firewill0 / FIR_AWS_SystemDevelopment

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I-TGT 2.0 bugs #38

Open AdamAb44 opened 2 years ago

AdamAb44 commented 2 years ago

I am reporting bugs regarding I-TGT 2.0 and ammunition as of v3.581.

Describe the bug 1) I-TGT ammo list doesn't update after ammo change When I spawn a jet, equip it with some I-TGT compatible ammo, get in and turn engine on, enter I-TGT, then LIST, I can see all the ammo. Then, when I change the ammo (via Zeus or ACE rearm, etc.) and enter the I-TGT LIST again, the ammo in the list doesn't update (I can see the ammo I had before the change).

2) Pod's target memory is bugged after rearm E.g.: I have a jet with 2 pods, each with the same ammo (say 1x GBU-32 for each pod). I set up a target, then select 1 (only one!) pod to aim for this target. After dropping BOTH bombs, one goes for the target, the other one doesn't, which is ok and expected. BUT after rearming the jet (and not doing anything with the I-TGT) and trying to perform the same thing with expected same behaviour, now both bombs hit the target (which is wrong). After another rearm, neither of the bombs hit the target (again, wrong), then after rearm both hit and so on...

3) I-TGT targets are bound to the player, not to the jet If some targets are created within one jet, these targets remain saved even after jet is destroyed. If player enters another jet and tries to create new targets, they are not created on the given grid, but instead former grids of old targets from the first jet are used.

To Reproduce Described in the bug description.

Expected behavior 1) Refresh LIST with each I-TGT opening. 2) Described in bug description. 3) I-TGT targets should be deleted after the jet is destroyed OR former targets should be deletable from a new jet the player uses.

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firewill0 commented 2 years ago
  1. Don't use ACE or Zeus for arming AWS supported aircraft. Use AMS dialog or you will see bug like that. because new I-TGT is designed for sync with AMS.
  2. Same, Use AMS dialog for rearm.
  3. target data saved in aircraft actually. just didn't deleting "markers" when aircraft is destroyed at this time.
AdamAb44 commented 2 years ago
  1. Ok, works.
  2. Well, still doesn't work as expected, but that might be due to how AMS works (will create a new issue for AMS). This probles lies somewhere between AMS and I-TGT: when I
    • set an initial ammo setup
    • create an I-TGT target
    • select it with some pods (say 2 pods)
    • drop 1 pod (the other pod still has ammo)
    • land for rearm After opening the AMS menu, all individual fields representing pods are empty, even though I still have at least one pod with full ammo. To keep the ammo, I still have to select it in the given field and rearm it. Now this is what creates the bug → the pod is formally rearmed (even though it still had ammo prior to the rearm), and now the pod's target memory is clear. BUT when opening I-TGT, you can still see the target is marked red, suggesting it is selected by some pod (should be the one we still had ammo on when landing for rearm AND MAYBE the first pod we dropped ammo from). But when doing another ammo drop, the pods don't have the target selected (so the ammo doesn't hit) and also you can delete the target from I-TGT without clearing it first from the pods.
  3. Would be nice if they could be deleted.