firesunCN / WechatEnhancement

GNU General Public License v3.0
1.13k stars 294 forks source link

1.90微信7.0上午可以 现在又无效了 #46

Open zxqzhy opened 5 years ago

zxqzhy commented 5 years ago

原生xposesd 90_beta3,微信6.7.3可以正常使用,7.0怎么都不行

zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


qqqkoko123 commented 5 years ago


zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


qqqkoko123 commented 5 years ago

我的是安卓7.1.1,1.9版本 6.7.3测试失败,是需要开什么功能么?需要root么?

zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


qqqkoko123 commented 5 years ago


zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


firesunCN commented 5 years ago


zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


zxqzhy commented 5 years ago

01-08 05:30:08.455 I/Xposed ( 519): ----------------- 01-08 05:30:08.455 I/Xposed ( 519): Starting Xposed version 90-beta3, compiled for SDK 26 01-08 05:30:08.455 I/Xposed ( 519): Device: ZUK Z2121 (ZUK), Android version 8.0.0 (SDK 26) 01-08 05:30:08.455 I/Xposed ( 519): ROM: OPR1.170623.032 dev-keys 01-08 05:30:08.455 I/Xposed ( 519): Build fingerprint: ZUK/z2_row/z2_row:8.0.0/OPR1.170623.032/4.0.247_181018:user/release-keys 01-08 05:30:08.455 I/Xposed ( 519): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes 01-08 05:30:08.456 I/Xposed ( 519): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 01-08 05:30:08.477 I/Xposed ( 519): ----------------- 01-08 05:30:08.477 I/Xposed ( 519): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 01-08 05:30:09.366 E/Xposed ( 519): Unable to open /vendor/framework/oat/arm64 to prepare apps for Xposed: Permission denied 01-06 18:21:16.558 I/Xposed ( 519): Detected ART runtime 01-06 18:21:16.561 I/Xposed ( 519): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 01-06 18:21:16.857 W/Xposed ( 519): Found /data/user_de/0/, not hooking resources 01-06 18:21:16.923 I/Xposed ( 519): Loading modules from /data/app/com.sudocode.sudohide-rKFW4NShaEYrFSum6e2pSg==/base.apk 01-06 18:21:16.923 I/Xposed ( 519): Loading modules from /data/app/com.sudocode.sudohide-rKFW4NShaEYrFSum6e2pSg==/base.apk 01-06 18:21:16.937 I/Xposed ( 519): Loading class com.sudocode.sudoHideModule.XposedMain 01-06 18:21:16.947 I/Xposed ( 519): Loading modules from /data/app/me.firesun.wechat.enhancement-HdeTHjxDlIWB4o3ki6BOZQ==/base.apk 01-06 18:21:16.961 I/Xposed ( 519): Loading class me.firesun.wechat.enhancement.Main 01-06 18:21:16.963 I/Xposed ( 519): Loading modules from /data/app/name.caiyao.sporteditor-2eRYWPx4YGICpTPMU48YIg==/base.apk 01-06 18:21:19.654 I/Xposed ( 519): Loading class name.caiyao.sporteditor.MainHook 01-06 18:21:24.242 I/Xposed ( 520): ----------------- 01-06 18:21:24.242 I/Xposed ( 520): Starting Xposed version 90-beta3, compiled for SDK 26 01-06 18:21:24.242 I/Xposed ( 520): Device: ZUK Z2121 (ZUK), Android version 8.0.0 (SDK 26) 01-06 18:21:24.242 I/Xposed ( 520): ROM: OPR1.170623.032 dev-keys 01-06 18:21:24.242 I/Xposed ( 520): Build fingerprint: ZUK/z2_row/z2_row:8.0.0/OPR1.170623.032/4.0.247_181018:user/release-keys 01-06 18:21:24.242 I/Xposed ( 520): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no 01-06 18:21:24.242 I/Xposed ( 520): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 01-06 18:21:24.245 I/Xposed ( 520): ----------------- 01-06 18:21:24.246 I/Xposed ( 520): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 01-06 18:21:24.447 E/Xposed ( 520): Unable to open /vendor/framework/oat/arm to prepare apps for Xposed: Permission denied 01-06 18:21:25.655 I/Xposed ( 520): Detected ART runtime 01-06 18:21:25.657 I/Xposed ( 520): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 01-06 18:21:25.813 W/Xposed ( 520): Found /data/user_de/0/, not