents of
the .isosmv file to the end of your .smv file.  Then double click on the .smv file.
 You should then see the isosurface files in your load menu.

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-30 05:22:51

gforney commented 9 years ago
try the test smokeview I just posted (revision 6877).  smokeview now reads in two files
(the specified casename.smv file and the casename.isosmv file generated by smokezip

Before you download the new test smokeview, erase all the smokeviews, smokediffs and
smokezips in your installation directory (so things don't confused later).  I changed
the test distributions so that smokediff/smokezip names are now consistent with the
names given in the full bundle you would have installed earlier (ie smokediff_win_64
and smokezip_win_64) .  

When you type:
smokezip_win_64 -v 
it should output WIN64 .

You shouldn't need to run smokezip again.  First, try looking at your case with smokeview.
 Let me know what happens.  

If this fails I suggest erasing all your files except your casename.fds file (or just
copy it somewhere else), re-running smokezip_win_64 -part2iso casename and finally
looking at your case with smokeview

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-30 18:48:09

gforney commented 9 years ago
Regarding the fact that the cone tree objects do not disappear as they do in the wfds_50x50m_approx_icfme_with_walls.wmv
movie. This movie was made in the old days with WFDS based on FDS version 4. I need
to update the current version of WFDS to handle this (a few weeks at most).

Thanks for the comment regarding the need for a better wfds manual. It's becoming a

Original issue reported on by ruddymell on 2010-09-30 19:42:56

gforney commented 9 years ago
(No text was entered with this change)

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-09-30 20:37:35

gforney commented 9 years ago
The new smokeview works G R E A T !!! Thanks Glenn ;-)
(Any way to color these isosurface version trees?)

Roger on the WFDS manual, Ruddy... and look forward to the ver.4 cone disappearing
trick feature in ver.5 (or ver.6?)

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-09-30 22:33:55

gforney commented 9 years ago
smokeview (revision 6877) seems to be missing the compression menus/stuff in the smokeview
load menu...

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-01 00:22:28

gforney commented 9 years ago
glad it is working. 

yes, you can customize the isosurface color using the .ini file .  Take a look at the
ISOCOLOR keyword.  See example below.  In your .ini file, look for the triplet just
after the 3.  You'll see that it is different than the one below.  Change your triplet
to match (again just after the 3) to match  0.09765625    0.5 0.0
.  This rgb triplet color is identical to the color used for the "prettified" trees
that come up initially in your case.

 10.000000 0.800000 : shininess, transparency
 0.700000 0.700000 0.700000 : specular
 0.09765625 0.5 0.0
 0.750000 0.800000 0.800000
 0.000000 0.960000 0.280000

Looks like when smokeview forms the smokezip menu it assumes that it is named smokezip.exe
for both win32 and win64.  So the work around is to rename smokezip_win_64.exe to smokezip.exe
.  I'll change the next version of win64 smokeview to look for smokezip_win_64.exe
in your bin directory instead . 

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-01 01:44:11

gforney commented 9 years ago
Renamed 'smokezip_win_64.exe' to 'smokezip.exe' and now compression is in the menus/dialogs
- thanks!

New 'issue' - ran the new smokeview (revision 6877) and looks like normal 'OBST' that
were burning away normally (note: also ran smokezip (revision 6873), have stopped burning
away - broken?
(see pic below - the tall structure is normally burned away completly by this time
and the shorter structure to its right is missing several cubes... see video at:

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-01 14:02:21

gforney commented 9 years ago
Another note:

Seems some obscure backward compatibility has been lost with this version of smokeview/FDS
as projects (seems to be mostly the one's that include fires in them as the ones with
just evac work ok with new smokeview) made using older versions of FDS-5 run fine using
older smokeviews, but not running on this one (6877) as these projects now just lock-up
and stop working.

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-01 14:27:40

gforney commented 9 years ago
Comment 22 addenda ~ i.e. these older FDS5 files work fine w/smokeview(5.5.8-6710) but
lock-up w/smokeview(test-6877)

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-01 14:33:14

gforney commented 9 years ago
note: just to try it, I edited both the grass_trees.ini and smokeview.ini in the project's
directory to read:

 10.000000 0.800000 : shininess, transparency
 0.700000 0.700000 0.700000 : specular
 0.09765625 0.5 0.0
 0.750000 0.800000 0.800000
 0.000000 0.960000 0.280000

...but the isosurface color is still that default golden like color.

