firmhouse / Startblock

Startblock is a base Rails project. It is used by Firmhouse to get a jump start on a working app.
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Add admin template by default #7

Open jvanbaarsen opened 9 years ago

jvanbaarsen commented 8 years ago

This one is kinda tricky, since we can't use the one we are currently using due to license limitations. So we either have to find one that is opensource ( maybe?). Or not do this. What do you think @joshuajansen / @michiels

michiels commented 8 years ago

In what way would we add the admin template? Just styling and javascript or also admin namespaces and routes? I'm not sure if every app needs an admin backend so it might be nice to be able to add an option for this.

Also: I think default Bootstrap is good enough for simple scaffold-like admin templates. If we really need a customer facing admin panel, we can always add the licensed one manually.

jvanbaarsen commented 8 years ago

@michiels At first just admin template, we can expand this later with an option to generate Sorcery/Devise stuff as well.

michiels commented 8 years ago

Ok cool. In that case, I'm in favor with just using stock Bootstrap as our admin template. We could provide a generic layout with menu navigation etc. for this.

jvanbaarsen commented 8 years ago

@michiels :+1: That still means we have to create the bootstrap theme though.

michiels commented 8 years ago

@jvanbaarsen How do you mean create the bootstrap theme? You mean include the Bootstrap gems and create a app/views/layouts/admin.html.erb standard template?

jvanbaarsen commented 8 years ago

@michiels Yeah but that doesn't include navigation etc, right?