hooking resources 01-06 18:21:25.840 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading modules from /data/app/com.sudocode.sudohide-rKFW4NShaEYrFSum6e2pSg==/base.apk 01-06 18:21:25.851 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading class com.sudocode.sudoHideModule.XposedMain 01-06 18:21:25.858 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading modules from /data/app/me.firesun.wechat.enhancement-HdeTHjxDlIWB4o3ki6BOZQ==/base.apk 01-06 18:21:26.114 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading class me.firesun.wechat.enhancement.Main 01-06 18:21:26.115 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading modules from /data/app/name.caiyao.sporteditor-2eRYWPx4YGICpTPMU48YIg==/base.apk 01-06 18:21:28.051 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading class name.caiyao.sporteditor.MainHook 01-06 18:21:44.858 I/Xposed ( 4077): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:21:44.879 I/Xposed ( 4077): load config successful 01-06 18:21:44.970 I/Xposed ( 4077): loadPlugins$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 01-06 18:21:54.076 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:21:54.108 I/Xposed ( 5351): load config successful 01-06 18:21:54.186 I/Xposed ( 5351): loadPlugins$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 01-06 18:21:57.005 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:10.543 I/Xposed ( 7090): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:10.599 I/Xposed ( 7090): load config successful 01-06 18:22:10.675 I/Xposed ( 7090): loadPlugins$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 01-06 18:22:12.160 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:12.855 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:12.943 I/Xposed ( 7090): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:37.819 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:37.875 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:54.881 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:22:58.506 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:23:00.200 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:23:00.565 I/Xposed ( 5351): Found wechat version:6.7.3 01-06 18:23:24.602 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:24.618 I/Xposed ( 9800): failed to load config, start finding... 01-06 18:23:27.805 I/Xposed ( 9800): find too many methods 01-06 18:23:27.805 I/Xposed ( 9800): methods0: static void,int) 01-06 18:23:27.805 I/Xposed ( 9800): methods1: static void,int) 01-06 18:23:28.672 I/Xposed ( 9800): saving config... 01-06 18:23:28.918 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:29.624 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:30.911 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:30.918 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:32.898 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:33.292 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:36.269 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:36.304 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:36.543 I/Xposed (10515): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:36.572 I/Xposed (10515): load config successful 01-06 18:23:38.920 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:39.178 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:39.242 I/Xposed (10515): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:23:39.957 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:24:18.607 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:24:21.829 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:24:21.840 I/Xposed ( 9800): Found wechat version:7.0.0重装貌似又正常了

