firemodels / fds

Fire Dynamics Simulator
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Build: add scripts to automatically build hypre #13611

Closed rmcdermo closed 1 month ago

rmcdermo commented 1 month ago

With this PR we are starting the scaffolding for automatically building the hypre library. For now, this is only applied to the impi_intel_linux_db target.

You must have defined the environment variable $FIREMODELS on your system where you have your fds repo cloned.

The idea is that if you clone hypre into the $FIREMODELS directory, then the build script will find this repo and copy the script into the appropriate hypre directory and execute the hypre build and install the library into $FIREMODELS/libs.

The second time you build fds the hypre step will go much faster, but it is not yet instantaneous. I am working on gracefully jumping over any hypre building and installing if that library already exists.