firemodels / fds

Fire Dynamics Simulator
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Picking up an array out of bounds in debug mode in spark #13142

Open marcosvanella opened 2 weeks ago

marcosvanella commented 2 weeks ago

Compile the target impi_intel_linux_db and run case Verification/Miscellaneous/ramp_time.fds

This is what I see:

mnv@spark-login Miscellaneous (master) $ /zpool/array01/home/mnv/FireModels_fork_home/fds/Build/impi_intel_linux_db/fds_impi_intel_linux_db ramp_time.fds 

 Starting FDS ...

 MPI Process      0 started on spark-login

 Reading FDS input file ...

 Fire Dynamics Simulator

 Current Date     : July  8, 2024  17:21:21
 Revision         : FDS-6.9.1-474-gecfea1e-dirty-master
 Revision Date    : Mon Jul 8 14:32:58 2024 -0500
 Compiler         : Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.12.0 Build 20240222_000000
 Compilation Date : Jul 08, 2024 16:35:30

 Number of MPI Processes:  1

 MPI version: 3.1
 MPI library version: Intel(R) MPI Library 2021.12 for Linux* OS

 Job TITLE        : Test RAMP_TIME feature
 Job ID string    : ramp_time

 Time Step:       1, Simulation Time: 1.0000000 s
 Time Step:       2, Simulation Time: 2.0000000 s
 Time Step:       3, Simulation Time: 5.0000000 s
 Time Step:       4, Simulation Time: 9.0000000 s
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #1 of the array INDEPENDENT_DATA has value 5 which is greater than the upper bound of 4

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source             
fds_impi_intel_li  000000000340480F  velo_mp_check_sta        3125  velo.f90
fds_impi_intel_li  0000000003369EF3  velo_mp_velocity_        1715  velo.f90
fds_impi_intel_li  00000000041D889E  MAIN__                    708  main.f90
fds_impi_intel_li  0000000000407A2D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown          00001464ABC3FEB0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown          00001464ABC3FF60  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
fds_impi_intel_li  0000000000407945  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
mcgratta commented 2 weeks ago

Does this case fail in release mode?

marcosvanella commented 2 weeks ago

trying it now.

mcgratta commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, it fails in db mode. This is something Randy added recently. I'll assign to him.

marcosvanella commented 2 weeks ago

It gets to T_END without forrtl error in release mode.