zxqzhy commented 5 years ago

01-08 05:36:13.226 I/Xposed ( 520): ----------------- 01-08 05:36:13.226 I/Xposed ( 520): Starting Xposed version 90-beta3, compiled for SDK 26 01-08 05:36:13.226 I/Xposed ( 520): Device: ZUK Z2121 (ZUK), Android version 8.0.0 (SDK 26) 01-08 05:36:13.226 I/Xposed ( 520): ROM: OPR1.170623.032 dev-keys 01-08 05:36:13.226 I/Xposed ( 520): Build fingerprint: ZUK/z2_row/z2_row:8.0.0/OPR1.170623.032/4.0.247_181018:user/release-keys 01-08 05:36:13.226 I/Xposed ( 520): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes 01-08 05:36:13.226 I/Xposed ( 520): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 01-08 05:36:13.255 I/Xposed ( 520): ----------------- 01-08 05:36:13.256 I/Xposed ( 520): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 01-06 18:27:19.269 E/Xposed ( 520): Unable to open /vendor/framework/oat/arm64 to prepare apps for Xposed: Permission denied 01-06 18:27:20.805 I/Xposed ( 520): Detected ART runtime 01-06 18:27:20.809 I/Xposed ( 520): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 01-06 18:27:21.090 W/Xposed ( 520): Found /data/user_de/0/, not hooking resources 01-06 18:27:21.148 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading modules from /data/app/com.sudocode.sudohide-rKFW4NShaEYrFSum6e2pSg==/base.apk 01-06 18:27:21.167 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading class com.sudocode.sudoHideModule.XposedMain 01-06 18:27:21.177 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading modules from /data/app/me.firesun.wechat.enhancement-HdeTHjxDlIWB4o3ki6BOZQ==/base.apk 01-06 18:27:21.195 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading class me.firesun.wechat.enhancement.Main 01-06 18:27:21.198 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading modules from /data/app/name.caiyao.sporteditor-2eRYWPx4YGICpTPMU48YIg==/base.apk 01-06 18:27:24.083 I/Xposed ( 520): Loading class name.caiyao.sporteditor.MainHook 01-06 18:27:28.271 I/Xposed ( 521): ----------------- 01-06 18:27:28.271 I/Xposed ( 521): Starting Xposed version 90-beta3, compiled for SDK 26 01-06 18:27:28.271 I/Xposed ( 521): Device: ZUK Z2121 (ZUK), Android version 8.0.0 (SDK 26) 01-06 18:27:28.271 I/Xposed ( 521): ROM: OPR1.170623.032 dev-keys 01-06 18:27:28.271 I/Xposed ( 521): Build fingerprint: ZUK/z2_row/z2_row:8.0.0/OPR1.170623.032/4.0.247_181018:user/release-keys 01-06 18:27:28.271 I/Xposed ( 521): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no 01-06 18:27:28.271 I/Xposed ( 521): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 01-06 18:27:28.274 I/Xposed ( 521): ----------------- 01-06 18:27:28.274 I/Xposed ( 521): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 01-06 18:27:28.479 E/Xposed ( 521): Unable to open /vendor/framework/oat/arm to prepare apps for Xposed: Permission denied 01-06 18:27:29.697 I/Xposed ( 521): Detected ART runtime 01-06 18:27:29.699 I/Xposed ( 521): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 01-06 18:27:29.850 W/Xposed ( 521): Found /data/user_de/0/, not hooking resources 01-06 18:27:29.878 I/Xposed ( 521): Loading modules from /data/app/com.sudocode.sudohide-rKFW4NShaEYrFSum6e2pSg==/base.apk 01-06 18:27:29.889 I/Xposed ( 521): Loading class com.sudocode.sudoHideModule.XposedMain 01-06 18:27:29.897 I/Xposed ( 521): Loading modules from /data/app/me.firesun.wechat.enhancement-HdeTHjxDlIWB4o3ki6BOZQ==/base.apk 01-06 18:27:29.907 I/Xposed ( 521): Loading class me.firesun.wechat.enhancement.Main 01-06 18:27:29.908 I/Xposed ( 521): Loading modules from /data/app/name.caiyao.sporteditor-2eRYWPx4YGICpTPMU48YIg==/base.apk 01-06 18:27:31.820 I/Xposed ( 521): Loading class name.caiyao.sporteditor.MainHook 01-06 18:27:47.636 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:27:47.703 I/Xposed ( 3903): load config successful 01-06 18:27:52.841 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:27:53.010 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:27:55.205 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:27:55.236 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:27:58.931 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:07.630 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:07.684 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:08.112 I/Xposed ( 6177): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:08.200 I/Xposed ( 6177): load config successful 01-06 18:28:13.138 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:13.315 I/Xposed ( 6177): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:22.032 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 再次重启失效

zxqzhy commented 5 years ago

01-06 18:28:08.200 I/Xposed ( 6177): load config successful 01-06 18:28:13.138 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:13.315 I/Xposed ( 6177): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:22.032 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:28:43.604 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:19.635 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:22.193 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:22.254 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:22.341 I/Xposed ( 9381): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:22.366 I/Xposed ( 9381): load config successful 01-06 18:32:25.328 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:25.339 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:26.047 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:26.201 I/Xposed ( 9381): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:27.133 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:30.454 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:38.320 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:39.827 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:59.593 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:32:59.621 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:33:05.480 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:33:08.335 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:33:12.885 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:33:13.787 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:33:25.419 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:33:25.425 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:34:00.525 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:34:37.086 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:36:51.102 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:37:00.872 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0 01-06 18:37:00.880 I/Xposed ( 3903): Found wechat version:7.0.0

zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


firesunCN commented 5 years ago


zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


qqqkoko123 commented 5 years ago


zxqzhy commented 5 years ago


firesunCN commented 5 years ago


fcying commented 5 years ago

微信7.0.3 太极magisk 1.91测试无效