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-02 13:06:02

gforney commented 9 years ago
I've identified a problem which could cause some of the problems you mentioned.  I'll
get a fix up as soon as I can - may be a couple of days as I am in the middle of a
lot of other changes (which may cause other things to break!)

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-04 12:37:58

gforney commented 9 years ago
Did manage to get this simulation display variation using the ISOCOLORS edit and set
the dialog box for 'Isosurface' to 'points' with 'point size' to '10.0' - tree-like,

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-04 13:43:17

gforney commented 9 years ago
It took a while but I've posted a new test smokeview that should fix the problem you
were seeing - revision 6935.  Note, I have made major internal changes to both smokeview
and smokezip.  Things seem to be working but it is likely that you will discover more

1) I've added parallel processing to smokezip.  You can specify up to 16 files to be
compressed simultaneously (default is 2).  On the smokezip command line use the -t
nthreads parameter pair to specify a diffeent number of threads.  For example, to compress
up to 4 files at a time you would use -t 4 .  I have found on my quad core laptop that
I get speedups of up to 2.  On my 8 core Linux workstation, I was getting a speed up
of up to 6.

2) changed how I interface to the Fortran routines that read in various FDS data files
(to support multi-threading in smokezip and eventual multi-threading in smokeview)

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-12 02:40:08

gforney commented 9 years ago
I typed-in "smokezip_win_64 -part2iso grass_trees" and it just locked-up and gave me:

'smokezip_win_64 has stopped working
Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...'

Am I not doing something right?

Meanwhile - the older programs now work (even the ones with fires in them), and the
OBST's are now burning away - NICE!!!

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-12 18:53:00

gforney commented 9 years ago
I'll make sure the bundle got made correctly.  Type smokezip_win_64 -v and tell me what
it says.

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-12 18:56:25

gforney commented 9 years ago
I set a parameter wrong.  I'll post a new test bundle.  In the mean time for now use
the -t option (its new, used to set number of simultaneous files to compress).  So

smokezip_win_64 -part2iso -t 4 grass_trees 

Should work.  This will compress 4 files at a time.  Should be faster than

smokezip_win_64 -part2iso -t 1 grass_trees 

which is essentially the old version of smokezip . (note, if you actually do the experiment
you need to type smokezip_win_64 -c grass_trees first to remove compressed files)

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-12 19:15:41

gforney commented 9 years ago
see if the smokeview/smokezip I just posted (revision 6948) behaves any better.  Let
me know if you see any problems.

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-12 20:57:56

gforney commented 9 years ago
OK - works with the command line of Comment #30 (w/rev.6935 the compression runs, OBST
burn away, etc.), but 'solid' isosurface trees are still 'golden-ish' and not forest
green, even though the grass_trees.ini indicates the ISOCOLORS edit indicated in Comment

Will rev. 6948 'fix' it so this color edit works, or do I need to edit something else?

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-12 21:22:25

gforney commented 9 years ago
Wow, I don't know what you did to the isosurface points thing, but this view for the
trees is totally awesome! They now look a lot like fur trees:

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-12 23:10:21

gforney commented 9 years ago
Oops, apparently it was just an illusion of sorts (still cool) - I'd accidentally activated
the 'normals' which give the 'fur tree' visual effect (well, until you load more stuff
then it looks odd):

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-12 23:19:03

gforney commented 9 years ago
Not sure what is going wrong with your isosurface color.  (it is working for me).  Try
the attatched .ini file. (move all .ini files to another directory then download .ini
file attached to this comment)

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-13 00:56:34

gforney commented 9 years ago
Downloaded your ini file after removing mine, and this is what it is looking like:

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-13 02:28:34

gforney commented 9 years ago
Several long shots here.  do you have any other computers you can try this on? Lets
make sure it is not a video card issue.  Turn on the title display.  Lets make sure
you are using the version of smokeview you think you are.  Go to Load menu and re-load
the configuration files.  Look at the command shell window.  It will tell you what
files it read in.  

