fireproof-storage / fireproof

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Share `read-only` capabilities #105

Open DougAnderson444 opened 2 months ago

DougAnderson444 commented 2 months ago

I'm looking to share read-only pointers to a database. After seeing this comment I'm under the impression this isn't a feature yet.

Am I right in deducing that if we add a function similar to shareWith(did) with only can: 'clock/head' we would create a read-only version of shareWith?

DougAnderson444 commented 2 months ago

Also, what is the .xts extension that is being used here?

jchris commented 2 months ago

Thanks @DougAnderson444 -- this is a .ts file I just changed it because it is breaking the build. The IPFS connector is a long story, but the short version is the architecture is right, but it's currently way more complex than it needs to be, because the team added delegation features we can use to no longer need most of that code. I'm not sure where to find it in their docs, but basically their email validation agent sets up the ablity to delegate so that Fireproof code doesn't have to manage devices anymore.

IPFS has gotten to be higher priority in the last couple of weeks, so if you are up for it, I'd love to have a call and learn more about your use case. Or you can email me async at

jchris commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the call. Check out the demo video linked here

jchris commented 2 months ago

@DougAnderson444 I updated the IPFS connector code so the build is clean. I haven't had a chance to test drive it yet, but at least now the busywork is cleaned up

jchris commented 1 month ago

Tracking current client update progress here