fireshaper / Omnibus

Search for and download comics that are added to easily
Apache License 2.0
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Doesn't handle 509 bandwidth exceeded errors[BUG] #7

Open MKentV opened 4 years ago

MKentV commented 4 years ago

When downloading a comic if the response to the app is "509 bandwidth exceed", program throws an error - see screenshot. 2020-06-22_4-02-46 error text.txt

fireshaper commented 4 years ago

When did you get this error? Was it during a download or after?

MKentV commented 4 years ago

When did you get this error? Was it during a download or after?

action to recreate error:

  1. Launch app (I know...but wanted to list all steps :)
  2. Click Search
  3. List of comics shown
  4. Choose a comic
  5. download without issue
  6. eventually after downloading a few comics (perhaps a bunch) - I expect the hosting site responds with "509 out of bandwidth"
  7. Choose comic - click download
  8. above error displayed -
  9. will happen over and over

Editing to add another error that just popped up - on the 2nd comic downloaded, after not using the app for quite a while I got an Access Denied API error - I have attached the screenshot. Just looks like there is some errors being thrown when downloading that are not being handled currently. AccessDenied API Error