Improve file handling in server.js
The server now checks for different request methods (PUT, OPTIONS), handles them accordingly, and prepares files as needed.
Add compact and parkCar methods in base.js
The compact method is added (without implementation) and parkCar is used to save car files to storage.
Update saveCar method to use updateCarCidMap
Now the saveCar method is updated to maintain the car CID map.
Comment in toJSON method in database.js
A comment is added about ignoring secondary storage in the toJSON method.
Update the Valet class in storage/base.js
A readonly property is added and saveCar method now uses the parkCar method for storage.
Refactor methods in sync.js and valet.js
Methods such as blocksToEncryptedCarBlock and blocksFromEncryptedCarBlock are now imported from storage/base.js, and the parkCar method is removed from valet.js.
Add a new output format in rollup.config.js
An ES module output format is added to the configuration.
Update useFireproof function in index.ts
The function now accepts a config parameter, and the useLiveDocument function is commented out.
The main feature this adds is compaction, which is useful for preparing datasets to be served from the web