firemodels / fds

Fire Dynamics Simulator
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Label name of SOOT in Smokeview #2831

Closed mcgratta closed 9 years ago

mcgratta commented 9 years ago

It appears that the SHORT_NAME for the output quantity DENSITY, with SPEC_ID='SOOT' is now rho*C0.9H0.1 because of

      SIGMA = 3.798_EB
      EPSOK = 71.4_EB
      FORMULA = 'C0.9H0.1'
      H_F = 0._EB

Is there a way to by-pass this so that Smokeview only sees rho*soot or something similar that will not change?

gforney commented 9 years ago

fyi: this change broke volume rendered smoke/fire in smokeview

drjfloyd commented 9 years ago

we can add logic after species have been processed to scan species names, locate soot, and override

drjfloyd commented 9 years ago

What exactly is broken? Is is the generation of SMOKEVIEW_BAR_LABEL and if so does this mean any non-integer FORMLUA won't work?

mcgratta commented 9 years ago

When Smokeview creates a rendering of smoke and fire using TMP and RHO_SOOT, it looks for the SHORT_NAMEs "temp" and "rho_soot". The latter has become "rho*C0.9H0.1" or whatever. Smokeview needs these names to be fixed.

gforney commented 9 years ago

what kevin said - (actually rho_Soot). here is an input line for soot that I use

&SLCF XB=0.0,1.6,0.0,1.6,0.0,3.2, QUANTITY='DENSITY',SPEC_ID='SOOT',CELL_CENTERED=.TRUE. / 3D slice

what if we flag the slice file as soot when we read it in then output soot somewhere else in the SLCF entry in the .smv file (if you are using the short label for something else)

drjfloyd commented 9 years ago

So what I need to change is SMOKE3D_SMOKEVIEW_BAR_LABEL? Or do you want a generic change to the routine GET_QUANTITY_INDEX so all SMOKEVIEW_BAR_LABELs being output by the routine are not based on FORMULA for SOOT but just say soot?

gforney commented 9 years ago

actually maybe there is a simpler solution involving only smokeview. right now fds is outputting SOOT DENSITY for the "long label" in the .smv file . as long as that stays that way, I can look for that string .when I'm looking for volume rendered smoke files. someone would have to use a new version of smokeview to look at these files genereratd by new versions of fds - but we say that all the time as we add new features to fds that are visualized in smokeview

gforney commented 9 years ago

my work around works so no need to do anything in FDS