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Locals are always empty #10

Open damiensedgwick opened 6 months ago

damiensedgwick commented 6 months ago

When trying to implement the server auth using the firebase admin sdk, locals are always empty. I cloned this repo down and used all of the code within this repo to test it to make sure it wasn't something i was doing and it was still broken.

Whenever I tried navigating to user/bio it would redirect to /login

dezashibi commented 4 months ago

I'm facing the same problem, have you been able to resolve it?

dezashibi commented 4 months ago

I could solve it, it's stupid though as I don't understand what's the problem, I first applied the same check in +page.server.ts in edit route folder and it worked as expected, no redirect locals weren't empty, then I've renamed the bio to something else like edit-bio and it worked 🤔

damiensedgwick commented 4 months ago

Hey @knavels - I never did get it resolved now and I am a little disappointed that it was never addressed here or in the discord server when asking for help. Paid for a course, I kind of expected it to at least be supported.

damiensedgwick commented 4 months ago

@knavels I am revisting this for another project and running into empty locals again, do you happen to have code snippet you could share?

dezashibi commented 4 months ago


@damiensedgwick, sure dude, as I've mentioned I've renamed the bio to edit-bio and tested for both edit and edit-bio:

export const load: PageServerLoad = async ({ locals, params }) => {

const uid = locals.userID;

if (!uid) {
    throw redirect(301, "/login");

const userDoc = await adminDB.collection("users").doc(uid!).get();
const { username } =!;

if (params.username !== username) {
    throw error(401, "That username does not belong to you");

return {};


- `edit-bio/+page.server.ts`
import type { PageServerLoad, Actions } from "./$types";
import { adminDB } from "$lib/server/admin";
import { error, fail, redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit";

export const load: PageServerLoad = async ({ locals, params }) => {

    const uid = locals.userID;

    if (!uid) {
        throw redirect(301, "/login");

    const userDoc = await adminDB.collection("users").doc(uid!).get();
    const { username, bio } =!;

    if (params.username !== username) {
        throw error(401, "That username does not belong to you");

    return {

export const actions = {
    default: async ({ locals, request, params }) => {

        const uid = locals.userID;

        const data = await request.formData();
        const bio = data.get('bio') as string;

        const userRef = adminDB.collection("users").doc(uid!);
        const { username } = (await userRef.get()).data()!;

        if (params.username !== username) {
            throw error(401, "That username does not belong to you");

        if (bio!.length > 260) {
            return fail(400, { problem: "Bio must be less than 260 characters" });

        await userRef.update({
} satisfies Actions;

export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => { const sessionCookie = event.cookies.get("__session");

try {
    const decodedClaims = await adminAuth.verifySessionCookie(sessionCookie!);
    event.locals.userID = decodedClaims.uid;
    console.log("found user id", event.locals);
} catch (e) {
    event.locals.userID = null;
    return resolve(event);

return resolve(event);


and at last the sveltekit version ^2.0.0 which I don't think that might be the case.
damiensedgwick commented 4 months ago

Thanks a bunch @knavels I'll give this another go and maybe have a little more luck this time! Such a weird issue to be having!