firmhouse / presspass

Making WordPress development as easy as developing Rails.
MIT License
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Possible documentation for deploying? #6

Open jfrux opened 9 years ago

jfrux commented 9 years ago

First off, great work so far! Love this project. These are just some of my thoughts after initial use... I could be way off on this so please forgive me.

I think having deploy / production documentation might be helpful to people who are new the framework and it's purpose. Once they develop their wordpress site... then what?

If that isn't in the scope of presspass or the future of presspass, maybe it should be mentioned or suggested how one might deploy to production at least in a basic form.

I presume the use of foreman implies some sort of heroku / dokku / docker deployment? FTP?

Also, not having separate environment configurations for dev / prod makes this tricky for me to dive in. I like how Bedrock from uses ".env" to configure environments like database variables that don't get committed to Git

And Capistrano for deployment is nice touch as well.

I know Rails doesn't build in Capistrano and all that so that may not make sense for this project. However... other than installing Wordpress and the Foreman instructions, I'm not sure I'm seeing presspass offering anything Rails like at all?

Seriously, forgive me if I'm totally missing the point of the project or if this is a very new project and is still in the works. I don't mean for this to come off as trolling or criticism. I'm genuinely interested in the future of this project and I think you guys are doing awesome things.