Does the other 

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-13 02:46:47

gforney commented 9 years ago
Several long shots here.  do you have any other computers you can try this on? Lets
make sure it is not a video card issue.  Turn on the title display.  Lets make sure
you are using the version of smokeview you think you are.  Go to Load menu and re-load
the configuration files.  Look at the command shell window.  It will tell you what
files it read in.  

Does the other isosurface (colored) menu choice look OK?

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-13 02:47:26

gforney commented 9 years ago
The version of smokeview (TEST 6948) I'm using can be seen in the picture in Comment
#34, it's just the ini file I got from you (see picture in Comment #36) had the title
off I guess...

Did the reload ini file and still same...

The forest green color is working GREAT on the 'points' setting for isosurfaces, just
not when I select the 'solid' setting...

Here's the load up for smokeview:

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-13 16:27:33

gforney commented 9 years ago
It looks like you are running on a system with an older video card (it only supports
OpenGL 1.5).  Maybe that is what is going on.   Maybe the new opengl is "forgiving"
of how I have implmented isosurface coloring.  I'll see if I can figure something out.

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-13 17:19:50

gforney commented 9 years ago
my laptop is only a year old... but is is a product from SONY (i.e. cheap...)

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-13 18:02:27

gforney commented 9 years ago
OK, here comes more work...

These older FDS5 files now work fine w/the test version of smokeview (e.g. test-6948)
as noted in Comment 28, but just found out the older FDS4 files do not. These FDS4
files (including older FDS5 files) do work w/smokeview 5.5.8 (6710), but lock-up w/smokeview

Always something, eh?

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-22 15:13:17

gforney commented 9 years ago
sorry, we can't really debug FDS4 output files unless the bug also is also occurring
in FDS5.  At what point does it lock up?  If before opening any data file while reading
the .smv file then attach your .smv and I'll take a look at it otherwise I am not sure
how I could debug it.

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-22 15:21:08

gforney commented 9 years ago
The FDS4 files do fine with smokeview 5.5.8 (6710), but does the same thing the older
FDS5 files did with smokeview test (6877) when one tries to open the .smv file (see
attachment per request) before you fixed that side issue with smokeview test (6948):

'smokeview.exe has stopped working
Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...'

... and yes, it is as it is loading up the .smv file - see picture:

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-22 17:35:26

gforney commented 9 years ago
upload the .smv (and .fds) file that is causing the problem and I"ll take a look at

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-22 18:16:25

gforney commented 9 years ago
OK, first - this is FDS4 (so it is a ".data" file not ".fds" file...), however it is
part of a state fire marshal arson investigation's evidence, so....

Also, it appears it's not just all FDS4 .smv files that are locking up, so probably
something unique that I was doing to this particular case or something. Kinda like
the problem we were having with the older FDS5 files did with smokeview test (6877)
which seemed to be limited to messing up only the ones that also had fire input (i.e.
did fine for the evac input, etc.).

I'd be glad to email you with it but obviously I can't just post it here ;-)

Can you email me so I can reply with the requested file?

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-22 18:49:18

gforney commented 9 years ago
try smokeview just posted - revision 7002 .  I didn't do anything (on purpose) to fix
your crash but your .smv file is working for me with 7002 (was failing for me same
as you with earlier smokeview)

note: I've added an interesting feature for visualizing boundary files (reason for
 7002 ).  You can now truncate or chop data (same feature as exists with slice files).
 eg: you can draw only those temperatures on blockages that are > 200 C  .  

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-23 21:43:08

gforney commented 9 years ago
I just tried smokeview-test(7002) on that FDS4 .smv file and got a crash:

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-24 15:06:20

gforney commented 9 years ago
smokeview-test(7013) does the crash thing, too...

Original issue reported on by BlackstoneEngineering on 2010-10-26 04:42:21

gforney commented 9 years ago
try smokeview just posted (revision 7014)

Original issue reported on by gforney on 2010-10-26 05:09:26