Deprecated use-fireproof.js
Added a deprecated notice to the jsdoc comment and updated its description.
Improved database synchronization
Fixed a bug that could cause databases to get out of order if there are multiple writers on different machines/browsers at once.
Enhanced Sync class
Added status property and modified constructor to control the status of the sync process. Improved handling of WebRTC PeerConnection.
Improved findCommonAncestorWithSortedEvents function
Added tests and fixed an issue with an infinite loop.
Refactored tests
Updated tests to use Fireproof instead of Blockstore and EventBlock directly. Fixed sync test failures due to changes in ipld formatters.
Updated react package files
Added .gitignore, .npmignore, and prettierrc files in the react package folder.
Improved useFireproof hook
Updated hook implementation to include database name as an argument and return a FirebaseCtx object with ready flag, live query function, and live document function.
Exposed functions from src/index
Exported all functions for better use by other packages or applications.
amongst the options for sync this was the most robust, and I think most correct.
the biggest missing work is more efficient initial exchange
the toughest missing chunk is subset sync and having non-crashing ways to deal with missing blocks