firemodels / fds

Fire Dynamics Simulator
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Closed gforney closed 9 years ago

gforney commented 9 years ago

Application Version: 5.5.3 Serial
SVN Revision Number:7031
Compile Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010
Operating System: Windows XP 32-bit

Issues using the TIME_OPEN and TIME_CLOSE functions, specifically for the use of exits.
Trying to have exits open and close at specific times, however occupants still pass
through the opening and exit the compartment -- despite an exit being closed (shown
in red).

Original issue reported on by RobertBGerard on 2010-11-16 00:33:49

gforney commented 9 years ago
Please post the images to which you refer.

Original issue reported on by mcgratta on 2010-11-16 13:21:45

gforney commented 9 years ago
This issue relates to the discussion thread:
"EVAC exit open and close functions".  If you
have problems with the work-around (see the
discussion group), please, let me know.

Kevin, no need to post any images, "shown in read"
means that SMV shows closed doors as red on the
back side of the door, front side is the user given

I have made the changes in the SVN version 7134,
so this issue should be fixed in the next release
of FDS (minor/major or "bug" fix version,  which
ever will  be the next one). The new keywords for
the EXIT and DOOR namelists are: LOCKED_WHEN_CLOSED
and TARGET_WHEN_CLOSED. Defaults are both .FALSE.

Fire Dynamics Simulator
Compilation Date : Mon, 15 Nov 2010
Version: 5.5.3; MPI Disabled; OpenMP Disabled
SVN Revision No. : 7134

FDS+Evac Compilation Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010
FDS+Evac Version         : 2.4.0
FDS+Evac SVN Revision No.: 7134

So, the evacuation version is now called 2.4.0, because
there is some user input chages:

User Input Changes, Evac 2.4.0 vs 2.3.1

*) No need to specify the additional door flow fields.  No need to
 define "outflow" vents.  No need to define additional obsts for the
 "outflow" vents.  The user should only define the main evacuation
 meshes and the EXITs and DOORs, all the above other things are
 generated automatically.

*) If CORR is used and its TO_NODE is an "dummy" EXIT then the exit
 should have COUNT_ONLY=.TRUE. so that there will be no mesh (and flow
 field calculation) for this dummy exit.  Also SHOW=.FALSE. might be
 good, i.e., do not show the dummy exit in Smokeview.

*) Added logical keyword LOCKED_WHEN_CLOSED (default is false) to the
 EXIT/DOOR namelists.  If it is set true then the agents stop at the
 door line if the door/exit is closed.  In normal mode the agents can
 go through closed doors, but they do not use closed doors in the door
 selection algorithm.

*) Added logical keyword TARGET_WHEN_CLOSED (default is false) to the
 EXIT/DOOR namelists.  If it is set true then the door/exit is
 included in the door selection algorithm even if it is closed.  The
 agents will go towards closed doors and will go through the closed
 doors if LOCKED_WHEN_CLOSED is not set to true.

*) Added a logical keyword to (some) PERS namelist: EVAC_FDS6 is by
 default .FALSE. If it is set to .TRUE. then the agents aim straight
 towards the doors that they can see.  Firts they aim towards XYZ and
 when they are close enough then they start to aim towards XB.  "Aim
 towards XB or XYZ" does not mean straght to that point. The agents
 aim between the door posts (minus 30 cm for the body size effect) and
 the mid point of the door (XYZ is a point but the door width is also
 used here to place "door posts" for this point).  If the agents are
 within the door posts of the door (say, door hax IOR=+1, and
 y1=4.0m and y2=6.0m, then if the agent has y=4.3m to 5.7m) then the
 agent will (try to) move directly along the +x direction.  If the
 agent density is high around the agents (more than 2 p/m2) then the
 guiding flow field of the target door is used.  Same is true when
 no XB nor XYZ are visible.  The left and right side densities are
 checked separately (close to a wall or at the outer boundary of a
 agent crowd). If "straight towards door" would mean turning towards
 a high left (or right) density then the flow field is used instead.

Robert, could you, please, come back to this issue, when the next
FDS version is released on the download page, and verify
that the two new keywords are working like they should
for your case. This way I could mark the status of this issue as
verified and close it.


Original issue reported on by tkorhon1 on 2010-11-16 15:23:09

gforney commented 9 years ago
So other users (here at VTT) have verified this issue,
they are using these features in their work. So, I'll
close this issue.


Original issue reported on by tkorhon1 on 2011-03-24 15:18:41